Need Some Nutrition Help

So here is some background info in case it is relevant and for those who want to know:

I’ve been going to the gym on and off the past year pretty much just doing what my friends do.

This past summer, I began going by myself and just threw something together with which to work with. I weighed about 200-210 at that time. I started reading the T-Nation forums and started eating cleaner (just drank water/tea and milk occasionally… no more junk food… stuff like that) and around the time school started 2 months later i was about 185.

I’ve pretty much stayed the same a few months later (now). I also started taking multi-vitamins, fish oil and protein powder over the summer. The fish oil did wonders for me when it came to a certain leg pain. (Too much running before the beginning of summer… also a snowboarding injury torn knee).

So onto some of the nutrition stuff that I want to ask about. I want to follow a stricter diet now… or just a diet for that matter. I want to take it a step further than what I’ve been attempting to do over the summer. My goal through this is to lose fat and I want to take a low carb approach to this. Currently I weigh about 185 and am about 5’ 7". My BF is probably up there.

I’ve been trying to plan my meals and i just need some help… such as where else could I stick in some more food… is what i have for each of the macronutrients enough? How much more calories should i be adding onto this? Note that this is not something I am following right now but is something I am planning to start possibly next week if i can get this all together.

1 Scoop Protein Powder
3 Eggs (Only yolk from one)
1 Cup Celery

Neeeed food here

4 oz Chicken Breast
1 Cup Spinach (Maybe add some olive oil?)

Protein Shake somewhere in between (right after workouts on days that i do)
Should i eat something else with this?

4 oz Steak
1 Cup Broccoli

Before Bed:
3 Eggs (Only yolk from one)
1 Cup Celery)

All this adds up to about 26.5g of Carbs, 178g of Protein, 62.5g of fat and 1445 calories. My BMR is about 2000 calories. As for supplements I plan on taking the multi-vitamins i’ve been taking (vitamin shoppe’s ultimate man vitamins with no iron) fish oil, fiber (since i’ll only be getting about 14g from what i have so far), maybe calcium (since i dont think ill be drinking milk much or at all) , protein powder and would vitamin C help?

I also have a question about fish oil. How much of that should i be taking? I’ve only been taking the recommended dose on the bottle which is 2 pills (this is the vitamin shoppe brand fish oil) I’ve been reading that people take ALOT more than that and i was just wondering why.

Add more eggs or some other form of lean protein for breakfast, and some healthy fats.

For the meal between breakfast and lunch, add in an ounce of walnuts/almonds.

Your PWO meal should be your largest meal of the day. Add in some more lean protein like a 6 oz. chicken breast or tuna.

Keep dinner the way it is.

And take out the before bed meal if you’re trying to lose fat. Egg protein absorbs faster than casein, but the fat slows it down. But you want to leave it solely to slow-absorbing proteins before bed. Get yourself some milk protein isolate or other mainly-casein protein right before bed. You could also do without the pre-bed meal if you’re in a fat loss stage.

You should never go below your BMR for calorie intake. Keep it at least 2000, and that’s the most aggressive you can get, without huge problems arising for you.

Instead of a straight low-carb approach, try out the Anabolic Diet. There is a huge thread in the nutrition forums that explains all aspects of it.


during the week 60% fat 35% protein 5% carbs (trying to stay under 30g).

For 24-36 hours on the weekend, 60% carbs, 30% fat, 10% protein.

The carb “reload” does wonders for your hormone and energy levels, as well as allowing for some muscle growth during the weekend, even on a cut.

Hm… Been spending time reading about the anabolic diet after the new year and it seems pretty good. One question though, my sources have pretty much been people’s experiences posted here on the forums ad there appears to be different types of anabolic diets? Could anyone direct me to any articles that I could read?

Also, any type of workout suggested to supplement this type of type? Or will any do? The nutrition stuff I’ve been reading about alot but I do need some help with my workout.

Was just wondering… what would people think of the 10x3 program by Chad Waterbury for this?