New Job - Have to Move to a 2 Day Split?

I got a new job which requires me to travel a lot. I most likely will only be able to lift 2 days a week now, at least for 2-3 months. I’m currently doing a 3 day full body split.

I know I can make gains still working out twice a week and rest wouldn’t be an issue. Would this work for me?

Front Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Chin Ups 4xF

Front Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Rows 5x5
Pull Ups 4xF
Farmers Walk

In the last month I have been lifting only 2 days a week and actually saw an improvement in the size of my legs and my back strength. On a caloric deficiency too. This is what I do:

Day 1:
Work up to 5RM deadlift (6 sets or so total)
Work up to 5RM zercher squat (6 sets or so total)
Keg Carry (increment up to a max effort carry, you can use a farmers walk or something similar)

Day 2:
Overhead Press/Bench Press (work up to a 5RM on these exercises on alternating weeks)
Dumbbell Bench Press/Overhead Press (work up to sets of 10 on these, alternate with #1. If you do 5RM bench, do DB OH Press, etc)
Barbell Row (Work up to 5RM over 6 sets)
Face Pulls (sets of 10 or 15 as needed)

Off Days:
Sprinting (this only takes 20 minutes if you time your rests short)

The key to this progression is you work your ass off on those two lifting days. You should want to take a nap when you are done lifting. Since I am dieting I have toned down the volume, but you can probably add some more lifts.

FWIW, I lost 5lbs in the last month and increased my numbers slightly, so this is working. I hit 270lbs for the zercher this weekend, hit 215 for 5 reps (not a PR but still pretty good) on the bench the week before. I can now do a 100 yard sprint (50 yard one way, 50 years back) when before I would burn out very quickly.

Awesome man! I figure with a 2 day split (a lot of athletes in season are on a 2 day split) you’d get efficient rest so growth should be a bit “easier” for a lack of a better word.

After lifting I literally always go take a 30 min nap and then eat haha

I would say don’t rule out calisthenics/bodyweight stuff as well. You may only be lifting 2 days a week, but you could still fit in burpees, push ups, abs, any sort of prison style workout really. Be a good way to get some more volume and conditioning in.

[quote]T3hPwnisher wrote:
I would say don’t rule out calisthenics/bodyweight stuff as well. You may only be lifting 2 days a week, but you could still fit in burpees, push ups, abs, any sort of prison style workout really. Be a good way to get some more volume and conditioning in.[/quote]

Yeah you are right. I was thinking lifting the 2 days, and getting in “conditioning” sessions with some calisthenics 3 other days to add in some volume for sure!