Re-Training Wheels

First public log, so I’ll throw out an intro. TLDR version is, I’m squatting a lot for right now.

I’m 34, turning 35 in September. I hope no one minds my posting in this thread, a few months premature. My height and weight are 5’10" and currently averaging around 189lbs. I “cut down” about thirty pounds this past year after 8 years of what we’ll call “bulking”. I wasnâ??t fat, just big boned… Okay, I was fat.

Current PR’s
Bench: 295
Squat: 335 (questionable)
Dead Lift: 355

Prior to being fat, I played sports most of my early life and throughout high school. Mostly baseball and wrestling with a couple of years in football and some tinkering with boxing. After high school, I took up lifting as a way to quell my thirst for activity. I lifted pretty rigorously until I was just about 25. I suffered a knee injury while doing some warm up squats, which is a story for another time. I struggled to recover and finally gave up due to other life commitments at the time. I had made a few feeble attempts to stay in shape, but no real regime was followed until this past year.

My current goal is to rebuild, not only the strength around my knees, but around my chain too. Also, to retrain my body to squat with solid form, on command. I’ve put up 335lb squats this year, which I’m not too pleased about, but even worse, I put them up in shitty fashion. About two months ago, I took a step back and analyzed what was going on.

What I figured out is that I’ve been trying to make a leap from basically not squatting at all for nearly 10 years to where I was when I had 7ish years of training behind me. For anyone wondering, life doesn’t work that way. On my recentish heavy squats, I was having to focus on every aspect of my form, which wasn’t working.

I would pay attention to keeping my chest up and my weight would shift to my toes. I would then make a conscious effort to keep my weight on my heals and my chest would pitch forward. The end result was always terrible form to accompany an already paranoid mind about re-injuring my knee. Accepting the reality of this was humbling.

After sucking up my pride, I decided to drop the weights I was working with and train in volume and frequency. The idea now, is to ingrain squat movements into my body, so my feeble brain isn’t required to check all systems while under heavier loads. I spent a few weeks before I started logging numbers, trying to find the right combination of weight, volume and frequency. What I came up with is this: the frequency and volume will remain roughly the same throughout the cycle, while the weight on working sets increase by 10 lbs each week.

This cycle is setup to run 9 weeks, including an off week before picking back up the final 3 weeks. I started with light weights, as the pounds will sneak up fairly quick.

Sorry for the flood of posts to follow, as I’ll be posting my work on this cycle to this point.


First week:

Squats 6/3/13
Weight Reps
95 x 15
135 x 10
185 x 6
235 x 4
185 x 8
185 x 9
185 x 8
135 x 15
135 x 15
135 x 15

Total Reps 105

Squats 6/5/13
Weight Reps
95 x 12
135 x 12
185 x 8
235 x 5
255 x 1
185 x 10
185 x 11
185 x 10
185 x 7
135 x 15
135 x 15
135 x 15

Total Reps 121

Squats 6/7/13
Weight Reps
95 x 10
135 x 12
135 x 8
235 x 4
255 x 5
185 x 11
185 x 12
185 x 12
185 x 10
135 x 15
135 x 15
135 x 15

Total Reps 129

Second week:

Squats 6/10/13
Weight Reps
15 x 12
145 x 12
195 x 8
245 x 4
265 x 4
195 x 12
195 x 11
195 x 12
195 x 12
145 x 15
145 x 15
145 x 16

Total Reps 133

Squats 6/12/13
Weight Reps
115 x 12
145 x 12
195 x 8
245 x 4
265 x 3
195 x 12
195 x 12
195 x 12
195 x 10
145 x 15
145 x 15
145 x 13

Total Reps 128

Squats 6/14/13
Weight Reps
115 x 12
145 x 12
195 x 8
245 x 4
265 x 1
195 x 9
195 x 12
195 x 12
195 x 11
145 x 15
145 x 15
145 x 16

Total Reps 127

Third week:

Squats 6/17/13
Weight Reps
115 x 12
155 x 8
205 x 6
225 x 6
265 x 3
205 x 12
205 x 12
205 x 12
205 x 12
155 x 15
155 x 15
155 x 16

Total Reps 129

Squats 6/19/13
Weight Reps
115 x 12
155 x 8
205 x 6
255 x 5
275 x 3
205 x 12
205 x 12
205 x 12
205 x 12
155 x 15
155 x 15
155 x 15

Total Reps 127

Squats 6/21/13
Weight Reps
115 x 12
155 x 8
205 x 6
255 x 4
275 x 3
205 x 12
205 x 12
205 x 12
205 x 12
155 x 15
155 x 15
155 x 18

Total Reps 129

Tonight’s final 205 x 12 was literally the most difficult set I can recall. When I hit the hole on the 4th squat, my legs just froze up. It took everything in me to keep from just dropping the load. My ears started ringing and some tunnel vision kicked in. I was able to push it out and had to take a couple of breaths when I finally got up. Surprisingly, I was able to leg out the rest of the reps. I took a few minutes to rest before dropping down to the 155’s. No issues after that though.

My pre squat warm ups consist of box jumps or jump rope. I follow up my squats with leg curls, leg extensions and hip thrusters (no homo). I was doing lunges, but they started to bug my knee last week.


Any deads or upper body work?

Ya, I’ve actually been lifting Mon-Sat, Sat being a quick light day. I just started logging my upper body days this week. I’ll start posting those going forward.

Today was kind of a jumbled workout today due to changing things up this week.

Bench, worked my way up to 235x4 paused, 255x4 (pausedish!) and 275x1. Shoulders were weak from OHP’s on Thursday, so I stopped there.

Switched to wide grip
205x10, 155x12, 155x10 two sets

Finished up with close grip reverse tri press, tri pushdowns, reverse tri pulldowns, feet on bench pushups, good mornings, cable crunches, and some shrugs for good measure.

Welcome youngster!

Thanks Hawkcapt!

Welcome aboard here. Couple of questions:

Why count reps instead of total tonnage? Or is it that you know your working in a set intensity zone and need to hit a certain amount of reps?


I like the high reps…my best squat is 358 and my legs are fookin’ toothpicks…I may try adding in the high reps at 135!

[quote]FISCHER613 wrote:
Welcome aboard here. Couple of questions:

Why count reps instead of total tonnage? Or is it that you know your working in a set intensity zone and need to hit a certain amount of reps?


Thanks Fischer!

The answer is more towards the latter. The weight I’m pushing is quite light and would be insignificant in lower reps/sets. My short term goal is to practice form and form in a fatigued state, while building some strength in my weak areas. So, I’m basically focused on doing a crap ton of reps while only gradually increasing weight.

[quote]sen say wrote:

I like the high reps…my best squat is 358 and my legs are fookin’ toothpicks…I may try adding in the high reps at 135![/quote]

Thanks Sen. Your toothpicks move more weight than mine, so I’m jealous!

Had the first debilitating migraine for a long time yesterday. Couldn’t do shit. The bastard lingered with me all day today. I knew the night was going to suck on my first pull up. I can normally hit 20 without issue on the first set and I didn’t even come close.

Pull ups, all BW: 12x12x12x10x10x7

Light deads: 135x10, 185x6, 225x5, 255x3, 305x1, 335x1, 205x5

OHP: 95x10, 135x8, 155x5, 155x5, 165x2, 135x8 - This is only my second time doing standing OHP and while I suck at them, they are my new favorite exercise

BO Rows: 135x10, 5sets

Shrugs: 205x10, 3 sets

Reverse flies and some other delt exercise that I can’t recall the name of

20 pullups is a goal of mine, wide grip on a good day I can get 10. On a normal day 8.

For your second time doing OHP that aint too shabby!

Thanks man! I used to do a fair share of seated DB military press, so I think that probably helped with the transition to overheads. I’m think’n a short term goal should be to reach 1x body weight. That way, if I’m ever in a financial pinch, I can take up pro wrestling and have a sweet over head body slam. Right now I’d have to wrestle in G.L.O.W. to pull that move off.

I’d gladly trade up 10 pull ups for 100 lbs on my deads!

Good work in here man - so what is your breakdown during the week for your lifting schedule?

What is your goals for the next year?

Thanks Fisch!

Right now, I’m squatting Mon, Wed, Fri. Tues I work back (mostly upper) and shoulders. Thurs I do chest and tri work. Tuesday and Thursday are interchangeable depending on how I’m feeling. Saturday is generally back,shoulder or chest with some other random exercises.

I’ve been running 3-5 miles with the wife for the last few Sundays. We just moved and have a new trail to run, which is nice and flat. So, it’s a fairly easy run and is a nice change of pace to loosen up the hams from a week of squatting.

My goals current 1 rep goals:
Bench - 315
Squat - 375
Dead - 395

At the beginning of the year my squat and DL goals were set to 405 and 455. At this point, I don’t believe that’s realistic, so I’ve adjusted. My bench was set to 255, which I blew out of the water in April and have continued to move on. The part that pisses me off is the fact that my bench is so damn close to my squat now. I honestly don’t care if my bench increases anymore this year. I just really want to increase my squat and DL numbers and will be working my ass off until I get there.

Squats 6/21/13
Weight Reps
135 x 12
155 x 8
215 x 6
255 x 3
275 x 3
215 x 12
215 x 12
215 x 10
215 x 12
165 x 15
165 x 16
165 x 20
135 x 10

Total Reps 139

55lb leg curls 3x10, Worked up to 145 leg extensions 2x10, Hip thrusters 95 lbs 3x15

You have a bunch of great volume here and the running in addition is a rigorous program. Nice goals too.

[quote]Wiex wrote:
The part that pisses me off is the fact that my bench is so damn close to my squat now. I honestly don’t care if my bench increases anymore this year. I just really want to increase my squat and DL numbers and will be working my ass off until I get there.

I used to feel this way, but then I realized/remembered it’s not always mandatory to have everything be ‘normal’…just because you should be able to squat more than you bench doesn’t mean you should stop working on your bench…certainly work to improve what you’re not so strong on, but don’t limit yourself on things you are good at.