Hi guys ive just started doing the 3 powerlifting lifts. Been doin them since january now. I’m thinking of competing in a novice powerlifting comp this year and was wondering if I’m anywhere near ready with what I’m lifting. Bodyweight 66kg and my numbers are DL 180kg Bench 100kg and squat 140kg all raw is this any good or am I way off? Thanks guys
If your technique is sound and you want to do a meet, then you’re ready for a meet. It doesn’t matter where your lifts are at, even though yours are at a decent level for raw lifting. You don’t need to win a national title your first time on the platform.
Just do it, dont worry about your total just put some lifts in the books. and most of all have fun
This is exactly the right time to do a meet. Here are a few reasons why…
As your first meet there should be no pressure except to complete your lifts and get “white lights”
You’ll learn by watching how the more seasoned lifters perform at the meet (what are they doing / what are they not doing)
You’ll learn from other lifters mistakes (guys opening too heavy, guys getting red lighted, guys unprepared)
Your ego will be in check and you’ll be more receptive to taking advice from others at the meet regarding everything
If you see guys who perform and carry themselves in a way that you would aspire to, it’s an opportunity to meet them and make powerlifting buddies. Some guys are all smiles and handshakes at meets, others act like they’re gladiators. In the end we’re all brothers in iron and you’ll find your place.
Lastly, you will have a legit total that you can dedicate all future training towards improving and that’s what this sport is all about…improving your personal best.
Good luck and welcome aboard.
[quote]HARA wrote:
This is exactly the right time to do a meet. Here are a few reasons why…
As your first meet there should be no pressure except to complete your lifts and get “white lights”
You’ll learn by watching how the more seasoned lifters perform at the meet (what are they doing / what are they not doing)
You’ll learn from other lifters mistakes (guys opening too heavy, guys getting red lighted, guys unprepared)
Your ego will be in check and you’ll be more receptive to taking advice from others at the meet regarding everything
If you see guys who perform and carry themselves in a way that you would aspire to, it’s an opportunity to meet them and make powerlifting buddies. Some guys are all smiles and handshakes at meets, others act like they’re gladiators. In the end we’re all brothers in iron and you’ll find your place.
Lastly, you will have a legit total that you can dedicate all future training towards improving and that’s what this sport is all about…improving your personal best.
Good luck and welcome aboard.[/quote]
This was so awesome!!! I am totally going to refer back to this everytime I think about chickening out on my meet!!
Thanks a lot guys for the advice. It’s takiNg on board and I’m going to go for it thanks. Dougie
Here’s some results from March this year, decide yourself!
You might find this useful
[quote]Tim Henriques wrote:
You might find this useful
Wow I was just about to link him to this exact page as well lol.
Anyway if you can replicate those numbers with form satisfying to a powerlifting judge, then your bench will be in class III close to class II, squat in class II close to class I, and deadlift in class I.
So ya you’re already on the boards with those numbers man!