Hey everyone.Sorry if this is a repost.I did some searching first just couldn’t find a match for what im asking.So here it is.
I’ve been seriously training about 6 months an seen good changes.But recently I suffered an injury.I pulled a muscle in my triceps.An am now considering split training.Ive been doing full body all before.I only have a home gym litterly because i cant afford in my budget a gym pass.I have a bowflex just to warm up on an do Lat pull downs an back workouts.
I use an EZ bar an dumbbell for biceps.I have to do my legs with free weight imagination meaning lifting free weights for thighs an i do calf raises.Then cardio.Also for cardio i use a punching bag.So im wondering if this idea I have here is good for a 5 day split…
Tuesday-Back,Biceps Lats…Lat& back pull downs,Biceps ez bar standing curls,Dumbbell Preacher hammer curls,stranding curls
Wendsday-Legs & abs Calf raises,Free weight lifts,Ab crunches 3 different ways.
Friday- legs,cardio
Sunday OFF
Modnay OFF
I know its all scattered an problem messed up but thats why i need the help any positive feed back i’de appreciate.Thanks
Well for starters it says “positive” feed back.an secondly.The bowflex is my roommates and the ez bar is cheap as hell at walmart plus plates.flat fee for that i don’t make payment on it like i would a membership right?..My goals are to keep cutting weight.I was 170 im now almost 150 even.I would like to show my body’s definition.I want to take it from there by getting big and lean.
you were 170, now 150 and still want to cut weight? you can’t ‘want to cut weight’ and get big at the same time. At 150, you should not be cutting at all anyways, so that only leaves you to getting bigger.
theres no magic behind it
Eat lots of clean food, lift hard and rest a lot.
bowflex really isnt ideal so try anyway you can to get a gym membership, work, school gym, work at the gym for free membership etc.
I need to loose BF thats why i cut.Im not chubby or anything but.I know alot of people who decided to cut before they built up.So now im building up.rightnow im at about 14% BF my goal is 10%.
You gotta go to a gym if you want to work out your legs. Can’t you join the YMCA or pawn some of your workout stuff to contribute to a year membership? You got cable tv? Fuck cable tv! All the contact you need with the modern world can come through 1 cell phone and a high speed internet connection.
I’m guessing your injury puts presses right out of the question.
Just do an Upper Body/Lower Body split where you work both splits 2-3 times a week and alternate each one. Do Abs on the lower body day. Regardless of your goals it’s pretty safe to do an Upper/Lower split 4 days a week.
Good luck with your injury and remember to do any exercises you can to make it better.
You don’t get many responses because you appear to know very little about training and diet, everything you need to know can be found in the beginners sticky.