New / Advice On Supplements

I’m 20 and I have been lifting 3 times a week for about 3 months, and off and on for about a year. Can anyone advise supplements I should be taking, or point me in the right direction?

I’m 6’2, 200lbs, and I generally do low rep sets on compound lifts if that makes a difference. Hoping to get my strength and stamina up! ~Thanks


Are you looking to gain, lose, etc???

eiher way a good protein powder is always good like Metabolic Drive, Flameout and other fish oils, Im a big fan of creatine any time any goal for all its benefits both to athletic amd general health aspects.

Those are staples, beyond that Spike is a great kick in the ass for work outs or any time you need it. Alpha Male etc to boost T level to optimal and get the effects of the Carbolin 19, HOT-ROX for losing weight. etc etc. check out the store and post your goals.

Oh and should have said first #1 you diet you have to nail it above all you cant out train a shitty diet.


[quote]King0liver wrote:
I’m 20 and I have been lifting 3 times a week for about 3 months, and off and on for about a year. Can anyone advise supplements I should be taking, or point me in the right direction?

I’m 6’2, 200lbs, and I generally do low rep sets on compound lifts if that makes a difference. Hoping to get my strength and stamina up! ~Thanks


Get someone to check out your form and technique.

Low reps are not recommended for beginners. I’m not saying you should be doing 25 reps or something, just don’t go to heavy on the weights.

[quote]King0liver wrote:
I’m 20 and I have been lifting 3 times a week for about 3 months, and off and on for about a year. Can anyone advise supplements I should be taking, or point me in the right direction?

I’m 6’2, 200lbs, and I generally do low rep sets on compound lifts if that makes a difference. Hoping to get my strength and stamina up! ~Thanks


inre to supplements, save your money. That is, unless your diet is dialed in. You’re training for strength and stamina, what leads you to believe that supplements are the missing link?

After 3 months you don’t know how your body will respond to certain dietary changes or changes in your training,untill you know this any supplements other than food, hardwork and maybe a protein supplement, creatine and a fish oil supplement would be wasted.

what phil said. and nitro boosters. pro-rx ethyl ester is what i use, but yea, there’s like, 500 out there.

maybe a tribulus based one too? cant hurt if you can afford it, but its one of the last one’s i’d stretch myself to buy.