[quote]Deadend66 wrote:
Modi wrote:
Deadend66 wrote:
I was very happy with my strength gains too, until I started a program from the Menshealth website called HGM. All my maxs dropped.
At the moment I can only bench 115 about 10 times.
Any advice appreciated, this site is the only place I trust for lifting info.
First and foremost…stop reading Men’s Health.
If you want your max’s to go up, you need to increase your weights and get away from the 10 rep range.
You made a nice jump from 150 to 175, but if you just started lifting and eating more, you could probably have made that same jump doing any program. Now you have hit a plateau, and need to get a real program.
Have you read Vroom’s article at the top of the page? There are a lot of good links in it for the beginner.
Long story short, whatever you were doing isn’t working anymore. It’s time for a change. You may want to get down to the 4-6 rep range for a while and occasionally throw in some doubles or triples once you get used to using the heavier weights.
How about posting your typical routine so we can pick it apart and put it back together for you?
Alright. Before I started the HGM program I wasn’t following any routine. I just kind of listened to my body. If something felt like it was ready to work out again I did. Like for example if I deadlifted one exercise, the next I would probably squat, then the next i’d see how my legs were feeling and go from there.
I would start with pullups, then I benched, Deadlift or squat, then shoulder
press. Then I would throw in little things after that. And that worked for a long while. It probably would have kept working if I didn’t start HGM. The first phase calls for you to do high reps low intensity full body workouts.
I’ll search around the top of the page to find something good. They can get very confusing to follow though.[/quote]
Alright, see this is why you were making progress before you started reading Men’s Health. I’ll bet any amount of money I have in the bank right now that you were working out a lot harder before you started your HGM thing.
BUT listen to Modi. Don’t just listen to your body. You’re new, you need a plan. You can modify that plan if you feel really sore/run down/crappy, but you need a plan. When you get more experienced, you can make yourself an outline or template and gauge your readiness by listening to your body each day. But that is years (as in more than one more) down the road. And 1000s of hours of reading and experimenting down the road.
And STOP READING MEN’S HEALTH!! There ain’t nothing they’ve got that I want. Much better source material here.