Needle Gauge Question for SubQ

I’m thinking about going from 23G& 1in IM administration to SubQ. What would be a good gauge and length for SubQ administration? 25G & 1/2in?

You could go 27ga 1/2 just fine. I’ve pulled with a 31ga before but tbh it’s a pain in the ass to draw with. 27 is a lot easier.

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I draw with a 18gauge. I will try a 27g & 1/2 administration needle . thx

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I use 29 with a 1/4” needle. Slow draw but not terrible.

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I was using 18g to draw up enanthate and 27g to administer. But just moved to cypionate and drawing / administering with 27g, but might move to 29g

I use 27, half inch. Sub q abdominal. Sometimes 32 , quarter inch because I’ll get free samples otc as backup. It’s slower but Ive never had a drip of blood, which I have had with the 27.

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Thats what I use for my wife’s SubQ as well. It works fine and doesn’t draw terribly slow. Easy Touch all the way. I still do IM injections in the delts for me with a 25ga 5/8" pin.

Same. I use to do 1 1/2” IM, but didn’t know not to. SubQ is so much better. Never tried 29ga