Hi to all…hope everyone is doing well…would appreciate some feedback on the CW program I am working on right now…Next Big Three. Have been on it for about two weeks now, in conjunction with a cutting diet.
here goes my questions. Thanks to all who can help me understand the program better…
1)Walking deadlifts. Because I would like to know a little of the “science” behind this technique, could someone explain to me the rationale behind walking while doing deads? (THis would also help if people in the gym ask me why I’m doing this.)
2)About the squat/shoulder press exercise. I am still having trouble completely extending my arms up fully and overhead, when I come out of the squat position. I am very embarrassed to say, that even with only 15 lbs on either of an olympic bar, by the fourth rep, I have trouble keeping the forum fully stretched.
Also, this exercise challenges me regarding my stance too. I find when I go into the squat position, I have a tendency to land on the balls of my feet, not the heels. And I have never had a problem before about keeping the weight on my heels when I squat. I am assuming, like any squat, I should be on my heels, all the time with this exercise too. The movement of the bar upwards, as my butt does down throw me off balance, and I land on my toes too often. Also, how low should I be squatting? Parallel or to below parallel?
3)How do I know when to increase poundage? Right now I am doing 4 sets of 4 reps for each exercise (the set range is 3-5 and the rep range is 3-5).
I asked a lot of questions, so again, thanks to any and all who reply. I appreciate it.