You are in great shape man!
So saying that you’re going to stay under 195 this time, does that mean you are going for more of a “controlled” bulk (ie trying not to gain too much fat) rather than a big blow up followed by a cut this time?
You are in great shape man!
So saying that you’re going to stay under 195 this time, does that mean you are going for more of a “controlled” bulk (ie trying not to gain too much fat) rather than a big blow up followed by a cut this time?
DANG!!! Looks like you’ve put in a lot of hard work, great job.
Welcome great looking results you have there.
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
[quote]bulldog9899 wrote:
Welcome . PS I’m in love with your best pal Beautiful dog.[/quote]
Thanks for the welcome. He was absolutely a wonderful creature. He passed in January. No guarantees in life. If it was not for what he gave to me I would not have had the strength to start another relationship with this little fella. Meet Reggie.
I have a 2 yr old female also. Overall, this is the 4th and 5th bully I have had the pleasure of hanging with. [/quote]
OK I’m just jealous of you having so many bullies. Buy the way, looking at your pics are you thinking about hitting the stage?
Nice work-
clearly you have put in the diet and training efforts
I got to ask- yonkeyschnitzel you sound like you should
be running an illegal card game in the back of a kinish shop in the LES…
Thanks all for the kind words.
hel320 - i checked out your log. you sir, kick ass. my wt. of 168 sucks, I want more.
scottgomez - thanks. i definitely make my wife go out of her mind, just usually not in a good way.
FarmerBrett - Last time i gained 42 lbs over approx 10+ months. My weight peaked at 208 and I felt like a blimp. The bulk was controlled, I think I just pushed it too hard for too long. Also, it was much harder for me to lose the fat this time around. zero carbs in my diet for about 5 weeks with the exception of a weekly cheat meal, 17 weeks of dieting overall. My plan is to reach about 190-195 and then keep my weight there for awhile before cutting again in about 7 months.
bulldog - i’m thinking about giving it a go. I feel like I need two more years at least before I will be ready. I am giving myself until I am 45 to attain my goals. I don’t want to compete, I want to destroy the masters middleweights.
kmcnyc - hahaha. I think I could fill that role well. LES = lower east side? the moniker was bestowed upon me by a close friend. I think it means - penis tree. Apparently, said friend also defined it on urban dictionary. What a pal, huh?
Penis tree. Nice.
Loved the physique pics. Interesting to see the transformation. I like the bulked heavier pic rather than the dieted down one. But your goal is obviously to please the judges. Not me.
Yonkey- Your 170 looks a lot better than my 175!! Nice work…that must have taken some effort ( applause)
[quote]kpsnap wrote:
Penis tree. Nice.
Loved the physique pics. Interesting to see the transformation. I like the bulked heavier pic rather than the dieted down one. But your goal is obviously to please the judges. Not me.[/quote]
Thank you. I have lurked in your log in the past. I admire your resolve.
My wife also likes the bulked up version. Why is this? Too much like a lil old man in the skinny pics?
[quote]OldGoat wrote:
Yonkey- Your 170 looks a lot better than my 175!! Nice work…that must have taken some effort ( applause)[/quote]
Thanks OldGoat. it’s fleeting…by the time football season rolls around, i will be my normally soft self.
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
[quote]OldGoat wrote:
Yonkey- Your 170 looks a lot better than my 175!! Nice work…that must have taken some effort ( applause)[/quote]
Thanks OldGoat. it’s fleeting…by the time football season rolls around, i will be my normally soft self.[/quote]
So you are a football fan? What kind NFL or NCAA? or Both?
Saw a familiar picture show up on my BookFace today… courtesy of Mr.Starnes… nice work buddy.
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
bulldog - i’m thinking about giving it a go. I feel like I need two more years at least before I will be ready. I am giving myself until I am 45 to attain my goals. I don’t want to compete, I want to destroy the masters middleweights.
Sounds like a good plan.
[quote]DJHT wrote:
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
[quote]OldGoat wrote:
Yonkey- Your 170 looks a lot better than my 175!! Nice work…that must have taken some effort ( applause)[/quote]
Thanks OldGoat. it’s fleeting…by the time football season rolls around, i will be my normally soft self.[/quote]
So you are a football fan? What kind NFL or NCAA? or Both?[/quote]
Yep. Pros and college. Raiders and NV WolfPack (WAC and next yr MWC conf)are my teams. I also follow the Iowa Hawkeyes and big 10 to some extent. Yourself?
[quote]ddot76 wrote:
Saw a familiar picture show up on my BookFace today… courtesy of Mr.Starnes… nice work buddy.[/quote]
thanks ddot. Working with Shelby was great. I highly recommend him for anyone looking to make some serious physique changes. Shelby sets a great example for his clients. Work hard over and over and good shit happens.
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
[quote]DJHT wrote:
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
[quote]OldGoat wrote:
Yonkey- Your 170 looks a lot better than my 175!! Nice work…that must have taken some effort ( applause)[/quote]
Thanks OldGoat. it’s fleeting…by the time football season rolls around, i will be my normally soft self.[/quote]
So you are a football fan? What kind NFL or NCAA? or Both?[/quote]
Yep. Pros and college. Raiders and NV WolfPack (WAC and next yr MWC conf)are my teams. I also follow the Iowa Hawkeyes and big 10 to some extent. Yourself?[/quote]
Cool I am a homer for sure, Dallas and UT. My brother is a huge Raiders fan so I always route for them for his sake. Just FYI every year we have a NFL and College football thread in the Get a Life forum. Matty, Dday and a few others talk football during the season. So you want to talk about your team and enjoy yourself need to drop in.
I am a fanatic for sure, I watch all the games I can and DVR to watch later the rest.
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
[quote]ddot76 wrote:
Saw a familiar picture show up on my BookFace today… courtesy of Mr.Starnes… nice work buddy.[/quote]
thanks ddot. Working with Shelby was great. I highly recommend him for anyone looking to make some serious physique changes. Shelby sets a great example for his clients. Work hard over and over and good shit happens. [/quote]
He certainly does. I’m almost done week 17 with him. Many more to go. I have the same attitude about competing vs winning as you do; so much so that I LOL’d at your comment about destroying the Master’s class.
30 minutes cardio
machine press
incline bb no lockout 185,185,190/6
incline db’s
banded bench - monster mini’s + 135 3 sets
Triple set
db rear laterals
rear delt band pull aparts
band wall crawls
mp from top of my dome to lockout 125/6
24 total sets
guts 8 sets
notes - good focus today. banded bench kicked my ass as usual. Shoulder is a little hammered as I am battling tendeenosis of the supraspinatus.
[quote]ddot76 wrote:
[quote]yonkeyschnitzel wrote:
[quote]ddot76 wrote:
Saw a familiar picture show up on my BookFace today… courtesy of Mr.Starnes… nice work buddy.[/quote]
thanks ddot. Working with Shelby was great. I highly recommend him for anyone looking to make some serious physique changes. Shelby sets a great example for his clients. Work hard over and over and good shit happens. [/quote]
He certainly does. I’m almost done week 17 with him. Many more to go. I have the same attitude about competing vs winning as you do; so much so that I LOL’d at your comment about destroying the Master’s class.[/quote]
Awesome, someone to travel the path with. Let’s get after it. I will be following your progress closely.
30 min cardio
meadows rows 95lbs
Cable rows single arm
close grip pulldowns to failure 150
db shrugs 85,90,100,100 x 10
banded hypers to failure
headed out of town for the weekend to camp in the Redwoods, so pushing my training up. Today should have been cardio only.
confirmed or came to accept the fact that my 5 month old bulldog is totally deaf. Should present some interesting challenges for us. FML