Hello buff people! Im new to the ranks, i’ve been training for a while now (im a memeber of the US Marine Coprs officer training program and a college student) but i have decided to get cut and trim. I thought this would be a good place to get inspiration and help! I have set up a diet and workout program now comes the hard part EXECUTION!
Let me be the first to welcome you to the T-mag forum. As I have stated many times in the past: this is the best muscle building forum in the world!
If there is ever anything that I can do to assist you on your path to strength and health, do not hesitate to ask!
I also salute your service to our country and wish you the best!
Thank you for the encouragement. Im just starting on my diet and I also just got my first bottle of Hot-Rox. I am sure I will have some questions soon.
Juding by all the other sites I have visited this is by far the best forum for muscle building on the net.
Something about abandoning all hope comes to mind.
Welcome to T-mag and a new way of life.