I started working out again, thanks to this sight, about a month ago. The change in my body in the short amount of time is tremendous.
Something I always had a problem with in highschool and college was on leg day…I ALWAYS got lightheaded and nauseated, and puking was not an uncommon occurence. I would just puke and then go on with my workout.
Well, I had an ‘episode’ at the gym on my last leg day. I had done leg extensions, leg curls, dead lifts, and was mid way through my squats when I puked all over the squat rack. I got some water, did another set, and then dry heaved.
One of the ‘trainers’ (don’t get me started) came over and wanted to call an ambulance and take me to the emergency room. I told him I was ok, that this happens all the time. I went to do another set, and HE PUT HIS HANDS ON ME AND STOPPED ME FROM DOING MY NEXT SET…Well, I blew up, and it was not PUKING. How I did not kill that guy is still a mystery to me. A talk with the manager got me a free month, but I was STILL royally pissed off that some jackass had to stick his nose in my business.
I know I have only been at this a month, but I DO a very INTENSE leg workout, as these are the biggest muscles in my body, they take quite a load to get wokred, and I also get psyched on leg day as I can move a lot of metal and can REALLY see results quickly.
My question is how do I overcome the nausea? Is there something I can take? Am I not getting sufficient oxygen, or do I simply create so much lactic acid that my body can’t deal with it. I don’t need some busybodied do gooder screwing with me in the middle of my workout, but at the same time, I guess some people find it disturbing that someone is not afraid of getting sick.
I am planning on starting the meltdown workout after the first of the year, and from the sounds of it, I will be puking again…will this pass as I get into better shape, or am I doomed to be a puker?
Sir Hacksalot