when, here in Italy, I couch my doubts about Natroid, the Italian distributor justifies the fact that not many people in the US know “Natroid” with the following motivation “…it’ a lab, not a company…”
on the BCAA package there is a reference to the Natroid website (www.natroid.com). I’ve tried to give it a look, you know the result? Unregistered domain…
Except for a few products listed at one Italian website reseller, I coulnd’t find much mention in Italy. The prices didn’t look that good anyway… why the interest?
Too many products available on the Italian supplements market claim to be from US.But I’ve got a lot of doubt about it.
The “fake risk” is IMHO very high.
For instance, packages of Natroid products present the sentence “Manufactured in the USA in a FDA inspected facility” on the label.
For the little I know, the FDA must inspect only products which contains “new ingredients”.
So, when buying Natroid BCAA the sentence “Manufactured in the USA in a FDA inspected facility” on the label doesn’t guarantee the quality of the product.
It seems to me to be just a trick to entice customers.
I’m in Italy also, so I’m pretty aware of what is available and understand your concern.
I found four supplements that Natroid sells in Italy and not one of them was something you can’t get from another ten USA companies at the same or lower prices. They are Creatine, ZMA, Glutamine, and Tribulus… nothing ground breaking.
So, if Natroid doesn’t offer something different and the prices are no better… why the interest? That’s what I was asking.
I wasn’t looking for any particular product, just simple BCAA’s.
I found a nice deal on Natroid BCAA (500cps for about 60 euros) and as they claim to be AJINOMOTO’s and manufactured in the USA I decided to try those out.
U should know that is very difficult to find real US products in Italy.
Usually products sold in Europe by US brands (such as EAS) are made in Europe and not in the US. For instance, the Italian EAS distributor pays royalties to EAS US in order to produce and sell their products in Italy.
So, my interest was mainly due to the fact that Natroid claims to sell real US stuff.
Anyway, my idea is that an Italian “maccarone” has registered the name “Natroid” and, using the fascinating “High-quality\Made in the USA at a FDA inspected facility” advertising, sells supplements of low quality produced in Italy.
Some more about Natroid, even if I’m still waiting for US T-Nationatier feedbacks…
when I asked information about Natroid to the product’s distributor he replied like this “…Natroid labs produce supplements for big brands such as Prolabs…”
It was a kind of fake reply to me.
Do you agree?
My next move will be to contact the distributor again and ask him for the lab analysis of the products he sells. And which he claims to be “High-quality”.
Finally I was contacted by NATROID which provides me a “Food Supplement Certificate of Health and Free for sale” from the “Department of Consumer Protection of Connecticut.”
Is this document enough to proof the quality of a US food supplement?
As I’m from Italy I don’t know very well how the supplements market is regulated in your country.
That certificate came from the state of Conneticut. It appears to be a certificate to certify that the product in question is not generally harmfull to health and allowing them to sell the product in Conneticut, which is probably where there office is. It does not mean that it is a quality product, just that the samples tested met the minimum quality control guidelines for food products and supplements produced in that state.
Most states here have similar regulations although, the specific standards vary. The certificate does not assure that they are using high quality ingredients or that the supplement contains the amounts and specific ingredients that the label claims it does.
[quote]cowpaddi wrote:
The certificate does not assure that they are using high quality ingredients or that the supplement contains the amounts and specific ingredients that the label claims it does.[/quote]
So, is there one chance for a customer to be almost sure about the quality\ingredients of the products he buys?