Whats up! This is my first post on this forum, I have read much of the posts and must say that this is the place to be. There are some very educated people, and I def. respect the wealth of knowledge people share in here.
I am 25 yrs old and have been lifting since I was 16, with pretty much success. I also am a certified personal trainer through the National Stregth and conditioning association. I spend much of my free time when I am not working or lifting, reading and researching, it is my true passion, so I am by no means a beginner.
I wanted to get your opinions on a debated topic in the bodybuilding community, HOW MUCH PROTEIN?
Now I am all about consuming lean meat, and some protein supplements thrown in the mix here and there. However, my question is this. I am 190 lbs. I started out very thin, and I truly believe without weight lifting and bodybuilding effecting my life the way it has, I would be 150 lbs and a scrawny terd right about now! Needless to say, I have had to eat my ass off over the years to pack on muscle.
But I sometimes feel concerned about the amount of protein I eat. My theory is this. Figure out how many calories you need to gain, then among those calories, divide them up according to your proper nutrient breakdown. For me, when I am bulking, I find much of my success using 40/35/25 mix of C/P/F.
However, I eat around 4000 calories when I am bulking. 35% of these calories are coming from Protein, which is 1400 calories. As we all know, there are 4 calories per gram of protein, so when I am bulking, I am consuming roughly 350 grams of protein each day!
You will hear hundreds of different suggestions, but it seems the most sensible is 1 gram per lb of bodyweight. What are your thoughts? Is my nutrition plan flawed or am I setting my body up for disaster by eating too much protein?
I feel like I am locked into it, because if I were to drop my Protein intake so it were 1 gram per lb of body weight, that would mean that only about 20% of my calories would have to come from protein, and I would be affraid to divide the remaining 80% up among carbs and fats.
Look forward to hearing from you and thanks in advance!