NeilG presents...Somethiiiiing to Think About

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"T-mag and our contributors get approached quite often by magazines, newspapers, and TV shows. The problem is, most of these people are only seeking info that will reinforce the biased opinion they already have.

For example, Cy Willson spent almost an hour talking with a reporter about Testosterone usage. He explained to her that there were countless double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized studies with a crossover design which had demonstrated no “roid rage” even at 600 mg a week in normal humans.

In the end, she disregarded everything he said and used only one quote from him in her article (which did nothing but perpetuate the same old myths about our favorite hormone.)

Likewise, assistant editor Chris Shugart spent almost four hours on camera talking about the myths and misinformation surrounding supplements and steroids. Every bit of the footage was cut before the show aired.

Sadly, much of the media doesn’t want to provide a balanced report on issues like steroids and supplements. They simply keep interviewing people until someone reinforces their usually-baseless opinions on things like ephedrine, prohormones or doctor supervised Testosterone usage."

Now, I don’t want to get into an arguement about saturated fat and cholesterol being good or bad, but I do have a question.

Do you guys think that it is possible that the media does the same thing to fat and cholesterol as it does to supplements?

Aren’t there “studies” showing how “dangerous” certain supplements or steroids can be? Just as there are “studies” showing that saturated fat and cholesterol is “dangerous”?

What is gained by bashing supplements? Is it the drug companies get rid of competition so their products sell better? Or is it just some witch hunt? Who has the money and power in all this? But the question is, why aren’t supplement companies bashing drug companies when the supplement companies’ products are about 1.23 billion times safer? Again, what are the motives? Who has the money? And who is doing what?

Then, I ask what is to be gained by bashing saturated fat and cholesterol? Is it an economic issue? How could enough lard be produced to fill all the friers in America’s fast food joints? Why not use cheap oil that can be easily produced in mass quanitities? Who benefits from animal fat and cholesterol being demonized? Is it the edible oil companies? Is it the millions of new “health foods” that are produced? It’s interesting that a lot of “health foods” are sorely lacking in real ingredients and nutrition, and are cheaply made. Why does Captain Crunch cost more than a lot of meat on a per weight basis? What are the motives in all this? Who is making all the money with all this? And what are they doing with all this power from all the money?

And isn’t it also possible that all these companies with the big bucks could be paying off scientists to make “evidence” to support the company’s claims, which will end up making them more money? Why is it that somehow all the “healthy” things somehow benefit big business?

Wouldn’t it be easy for someone to provide “evidence” of how steroids and other supplements are “dangerous”? We all know better, right? We could see the junk science that’s going on, and lots of jumping to conclusions. Couldn’t this also be applied to the fat/cholesterol situation?

Please think about these questions, and let me hear what you think. Again, I don’t want this to be a thread about whether fat is good or bad, just about motives and what could be going on.

Take care,


“The companies that produce the GE seed and rBGH provide their own studies to the FDA for approvals. The FDA does not do their own studies, but accepts whatever the company that makes the product says, with few questions asked.”

Reality check for NeilG:

You are a newbie teenager. Despite this, you’re running around trying to give everyone here advice. This advice is usually very bad.

You show up on the board and try to convince everyone that saturated fat is great for you. You’ve made 3-4 posts on that one topic. Then you claim to do exercises that can’t exist in a state of gravity.

You have half the IQ of fitone… and he ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed. You try to argue with people much smarter and more educated that yourself and you lose. Badly.

Shut up and read.

Thank you.

(Yes, that was a flame. But the dumb kid keeps tossing gas on himself and passing out matches.)

You’re right Neil.It’s all a conspiracy.

You have to admit, this guy is fuckin’ amusing!


Learn to read idiots. It was something to think about. I guess that’s to difficult for you?

Oh, and the thing about the one arm wide grip pullup was a JOKE. If this wasn’t obvious for you…lol nevermind.

That’s odd, Neil. You never said it was a joke. Oh I get it, now that you’ve been burned beyond recognition in several different posts, it “was a joke”. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Neil, you represent something I mentioned in another thread - the phenomenon of the clueless newbie who has a bad, know-it-all attitude to go with his ignorance. Amazing.

Paul T. nailed you.

Wow. It was too much to bring up something and ask people to think about it.

I know there are some smart people here. I sure hope they post soon. MD2006, where are ya, buddy?

It’s the smart people that have been flaming you, kid.

Really, you should do some more reading before you start posting. This is a great board, but smart ass newbs are fireplace fodder around here.

Mr. Reality,

“Really, you should do some more reading before you start posting. This is a great board, but smart ass newbs are fireplace fodder around here.”

Ahh, so you know the level of reading I have done? Please tell me what I have read.

And I have to do “reading” before I can post something to think about? Did I once say that I was correct in my post? NO, I didn’t, retard. Learn to read. I purposefully avoided that because I knew what it would get me. So what did I do? I explicitly stated the following:

“Now, I don’t want to get into an arguement about saturated fat and cholesterol being good or bad, but I do have a question.”

“Please think about these questions, and let me hear what you think. Again, I don’t want this to be a thread about whether fat is good or bad, just about motives and what could be going on.”

So either the reading comprehension of the people who responded thus far is severly lacking, or they just skimmed through the post and decided to flame me some more.

I try to avoid flames, and I try to provoke some thoughts, but what do I get? Flames. Nice. All because I asked some people for some thoughts on the topic. They couldn’t even handle that. All they’re capable of is insults. Wow, and I’m the stupid one? Ok, sure guys. You know, insulting me would be much more effective if you had half a brain. LOL.

“Oh, and the thing about the one arm wide grip pullup was a JOKE. If this wasn’t obvious for you…lol nevermind.”

with the above statement, you lost any and all creadibility and respect from anyone on this forum. you have proven that when you are clearly beaten you will not be a man about it and say “ok, i am wrong on this one.” instead you stop returning arguments as you did on the pull up thread and now come up with a bullshit excuse that it was a joke.

i did respect you because you stood up for what you believed in. clearly that is no longer the case.

The first time I got really really burned as a newbie was during a PM war between DocT and I. I got burned. I didn’t bitch back.

You are trying to provoke thought in those statements? You answered your questions yourself, with questions. What kind of thought are you trying to provoke? Are you a conspiracy theorist? I bet you think we’re all out to get you too. Oh wait, you think we’re all dumb because we won’t answer your questions. Have you asked why yet? I’ll tell you why. They are fucking dumb and can be easily answered doing some god damn research, on this site or many others.

A search engine is a wonderful too. Use it.

There should be some sort of test to prevent people like NeilG from posting. Apparently he isn’t getting it that all these immature insults he dishes out are making him look even worse.

The bad press about supplements/steroids CANNOT be applied to cholesterol/safa because of hte base of evidence available.
Most bad evidence agaist supplements is case reports, the lowest of the low research. Steroids basically have no RCT’s that show side effects, much like the research on ephedrine, creatine etc. There are the occasional bit of case reports, or utterly out there research that shows something wrong with evidence.
The base of evidence for cholesterol and SAFA is large and basically all of it points in the same direction. Until you can understand research yourself, you are relying on information presented by other people, and the people you are choosing are definate kooks.

Neil said:

“NO, I didn’t, retard. Learn to read.”

“I try to avoid flames”

“All they’re capable of is insults.”

“You know, insulting me would be much more effective if you had half a brain.”


Neil: A little word of advice…take it as you will.

Just read the magazine, do the workouts, eat your fuckin’ protein, and ask questions when you need to know something that you can’t find anywhere in the search engine.

No one cares about your rambling’s on…people have lost a great deal of respect for you through your various threads, and now laugh at everything you say. Don’t you get it brother? Just keep your mouth shut and let it pass…Instead you post another thread of nothingness? I’d say it’s your age, but I’m only slightly older than you (22) and even I know better.

Ask! Don’t Tell!

That’s just my advice…chacun a son gout.

O.K., you asked for my presence so you got it. I’ll just reiterate what Cycomiko said because that was right on the money. You really need a better understand of the research process and what is good research and what is not. Just because someone writes a book and says it’s true doesn’t mean it is.

I think the problem people are having with you isn’t so much your nutritional beliefs (although the raw eggs, raw meat, and allergy thing was way off) but how you are presenting them. Most of the people here don’t demonize cholesterol and saturated fat like the media does. We realize that they are important to such functions as production of everyone’s favorite hormone, testosterone. The thing is you have to figure out where saturated fat and cholesterol fit in with the bigger picture of an overall nutritional plan. You have to take into account things like carbohydrate consumption. You will find articles on t-mag that are advocating high protein, high fat diets, the Anabolic Diet by Dr. Mauro DiPasqale being one of them. On a higher carbohydrate diet though there is a lot of good research showing that eating high levels of saturated fat and cholestrol is not a good idea. I’m not advocating zero of either, but just not high levels.

I’d really reccommend that you do some reading. Start of by reading every article on T-Mag written by John Berardi. You should then use Medline to do look for legitimate research on areas you are interested in. Here is a link to PubMed:

Even the popular diet books by Atkins, Sears, and Eades (a graduate of my medical school) probably wouldn’t be that bad.

Since you seem to like conspiracy theories I would also reccommend any book by David Icke! Which takes me back to what I said at the beginning, just because someone writes a book and says it’s true doesn’t mean it is!

Probably the best advice I could give though is this: STOP BEING SO CONFRONTATIONAL.

the previous post from Mikej wasn’t from me. I’m smart enough to know that I have a lot to learn before I begin posting any great words of wisdom. I’ve entered the T-mag world almost daily for over two years, and I figure that in a couple more I just might have something constructive to offer.

Listen and learn.
Mike Jeppesen