Okay, guys, here’s one for you. I was recently engaging in some mild bondage sex, during which I was left lying down (on my back) with my hands tied behind my back for about an hour. Needless to say, both hands got numb and went to sleep (as opposed to the rest of me). However, when my girlfriend released me, I noticed that I had lost the feeling along a narrow band along the outside of my left thumb, running from the left side of the base of my wrist (with the hand palm up) to about midway up the thumbnail. It now feels like I’m wearing a band-aid along the area - i.e. I can feel pressure but not any other type of sensation (heat, pain, etc.).
Jokes are welcome (after all, I got myself into this - and yes, I'm going to be more careful in the future), but after three days and no return of feeling, I'm starting to get worried. Do you think I'm going to have permanent nerve damage? Or will things knit themselves back together after a while? Should I go see a doctor? Although my strength and mobility have not been impaired, I'd like to get the feeling back in the digit if possible. Anyone else experience this type of thing?