So I just got back from my nutritionist and have decided to shoot for a new goal. I’m looking for advice on how to best acheive it and hoping some of the good minds here can help me out.
About a year and a half ago I started taking my training and diet seriously. I was 6’2.5" and around 250lbs. If I were to guess I would say I was in the neighborhood of 25%bf (again, only a guess). So I strarted watching my nutrition and working out with a combination of full-body weight training (mostly compound movements) 3x a week and cardio 2x a week. In a year I got down to 196 lbs and 13% bf (these were my numbers in late March).
At that time I decided to really knuckle down on my nutrition (eating very clean) and lifting heavier and boxing 2x a week for strength/cardio/fun. By the end of July I was at 206 having gained a bit more than 8lbs of muscle and losing a bit more the 2lbs of fat. This was also aided by some supplements that my nutritionist gave me (I had started going to him in March).
When I last had my numbers checked, I had gained another 8+ lbs of muscle but lost no more fat. For those of you bad at math, that puts me at 214lbs at 11.7% BF. I’ve also raised my basal metabolic rate to nearly 2600 k/cals.
So, I now have a new goal of acheiving single digit bf% by the end of the year. Although I am packing on muscle at a pretty good pace, it seems like I am having a hard time continuing to burn fat.
I am a bit remiss to cut calories too much as I don’t want to lose this hard earned muscle but I would be willing to sacrifice some for the cause.
Given these specifics, would any one like to refer to a specific plan to acheive this goal. Again I am eating clean and approximately 2500 to 3000 k/cals a day. I can not really add an extra workout to my day (such as fasting cardio in the AM) do to work/family constraints. If you need any more info, ask away.
Even if I don’t get any responses, I have at the very least put my goal down in writing here. Hopefully that, in and of itself will help.
Thanks in advance.