National Croatian Bodybuilding Championship

OK, I dragged my sorry ass to Zagreb, capital of Croatia to attend to the NCBC. Of course, I met Draz and Audi TT live, they’re both great guys, Draz is on the bulky side and one can definitely see that he is working out as a “natural”, and Audi TT is a great guy too, very talkative and willing to share tips and tricks he knows… his brother was contestant in the category up to 90 kg, I met him too. Anyway, some guys from my gym were competing too, 4-5 went to the finals, one of them ended up as third and the other was sixth. Unfortunately, most of these contests are arranged in advance so God know what is the real rank of all those guys. Anyway, it was a real freak show, guys in tank tops, with 2 lb gold chains around their necks, 330 lb 6 ft 7 freaks, some “wise guys” etc. Everybody who ever stuck a needle in their glute and their mother were there. :wink: It was definetely something one should go and see. Unfortunately, it was kind of sad to see all those guys investing a lot of money and effort in all that hard work and getting nothing, because nobody can earn money with bodybuilding here. :frowning: