Need a Training Partner in Denver - Craig Weller

I just moved to Denver to open a facility in the River North district (not far from downtown), don’t know anyone here who would make a suitable training partner and my usual guy is leaving in a few days for his honeymoon so I’m looking for someone to train with for at least the next three weeks. Obviously if it works out you can keep training at our place once its open.

The facility we’re building, where I currently train, is under construction. It’s primarily a fighting gym, with about 2,500 square feet of mat space, a strength area equipped mainly with Elite Fts stuff, a pile of kettlebells, rowing machines, etc. The only thing I’m missing from the Elite loadout is a GHR, which is in the works. A monolift is somewhere down the road too.

The gym is closed to the public right now as it’s mainly a construction site but all the elite stuff is set up and we’ve got a small mat space. The main room for the mats is empty for the next week or two until we get those in but it works well for farmers walks, prowlers and that sort of thing.

The workouts I do range from Westside style powerlifting stuff to my own version of conditioning: combos, distance carries with a rickshaw, accelerator band sprints, prowlers, bodyweight circuits, concept 2 rowing, etc. None of it could really be defined as bodybuilding.

I don’t really care much about your background as long as you’re ready to work your ass off. PM me if you’re interested.