I just turned 18 years old about 1 month ago ,and i just weight 135 pounds : D (Yes ,135 pounds ,its not because im genetically not structured for being massive because im half ectomorph ,half mezo ,the problem is my low diet because i burn almost the same as i eat and i barely grew in mass, instead im happy with 3-4% bodyfat very lean muscles, but this is not what im interesting in, i became very interested in strength instead, but i dont want to stop bodybuilding either, i still want to look good and lean for now, il do sacrifices later at the right time)
I want you to tell little from my past/story.
I started bodybuilding (around 1 year and 2 months ago, before that i was just doing pushups/squats/abs for 2-3 years and some stretching almost daily with bodyweight : P, nothing interesting here)
I came to many conclusions and thoughts after reading about bodybuilding/powerlifting/low reps, eating ,supplements ,enhancing drugs and so on in all this time.
The weird thing is that i eat between 30-60g proteins (sometimes even 100 but ocasionally) per day for my 62kgs bodyweight… and around 150-200g carbos or more ,i know i know ,its not enough for fast recovery and huge strength gains, the problem is that i dont even take supplements (i am low on budget so for now i cant afford but yes i took creatine/arginine and aminoacids 2-3 months ago), for now i wont ask questions about supplements.
FOR NOW i just want to know how many grams of protein/carbohydrates/fats are recommanded for 100% strength gains, fast recovery, in how many meals should be splitted and i also want to know about HOW MANY PROTEINS/CARBOHYDRATES can body digest at once? ,i am very serious in starting a powerlifting career but for now i want to keep my body lean
I have so many questions but for now il stop at here, if someone is willing to enlight me, il be glad