Need Help!!! (Fatloss Question)

This past October, I weighted about 225 lbs. Since I have drop to 200 at about 12% body fat.

I follow a High fat, Low carb diet(keto). I intake about 200g protein, 200g fats, less than 30g carbs( mostly greens) daily. On my cheat days, I go all out junk foods.

I am currently taking about 9g of fish oil, 6g CLA, 6g r-ALA, 4 HOT-ROX pills, 4 Tribex pills, L-carnitine, and 3g of cinnimon extract.

I feel that I have made good progress to get to 12% body fat,but I think I have plateu. I am wondering how you think I can adjust my diet and supplements for more progression.

I am considering taking creatine and NO2 to get more muscle mass since I am only 175lbs of lean mass.

Try dropping fat 50g and upping protein 50g. That right there will spare you 250cals/day and get you more anabolic perhaps.

Also taking creatine and N02 (waste of cash) while trying to cut on reduced cals might not and probably wont net you any lean mass gains.

You could start massing now or cut a little more. I’d say just cut cals again, you’re close to single digit BF% anyway.

Don’t worry about NO2; it is a waste of time and money.

You are doing very well. As Darkane pointed out, you are close to single digit body fat, so alter your macronutrient profile some more, and cut calories for a decent anabolic response.

[quote]mercNASTY1190 wrote:

This past October, I weighted about 225 lbs. Since I have drop to 200 at about 12% body fat.

I follow a High fat, Low carb diet(keto). I intake about 200g protein, 200g fats, less than 30g carbs( mostly greens) daily. On my cheat days, I go all out junk foods.

I am currently taking about 9g of fish oil, 6g CLA, 6g r-ALA, 4 HOT-ROX pills, 4 TRIBEX pills, L-carnitine, and 3g of cinnimon extract.

I feel that I have made good progress to get to 12% body fat,but I think I have plateu. I am wondering how you think I can adjust my diet and supplements for more progression.

I am considering taking creatine and NO2 to get more muscle mass since I am only 175lbs of lean mass.[/quote]

Careful with your “all out” junk food days. Maybe a cheat meal but not an entire day if you want to get to single digit body fat. Also, you don’t talk about your training - anything lactate producing will induce more fat loss, high intensity sprinting, circuit training, higher rep training for more TUT and lactic acid. Gotta tighten up diet if you want the single digits…

[quote]Mutsanah wrote:

[quote]mercNASTY1190 wrote:

This past October, I weighted about 225 lbs. Since I have drop to 200 at about 12% body fat.

I follow a High fat, Low carb diet(keto). I intake about 200g protein, 200g fats, less than 30g carbs( mostly greens) daily. On my cheat days, I go all out junk foods.

I am currently taking about 9g of fish oil, 6g CLA, 6g r-ALA, 4 HOT-ROX pills, 4 TRIBEX pills, L-carnitine, and 3g of cinnimon extract.

I feel that I have made good progress to get to 12% body fat,but I think I have plateu. I am wondering how you think I can adjust my diet and supplements for more progression.

I am considering taking creatine and NO2 to get more muscle mass since I am only 175lbs of lean mass.[/quote]

Careful with your “all out” junk food days. Maybe a cheat meal but not an entire day if you want to get to single digit body fat. Also, you don’t talk about your training - anything lactate producing will induce more fat loss, high intensity sprinting, circuit training, higher rep training for more TUT and lactic acid. Gotta tighten up diet if you want the single digits…

I have to admit that my training is always on the works.At first I just did 3 days a week wti an added Complex day.
Now I Do a 4 a week with a complex. I also do cardio twice a day.

Before you go talking about hiit training… I JUST DISCOVERED THIS TRAINING METHOD.
Soo I will be doing beganing this week.

As for my nutrition. I took the advice you guys gave me and 2x my protien and cut my fats. I am going to up my Omega 3s to 12g a day.

What is the recommended dose for CLA? Any new other supplement that will help me?

Thanks for the help guys.

  1. How “carb tolerant” are you? I would assume not very (although if you’re 12% BF it’s probably safe to say you would handle carbs fairly well at this point, but the sources do matter). You could possibly try carb cycling. Instead of blowing a week’s worth of hard dieting and nutrtion on junk food, use that day to refeed (carb up, boost cals) with cleaner food/carb choices OR you could use the workout window (probably the optimal choice) to dramatically increase your carb intake, and actually utilize the nutrients for recovery and performance. YOu could probably still get away with ONE cheat/junk food meal per week, but that’ll have to stop too if you want to get below about 7% to really see the abs.

  2. How much weekly execise volume are you getting in those 5 days? From experience (I used to weigh 315 lbs. at about 25% and have gotten as low as just under 4% at 215), I’ve had to do upwards of 8-10 hours per week to get really lean (less than 5%), with most of it being of a higher intensity (weights always higher intensity, BB complexes and some steady state (about 90 minutes worth or so).

  3. At some point, you’re going to have to stay on your nutriton plan 100% without any straying. If you do things right, this won’t be for too long…maybe about 4 weeks or so…everyone’s different.

I think the jury is still out on whether CLA actually contributes to any significant boost in fat loss. I think most studies have found “modest” improvements, but there are a lot of variables to take into account.

Of course, Biotest’s Flameout is not only a very high quality fish oil, and it does contain CLA.

Hope this helps

[quote]synergy93 wrote:
Of course, Biotest’s Flameout is not only a very high quality fish oil, and it does contain CLA.
Hope this helps[/quote]

Yes, definitely get yourself some Flameout by Biotest if you have money to do so. Flameout already has optimal ratios of EPA, DHA, and two types of CLA.

[quote]synergy93 wrote:

  1. How “carb tolerant” are you? I would assume not very (although if you’re 12% BF it’s probably safe to say you would handle carbs fairly well at this point, but the sources do matter). You could possibly try carb cycling. Instead of blowing a week’s worth of hard dieting and nutrtion on junk food, use that day to refeed (carb up, boost cals) with cleaner food/carb choices OR you could use the workout window (probably the optimal choice) to dramatically increase your carb intake, and actually utilize the nutrients for recovery and performance. YOu could probably still get away with ONE cheat/junk food meal per week, but that’ll have to stop too if you want to get below about 7% to really see the abs.

  2. How much weekly execise volume are you getting in those 5 days? From experience (I used to weigh 315 lbs. at about 25% and have gotten as low as just under 4% at 215), I’ve had to do upwards of 8-10 hours per week to get really lean (less than 5%), with most of it being of a higher intensity (weights always higher intensity, BB complexes and some steady state (about 90 minutes worth or so).

  3. At some point, you’re going to have to stay on your nutriton plan 100% without any straying. If you do things right, this won’t be for too long…maybe about 4 weeks or so…everyone’s different.

I think the jury is still out on whether CLA actually contributes to any significant boost in fat loss. I think most studies have found “modest” improvements, but there are a lot of variables to take into account.

Of course, Biotest’s Flameout is not only a very high quality fish oil, and it does contain CLA.

Hope this helps[/quote]

  1. I truely don’t know how sensitive I am to carbs. I usually pick fridays for my cheat day.( I go to an all you can eat sushi spot by my house lol)

To be honest with you, the way I am dieting now,is not really a bother to me. It doesn’t even feel like a diet to me. I don’t miss carbs or other craps during the week. HELL, I even have trouble of coming up with shit that i want to eat on my cheat days lol.

My current weekdays diet only consist of lean meats, greens, and good fats( olive oil mostly,nuts, and supplements oils)

  1. At first I only worked out in the morning with 30 mins cardio. Now I have been doing Morning workouts and cardio, with an added evening seession of cardio. I do this about 5 time a week. I just recently learned about HIIT and Tabata training methods. I will be putting those into action this week.

  2. I am already aware that I have to step my nutrition up. But I have a confession to make!!! This week was my Mines, my cousin, and my best friends birthday. Soo since Tuesday I have been struggling to resist all that Fresh baked cake and lasagna over the week.

But now that the STORM is over… I can get back to 100% focus on my goals.

[quote]mercNASTY1190 wrote:

On my cheat days, I go all out junk foods.


You will notice the most change from switching from a cheat day to a cheat meal or no cheat at all.

Also as has been suggested I’d drop fat by 50g and up protein by 50g. You’ll save a few calories and your body has been used to a high level of fat intake, this should help you out some.

[quote]ACTrain wrote:

[quote]mercNASTY1190 wrote:

On my cheat days, I go all out junk foods.


You will notice the most change from switching from a cheat day to a cheat meal or no cheat at all.

Also as has been suggested I’d drop fat by 50g and up protein by 50g. You’ll save a few calories and your body has been used to a high level of fat intake, this should help you out some.[/quote]

I Went ahead and raised my protein to 300gm. And dropped my fats to 125- 150g a day. I alreay feel a diference.