Need Help Programming 5/3/1 While Running as Part of My Job

I am 57 and have recently moved from SS to 5/3/1

My current program is


Squat 5/3/1
Bench 5/3/1

Tues. Prowler walks

Wed. off


Dead 5/3/1
Press 5/3/1
Inverted Row

Fri. Prowler walks

Sat. Prowler walks

I walk in the mornings 30-45 minutes. The lifting and prowler work takes place during late afternoons.

I teach middle school and I have agreed to help lead a class in which students run on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings. I have no control on the scheduling.

We will start off with a walk/run and slowly build up to 2.5 miles (3 at the most). I also figure I am going to have to do some running on Saturday.

Could you give me some guidance on where and how to program lifting with the running for optimum progress. I am open to all exceptions.


If you’re running 3 days a week and doing 5/3/1 two days a week, perhaps cut out some of the prowler walks. Otherwise the schedule seems solid. Just Do 5/3/1 the day before running, not after. So if you have to run Tuesday/Thursday, do 5/3/1 Monday and Wednesday - and if that’s too close together, I’d do 5/3/1 Sunday and Wednesday, depending on how intense your Saturday runs are.

Also - you could focus on only two main lifts twice a week instead of doing the 5/3/1 reps on two lifts twice a week. Something like this:

Week 1
Squat 5/3/1
Bench 5x10 @ 50%

Tuesday 5K (slow pace)

Dead lift 5/3/1
Press 5x10 @50%

Thursday 5K (fast pace)

Friday Prowler

Saturday sprints/prowler

Sunday Off

Week 2
Bench 5/3/1
Squat 5x10 @ 50%

Tuesday 5K (slow pace)

Press 5/3/1
Dead Lift 5x10 @50%

Thursday 5K (fast pace)

Friday Prowler

Saturday sprints/prowler

Sunday Off

Last year i was prepping for a timed 1.5 mile run and i was using 531. I was running somewhere in the 2.5 to 3 mile range a few days a week with some sprinting also. I was using the four day a week vanilla template. I don’t think i used any supplemental protocols. Just the ol’ 531+ and some accessories. It was tough at first as I had to adjust to the running, but i think your body will adapt to do what you train it to do. You may have to tweak the TM a little but that’s no big deal.

Thanks for the suggestions. I came across Jim’s Grey Pubes routine from his Powerlifting book and modified it to fit my schedule. I will start lifting in the mornings and adjust as needed and gains are made.
What do you think?

Week 1:
Monday am: Squat 5/3/1 (required reps only), Dead lift deload weight. Body weight accessories: time permitting
Monday pm: Mobility/Stretching

Tuesday am: Run
Tuesday pm: Prowler

Wednesday am: Bench 5/3/1 (required reps only), Press deload weight. Body weight accessories: time permitting
Wednesday pm: Mobility/Stretching

Thursday am: Run
Thursday pm: Prowler

Friday: off

Saturday am: Run
Saturday pm: Mobility/Stretching

Sunday off

Week 2:
Monday am: Dead lift 5/3/1 (required reps only), Squat deload weight. Body weight accessories: time permitting
Monday pm: Mobility/Stretching

Tuesday am: Run
Tuesday pm: Prowler

Wednesday am: Press 5/3/1 (required reps only), Bench deload weight. Body weight accessories: time permitting
Wednesday pm: Mobility/Stretching

Thursday am: Run
Thursday pm: Prowler

Friday: off

Saturday am: Run
Saturday pm: Mobility/Stretching

Sunday off

looks solid! good luck!

Im currently on my 3rd month of 531 and i still do my running pretty often actually. What ive been doing is shifting around the intensities of them during the week. I am doing the 351 for powerlifting though. so a typical week would look like this for me.

monday squats dl 531 bench plus accessory and conditioning

tuesday tempo run

wed squats bench 531 rows plus accessory and conditioning

thursday longer slow jogging

friday squats 531 ohp 531 fatgrip deadlift plus accessory and conditioning

saturday jog but however i feel after friday

Im not sure how well you recover but the above is what has worked for me personally. if anything, id say swap the prowler for the slower jogging, and put prowler as conditioning after the weights.

I’ve noticed the longer slow runs dont really effect my heavy squats too much, but the opposite is true. it just might take me an extra minute or two to get my breath back