Need a New Oly Bar in UK

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I broke my York oly bar on Tuesday. The oly collar on one side broke in two, while I had it overhead snatching!! Anyway more importantly i now do not have a bar with which to train. :(. I love in the UK and was wondering if anybody had advice on where to buy a decent oly bar in the uk (would order from US but shipping is like $200!!) that can take some punishment and won’t break from repeated dropping ( what I’m putting the cause of the previous break, even though I only had an extra 15kg on bar as warming up)!

I regularly train the Olympic lifts, and also the big three with a reasonable weight, and have bumpers do that I can drop onto a plywood base!!

Any thoughts of models or where to buy would be greatly appreciated


They got there some nice bars. One for £189.99 and other for £89.99

[quote]TomasK wrote:

They got there some nice bars. One for £189.99 and other for £89.99[/quote]

2nd that

How much do you have to spend?

Not too fused but think £300 max but would go maybe £100 more if I the difference could be justified. But prefer to spend ~£200

Strength Power Speed sells the Pendlay NexGen HD bar.

I have an SS bar - decent enough bar for the money, but quite stiff, and the markings are not IWF spec. Only use it for squats and pressing now I have a shiny new Eleiko.

Try emailing Rogue Europe and see what they can do for you.

Cheers guys thanks for the help. Looking to get hold of rogue Europe, and get hold of the B

Since all of your responses, I’ve been looking around and am now torn between options.

The B

My last post did not seem to work

Torn between getting the:


The site does not seem to like the “and” short hand symbol so here we go again!

Torn between the:
Burgner and rip bar at 280? 45? shipping
Thr rogue bar at 270? 45? shipping. (the guy at rogue, the supplier of both recommended the rogue as a betters all round bar!)
The Pendlay next gen had bar 349£ ?shipping (bit pricy but doable if massive beatific over others!)
Or an unbranded from Which is an “Olympic weightlifting bar - 2200mm(L), 20kg, 28mm spring steel shaft black zinc plated, rated 1500lbs, chrome sleeves, available with either brass bushings or with needle bearings” can be seen at ( going for 189£ shipping

The last one seems preferable form a price perspective but as u branded hard to get any feedback on it apart from their site

If I were to go for it should I opt for the brass bearings or the needle brushings?

Cheers rich

[quote]Moonboots wrote:

If I were to go for it should I opt for the brass bearings or the needle brushings?


Neither of those lol, bearings because they spin better and its BRASS BUSHING which is just a a brass circle that spins around the shaft.

You didn’t do much research did you?

powerhousefitness are good!

[quote]Swolegasm wrote:

[quote]Moonboots wrote:

If I were to go for it should I opt for the brass bearings or the needle brushings?


Neither of those lol, bearings because they spin better and its BRASS BUSHING which is just a a brass circle that spins around the shaft.

You didn’t do much research did you?[/quote]

I did I just got pissed off because I gas write the post 2 times but the forum did not like the andpersand symbol and refused to include the rest of my post so I did it from memory. So if I were to quote correctly. Should I go for the needle bearings or the brass brushing on this bar, which is dubious ATM due to lak of independent reviews!!