Need Help With My Chest!

hi all, i’ve been around this forum just reading etc, btw i am the one on the left, my right pec is smaller and not as round as my left pec, its quite obvious in pictures, that my left hangs lower. i dont usually take a full pic of myself so that one is 1 of the few that i’ve got. hopefully it will help. but if it doesn’t i will take anotehr more proper picture! thanks.

i figure i might need some help here, not sure if this is the right place to post this but okay here goes.

i have been training for about 2-3 years,
i hit my chest 2-3 times a week allowing 48hours of rest, i get the DOMS the nxt day, hmm okay my diet consist of 6 -7 meals a day, i stick with food like wholewheat bread,oats, yoghurts, fruits, chicken breast (loads of it) tuna in water and rice, and protein shakes for pre and post.

incline bench 4-5 sets i go up to 80kg and stick with reps of 7-10
flat bench 3 sets same weight 6-8 reps
Cable Flyes incline 2 sets to failure
every 2 weeks i increase my poundage by 2.5kg because i dont have a spotter.
leg press/lunges/leg extens and curls plus deads so i do chest and legs together

so i set day 1 chest as more bb movements
and then chest day 2 which will be on thursday more DB movements
Pec deck flyes super set with flat DBs 3 sets i go up to 65 pounds a db crank out about 7-10 reps (its the heaviest db in the gym already)
incline DBs 4 sets of 7-10 reps about 50 pounds db to 65pounds
Smith machine incline 2 sets of 20 reps just for the feel

i will do standing shoulder press superset with lateral raise
hammer superset with rear delts raise
hammer shoulder presses

chest day 3
i will swtich flat bench to the main priority is of my monday chest workout

so thats about it maybe i couldpost some pics up so that u could see better? my chest, they are imbalance too ! =(
pls tip or advise me on what exercise i sld stick on, any feedback is welcome! haha where else needs to be improve etc. thanks.

here am on the left

i am the 3rd guy, i manage to find this pic!

anyway as u can see the imbalance and mypecs are just not thick enough, and the bottom not round enough. pls tell me that whatever i am doing is correct? haha i just started that workout for my chest like 2weeks ago, and all the while i always stick with compound dbs/bbs and swtich them around , playing around with rest pause/drops/giants/supers.


More than decent genetics.
You just need a LOT more mass everywhere.

Start squatting, and up your calorie intake. Get at least 1 gram of ANIMAL protein per pound bodyweight.

MOST IMPORTANT: Get heavier dumbbells. 65 pounders are too light for most people to build serious chest size. If you can get a hold of the 80’s or 90’s you should see a difference. I don;t think you need a variuety of exercises and angles for your chest particularly with your muscle shape. Just gain weight, lift heavier and the added size should come. YOu may not even need to change your routine initially.

Now, you have very little back development, but difficult to tell the way you’re posing. You’ll have to start rowing hard. The hammer machines are great. USe them, start lighter find your groove and then add weight. With a pair of heavy dumbbells, chalk, STRAPS (yes straps) and a lifting belt…hit the floor deads, BB and DB rows → I have never seen anyone who managed to overtrain his back tbh, so whatever you’re doing volume wise for the back, you probably can affoird to do MORE. But make sure to progressively increase the weights once you have the mind-muscle connection down for various movements. Thats one of the best benefiots of the HS row machines.

I’m guessing this will take you where you want to go.

Your have good pec shape.

But 3 times a week, wtf why ?

Just lift heavy once a week youll see dramatically more mass.

And your back is tiny, I would work more on that to be honest.

hey thanks for ur idea tribuna here are a few more pictures, more specific ones.

here 1 more

last one bro, bear with me thanks.

i will hit my back hard with bent rows/ db rows/ t-bars and deads bro thanks! but are u sure my chest is fine? i effin hate the fact my upper pecs dont grow out, hmm heavy incline bench and dbs will do the trick?

Do chest on a separate day, first in the week. Include flyes, dips.

Overall, great build, very aesthetically pleasing.

Need 2 see the wheels, :wink:

okay i will get some wheels and back pic up, but anymore tips for my chest? thanks!

itried all kinds of compounds/and i kinda stay a bit away from dips cause i injured my shoulders from too much incline bench last year man. for the recovery period, i did a lot of dbs and gotten strong on it, now i am starting to gain back my str on bench.

To drastically bring up your upper pec (though i don;t see the need), ASSUMING you have the genetics to build a heavy upper chest - you need to trigger another growth spurt, like when you strarted training for the first time. What kind of numbers are you capable of doing (say a 5RM) for incline bench, flat bench, dips? you have perfect muscle shape as I mentioned already, but youre going to need to get your eating down and lift heavy for a period to build more size. I doubt you’ll be unhappy with your results.

[quote]Vin_Insane wrote:
i will hit my back hard with bent rows/ db rows/ t-bars and deads bro thanks! but are u sure my chest is fine? i effin hate the fact my upper pecs dont grow out, hmm heavy incline bench and dbs will do the trick? [/quote]

How are your shoulders. My left shoulder is messed up according to an MRI and I have an appointment to hear all about it on Tuesday.

My right pec is a lot bigger than my left pec. I am starting to think it is because my right shoulder can help my presses more and because my left shoulder is weaker, the chest takes over more of the movement, leading to the imbalance.

If you shoulders are unbalanced in terms of strength, addressing that might help your pec development.

Hello. It appears from the pictures to be a genetic issue as oppose to an exercise issue. But, give this a try:

  1. Give yourself two days of chest training with approximately three days rest. Meaning train chest again on the third day.

  2. Make sure you have at least two meals in you prior to training.

  3. Take 5 grams of creatine immediately after training with your post work-out shake. After approximately 1 hour, eat another meal.

  4. Find your fiber type. Do a 3 rep max of flat cable flyes. Calculate approximate 1RM. Take 80% of approximate 1RM and do max reps. According to Fred Hatfield if you can do less than 8 reps your pecs are fast twitch, between 8-10 reps then you are a mixed type, more than 10 reps then your pecs are slow twitch. But, if you have been training in the same rep range for a while , longer than two months, then you need to change things up to wake up the other muscle fibers.

  5. For your actual workout my suggestion is this:
    a. Primary Exercise- Barbell Bench Press 4x3-5 reps
    b. Secondary Exercise- Incline DB Chest Press
    4x6-10 reps
    c. Auxillary Exercise- Cable Crossover 3x10-12 reps

  6. For the second chest day this my suggestion:
    a. Primary Exercise- Incline Bench Press 4x3-5 reps
    b. Secondary Exercise- Flat Dumbbell Chest Press
    4x6-10 reps
    c. Auxillary Exercise- Flat Cable Fly 3x10-12

Give this about 4 weeks and track your progress. Good luck!

hey Truet,

thanks a lot, i will try that bro! thanks thanks appreciate the tips! :slight_smile:

[quote]theuofh wrote:
How are your shoulders. My left shoulder is messed up according to an MRI and I have an appointment to hear all about it on Tuesday.

My right pec is a lot bigger than my left pec. I am starting to think it is because my right shoulder can help my presses more and because my left shoulder is weaker, the chest takes over more of the movement, leading to the imbalance.

If you shoulders are unbalanced in terms of strength, addressing that might help your pec development. [/quote]

yea, i saw 3 diff specialist, last year, i was effin depress too, hmm 1 diagnose me with bis tendonitis, 1 diagnose me with AC clavicular prb, 1 diagnose me with labrum tear, WTF? and they suggested surgery, i did a lot a lot of research here on T-Nation, Eric Cressey’s articles of of great help. i finally recovered.

i understand what u mean, i feel that my left is stronger than my right due to my injury, but sometimes i think its also genetics, but i actually try to address the issue by doing 1 arm db press on my right after every bench set, but i dont really think it helped much. hmm, but i hit my shoulders hard because the stronger my shoulder gets the lesser risk of injury and also back muscles, to “balance” the whole thingy. thanks though: )

my back sucks, i really needa work on the middle back. but its quite hard, i don’t know why my bent rows are not consistent, on some days i can row heavy, some days bad …

i dont mind that my back is hard, imean to achieve an effin thick back is quite difficult for me due to my inconsistent form on bent rows, sld i try EDT by Charles Staley or go 5x5 hmm