I just made this 3 days a week routine for hypertrophy and just wanted to know if its lacking anything. Is my back day okay or should i add something else to it and for shoulders is upright row any good?. Any comments and suggestions will be appriciated. thanks
Chest and triceps
Dumbbell Press 4x 10,8,8,6
Incline Dumbbell or Barbell Press 3x10,8,6
Flat flies 2x12
Skull Crushers 3x8-10
Overhead triceps extensions 3x 12,10,8
To finish off Close grip or dips 1set
Back and biceps & traps
Chin ups 4x10-12
Close Grip pull downs 3x12,10,8
T-bar Rows 4x12,10,8,6
Dumbbell or Barbell Row 3x12,10,8
Dumbbell curls 3x12,10,8
Cable curls 3x12
Dumbbell or Barbell Shrugs 4x12
Shoulders and Legs
Side laterals 3x12
Seated barbell presses 4x12,10,8,6
Upright rows 3x12,10,8
Bent over side laterals 3x15
Leg Extension 4x12
Squats 4x8-10
Leg Press 3x12,10,8
Leg Curls 4x8-10
Calf Raises 4x 12,10,8,8