Need Help On My Diet!

hey t-nation,
I am 15 years old 160lbs and 5’7. i have been working out since 3 months now. i workout 4 days a week and i also run the other 3 or 2.i know that nutritent is very important. so i have few question on my diet. my main goal is to get lean and get my BF level down to 11 or 10%…i dont know what my BF level is right now cuz i dont know how to figure it out.

this is what i eat in a day

8:00am breakfast: eggs or just milk or my protein shake
12:00pm protein shake and fish oil
4:00pm lunch some chicken and rice
6:30pm PWO (after workout)
9:00pm dinner same as lunch
11:00pm protein shake (before going to bed)

my question is:
should i add something to my diet? if yes then what? or should i leave it as it is?

how much protein should i take per day?
how much carbs per day? and what is a good source of carbs?

i take about 50g of fish oil or flax seed per day so i think i am good in that place…

Thanks for the help

I personally hate measuring and weighing and counting calories, but some general principles I use will help you out.
Whether you want to gain weight or lose weight, have some carbs with breakfast.
Try to consume 60-70% of your calories in the first half of the day.
Apart from breakfast, stack your carbs around your workout.
As you are so young, simultaneous muscle gain and fat loss is possible (you bastard!)

Good luck.

Check out the T-Dawg 2.0 diet on this site for finer details but yeah consider adding carbs in the morning and for the next meal or two after your workout.


First off, you should be commended for being one of the few teens out there who isnt chowing down fast food all day and snacking on M&Ms.

I think you should now make a conscious effort to include vegetables or fruit with every meal. John Berardis Massive Eating Guidelines outline some gude nutritional knowhow. I really think you will be set after that, just try to include a real breakfast although you might be tight on time.

When you’re at school, try to bring along a bag full of jerky, nuts, and maybe a small piece of fruit. Makes a great meal when on the run. OTherwise, focus on trying to get whole meals in there with lots of veggies.

Stay Strong.

Congratulation at your age it sounds as if you are doing very well.

  1. Your going from 8:00 ARE till 12:00 with out eating, maybe add a meal or snack at 10:00AM.
  2. For general Health it would be a good idea to add some fresh fruit and some Veggies to your diet. As a T-man you will want to go heavy on the Veggies. There are a ton of nutrients and fiber in them.
  3. Remember to use verity in your diet.
    Good luck

thanks for the help! i’m not one of those teenagers who eat fast food all the time. fast food for me is maybe once every 2 months. and thanks for the reference for that article i will be sure to check it out. again thanks for the help