My WS4SB Physique Clinic


Ive been putting off posting this thread for days. Ive been so psyched up during xmas to start yet the first two days have been so damn hard its really pissed me off!! I have a big addiction to sugary and chocolate things! I open a packet of buscuits and i will sit there and finish them no problem! Anyways ive been ‘eating healthy’ for the last 3 days incl today and im having serious cravings. They are easing and its slowly getting better.

Ive put MODIFIED as im doing this transformation to get alot stronger and fitter (aerobic, anaerobically) while hoping that keeping to a strict diet with my exercises will get me in the words of Joe Defranco: SHREDDED!!!

I am shitting it about posting on this website my log because its a website where i respect the majority of ppls opinions that i have read! Basically im going to follow the WS4SB 3 day programme Max effort upper body, lower body and reps/dynamic upper body with a fourth day and possibly a fifth day of Sports specific training and skills work.

gaelic football is my game and it requires all energy systems, strength and speeed. Im in between pre season for my club and 8 weeks away from my University champsionships with my University team. I train the university team so it is an advantage that i can decide what we are doing (we train one to two nights a week) Gaelic ftball is not that popular in the UK where i am at uni so its hard to get them out to train more than that!

Basically im hoping to add in some energy systems work into the WS4SB and hope it pays off. This is my story and hopefully people will correct me as i go along!

My first weights session will be max effort upper on Sunday morning. My first 3 days healthy eating was shite and protein intake is a problem!

I have prepared myself for this TRANSFORMATION by spending literally more that 30 hours in the space of 3-4 days reading Joe DeFranco’s website! I have now read every single word he has typed in that website and hopefully feel some way equipped to go! Education is key to me!

I will be a qualified physio in May and Sports is all that matter s to me! Ive learned so much from this website and Joe would be my number one S and C coach that i have read about and programs i feel makes so much sense and is easy (ish, wel soon see to follow!) to carry out without going wrong!

In saying that Eric Cressey has also inspired and thought me so much since coming across him! I have now moved onto his website and try to read at least one article every day! His anatomy explanations before articles really help me revise and understand even better! When i have his website covered then i will move onto someone else! I will never stop learning and want to be the best at what i do!

I am also applying for my UKSCA Accredited Strengthening and Condtioning Certfiicate (UK equiv to NSCA) in March 1 i will be taking that exam to compliment my physio career! I also hope to be practising my cleans and snatches up to this time too as i need to perform these on the exam day!

I am starting a 5 week placement on monday in a trauma orthopaedic ward and it is an hour each way on the train. I know i will be tired and have loads on at the moment however i need to do this and hence the reason i am posting on the best website of its kind with the best readers of its kind watching on!

So lets get started, id like to call my last 3 days ‘pre or easing into’ as ive never followed a strict diet before or exercise program for that matter! ive now an idea of wats needed and how to go about doing wats needed!

my stats are:
Height: 193cm
Weight: 103 Kgs
Bodyfat: i reckon greater than 20% now, will be getting checked tomorrow, It was at 17% in november and was at 19% at December so im afraid to look now! Im aiming to get it below 15% to begin with and aim for 12%.

Il have the pics up tomorrow when i get back to the uk and ul see ive alot of work to do.

My bench press best is 3 sets of 6 on 80kgs with failing on the last rep on each. As ive siad ive never done this properly before and will try and get my 1rm Sunday morning.
My squatting is useless aswell. im tall and so Shite, i know its no excuse but id be struggling squatting 100kgs for 3 reps with good form. i know i need to improve my flexebility drastically also!
My deadlift is similiar to Squatting and i hope to improve this figure drastically aswell!

My supps are Mass Fx Protein which i dont use half as regularly as i should.

I have some HOT-ROX Extreme left also and ive ordered more.

Ive also just got some body fortress L-Glutamine 100 tablets 500mg per tablet. If i need 20g of glutamine per workout as ive been reading in the clinics then i dont know how im gonna afford this but anyways!

Im getting some L-tyrosine tomorrow in the UK and plan to combine this with some caffine tablets pre workout as per recomendation of JoeDe

Ive also just purchased some BCAA’s and are gonna give these a try as ive never used them before.

Finally ive some cheap fish oil omega 3 capsules containing 500mg fish oil and 90mg EPA with 60mg DHA, i know there cheap ass but they cost a pound for 60 capsules! So im presuming im gonna go through a pack a week at least!

Im not rich by a long shot but hopefully these supps will help me on my journey.

Il post my ATTEMPTs at eating right below later and hopefully ul get an idea where im at!

I WAS totally useless at all this stuff until NOW! Im determinded to get educated and transformed and believe me if i can do it then so can anyone else!

Hope people dont mind this thread in here as opposed to Bodybuilding section but Sports Performance comes first for me. im hoping the physique will go hand in hand with it!

On Wednesday when i started my Diet analysis as per website im using is:

Weds i had 222 grams of carbs, 123grams of protein and 32grams of fat. I KNOW, i couldnt believe it when i typed in my food log and saw the ratios and was sick because i thought i had a good day!. Total calories was 1965

Thurs 150grams of protein with 88 grams of carbs and 20 grams of fat with total calories of 1540 which was bad also!

Today was slightly better i hope which inclued:
2 slices of wholemeal toast n low fat spread
1 brown scone with low fat jam
5 egg whites
1 can of tuna (46g protein per can)
1 chicken fillet
1 portion of green beans
Another portion of green beans
Diet Soda 1 pint
Again it was very poor, but im determined tomorrow that im getting 200grams at least of protein.

Aiming for:

220 grams of protein a day
<120 grams of carbs
A good fat content.
It will be easier tomorrow as i have not had my protein shakes with me here so it should get easier. Im hoping to live off chicken, tuna and egg whites.

Ive also been know to make my own protein bars so i will make them too and work out how much of each i will be getting.

I done the jog home from work on Wedsnesday night as part of my TRANSFORMATIN!

4.04 km in 23.22 mins. My previous best was just under 21 mins over the summer so i have gone backwards! It was raining and i fell flat on my hole aswell during the run home, i reckon its karma for been so lazy n taking so long to get back into it!

my pace was 5.5km/hr and i burned 405 calories according to my Nike ipod sensor.

Im mainly hoping to do mainly sprinting and anaerobic work and hope the aerobic will fall into place. Im big and heavy and not made for marathon running but would like to be able to run a 10K sometime.

I hope people will find my ways of getting fitter interesting and share experiences!

As i said i wanna get strong and fitter and excel at my sport! This isnt easy and im sure your getting a view of me been a disaster however i need to do this right and it all begins tomorrow properly with my diet.

Im flying in tomorrow, getting my weight checked, working tomorrow night and its off to the gym sunday for the begginning of the rest of my life!

Best of luck with it!!

Gaelic is a horribly demanding sport.

Ok here are my pics:

And the back:

And the side!!

ok just done my diet for the day and i have:

Potato, Baked, Flesh And Skin - Without Salt A 299 278
Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise 13 90
Walnuts, English B- 30 196
Noodles, Egg - Cooked, Enriched A- 160 213
Carrots A 31 13
Broccoli - Cooked, Boiled, Drained, Without Salt A 39 14
Beans, Snap, Green - Cooked, Boiled, Drained, Without Salt A 31 11
Sauce, Soy, 30% less salt than our regular soy sauce 15 5
Peanut Butter, Smooth Style - With Salt B- 8 48
Water 948 0
Beans, Baked - Canned, Plain Or Vegetarian A 127 118
Egg, Scrambled B- 141 299
Bread, White, Commercially Prepared - (Includes Soft Bread Crumbs) A- 25 67
Butter - Without Salt D 7 50
Tuna, Light, Canned In Water - Without Salt, Drained Solids B+ 165 191
Peppers, Sweet, Red - Raw A 37 10
Peppers, Sweet, Red - Raw A 37 10
Chicken, Breast, Meat Only - Cooked, Stewed B 190 287
Banana - Raw A- 118 105
100% Whey Protein Powder - Fundation Fuels B- 240
Total Calories Consumed 2,243

The first digit is the grams i think n the second digit is calories, i just find this easier than me trying to figure out every single bit of nutrition info i have had!

The analysis gave me:

Fat - 30.9% (78 grams)
Protein - 34.6% (197 grams)
Carbohydrates - 34.5% (197 grams)
Alcohol - 0.0%
Other - 0.0%

Daily Sodium Intake - 2,414 mg
Daily Cholesterol Intake - 999 mg
Daily Fiber Intake - 27 grams

I still have some cottage cheese and celery before bed and another shake to get my protein to the desired level.
Im happy with the carbs to a point! I hav had a jacket potato and noodles but still feel il be needing this kinda carbs if im doing alot of energy systems training also!

Hopefully some advice for me will follow regarding my diet. Will be starting my supps tomorrow morning when i hit the gym!

i had the shake and cottage cheese last night with a cup of tea!

This morning i woke and took a protein shake with mass fx that after i realised gives me 33g of carbs and 24gs of protein per serving of 3 scoops. I didnt realise the carbs were so high in it! So in future im going to take that before the gym as the carbs might help me also thru!

I also took two tyrosine and one pro plus caffine before the gym. Must say i didnt really feel this unlike HOT-ROX or infernos where i can really feel that ive taken them! May be this is a good sign tho as i was ok in the gym!

After i came home i took the bodyfortress protein that i just bought that gives me 17g of protein per scoop and like 1g of carbs so i think this is better to take more regularly! I had two scoops of this with light milk.

My lunch was chicken with lettuce, brocolli cucumber, onion celery and cottage cheese with small tea spoon of mayo.

My workout was MAX UPPER BODY DAY!:

First day ever doing this and i thought it was great! Its great to be actually following a plan when i go to the gym!

My warm up was 5 mins on level 10 of the rower. Empasised pulling the chain to my chin to get more chest muscle blood flow.

Flat Bench press with Oly Bar:
50kg x 5 reps
60 x 5
65 x 5
70 x 5
75 x 3
80 x 3
85 x 3
85 x 3

I probably done one too many warm up set. And considering i hadnt benched in over a month i was fairly happy, i had never benched 85Kg before fairly ok on my first work set but my final one i went to failure n just got it! Cant wait to try 90kg next week, think i might be good for it!

Incline DB Press
15Kgs Got 15 reps on 1st set and 12reps on second with that been failure.

Superset of 2 Dumbells standing row (works the core great aswell but really tough so u have to drop)and Dumbell seated power cleans
10Kgs DBs
Set 1 got 10 reps and 8 reps respectively
Set 2 got 10 reps and 7
Set 3 got 10 reps and 7
I struggled on the second part of the superset, my traps were killing and hopefully i can improve the day.

Traps, i used the Deadlift machine we have at the gym with 25Kg on either side so 50kgs
3 sets of 10 reps each.
To be honest this was the first time in my life training my traps. I proabably should have gone heavier.

BB curls with the Z bar using 30Kgs
3 sets getting 10, 8, 8.

I was wrecked after these!

I said i was going to add in some energy systems work and to be honest was in no mood for it! Me and the other 2 guys said fuck it and then went over to the rowers again!

We were doing 1000 metres on level 10 as fast as possible! Now before xmas i had the record in our physio dept of 3 mins 10 secs.

I finished this one in 3 mins 28 secs. Obviously this max upper body day took its tool!!!

What you university you at barrs??

Keep it up with WS4SB i went from 68 kg to 105kg in 3 years on the program

[quote]Wayland wrote:
What you university you at barrs??

Im at Huddersfield in yorkshire, near leeds.

Keep it up with WS4SB i went from 68 kg to 105kg in 3 years on the program [/quote]

Well to be honest im more into LOSING weight really but Mainly BODFAT. I chose this program because it seems to be giving athletes the best results. MY problem has always been my diet. I know if i keep it clean il probably lose something!

Im tall so im not too bothered if i put on some GOOD weight but just once my bodyfat is gone down!

These are my chicken fillets which cost 40 euro! All are cooked now and in the freezer for convenience ready to go!!

My girlfriend cooked a stir fry in olive oil of chicken, green beans, peppers, brocoli, carrots and small bit of soy sauce last night and it was really nice, i couldnt believe it was good for me! There s so many nice things to make but ive been too lazy in the past!

Also froze some protein and water there this morning and had it after dinner there! It was like a dessert!

I would love some more recipes and tips to keep me clean yet enjoying my food!

Hectic day today, started my ortho placement n just getting my barings! Early start n new faces etc!

Today was a rest day, got up n had protein shake! Didnt agree wit me at all this morning! Had 1/4 bowl of fruit n fibre n a small clementine on the train! Id my bag other side of hosptial so at 10.30 i could only hav a cup of water, resisted the cookies n chocolate on offer,

lunch at 1 was lettuce cucumber celery onion n tuna, with a banana n 2 clemenintines.

tried to take a short cut to the train on my first day! BIG MISTAKE!!! took me 20 mins walk this morning at a slow pace n it took me 30 mins today SPRTINING with a heavy bag to make my train! JUST MADE it!!


So dinner was stir fry in one tablespoon olive oil of carrots broc celery brussel sprouts peppers chicken. NO NOODLES this time! Had some spices over it n it was actually very nice!

Had half my protein shake then n froze the rest!

Had i TEASPOON of cottage cheese, one TEAspoon peanut butter n a bite of celery there n just finishing my frozen protein now! Lovely!


Thoughts today:
bit pissed off i didnt eat more regular today, will be more clued in tomorrow that i have my bearings etc.

Heading to gym tomorrow straight after work so ive got plenty of food for the train for my pre workout meal too and loads of fruit for my 10.30 break etc.

TRAPS are killing me today! MY chest is fine but my traps and external roators alittle less are IN PIECES! n its only gonna be worse tomorrow as it will be 48 hrs! Not looking forward to the squat bar on them tomorrow!!! Suprisingly my chest is fine today!

Looking forward to legs day to a certain extent!

This is dinner today! im getting into the pics thing now! Barely ever used my camera before! Also forgot to mention i took like 10 caps of the really cheap fish oil too onto the stuff i had before bed. its like 200mg per cap of Omega 3 total.

Get yourself some Cocoa (possibly Cacao) Nibs. That should help your chocolate fix. Just don’t eat the whole bag. Next, you could consider getting some very high (85% or more) cacao chocolate. I just wouldn’t go for 100%. I tried that and it tastes horrible.

Best of luck.

[quote]Arioch wrote:
Get yourself some Cocoa (possibly Cacao) Nibs. That should help your chocolate fix. Just don’t eat the whole bag. Next, you could consider getting some very high (85% or more) cacao chocolate. I just wouldn’t go for 100%. I tried that and it tastes horrible.

Best of luck.[/quote]

Thnks Arioch will definetely look into that!!! So far i am satisfying it by freezen half a protein shake n eating it before i go to bed about an hour or so! Also just made a batch of my protein bars! il give pics of them tomorrow n recipe n STATS! when i figure out exact amount of each etc!

Today was an experience!

i was up at 5.30 AM this morning and reading my NSCA book studying for my upcoming exam on the train at 6.30 am! I was inspired by Thibeudeau and his story of getting up at 3.30 to train athlethes at like 5am!

Anyways today was a good day but how many more will be is the question! I want my body to adapt n be able to handle it! Today was straight to the gym and didnt get home till 8pm.

managed to eat every 2-3 hours today! was in a surgery of a spiral fracture of the femur and saw it been reduced n plated! Unbelieveable to see the quads under the skin and the muscles we all train so frequently! Took nearly 3 hours but managed to eat before and after!

Today was max effort lower body!

Box squats but had to use a bench instead since we have no boxes, was actually lower than paralell n i was poor at squats before but this is propably my best technique to dat!!!:
60kg by 5
65 by 5
70 by 3
75 by 3
80 by 3
85 by 3
90 by 3

  • i was aiming for 100kgs (my bodyweight) but i think i started off too low n it took its toll, even light squats take it out of you more using a bench or box i presume! Anyways next week i hope to get the 100 kg and improve to at least 150 within the next few months!

Next was the Bulgarian split squats! These are lethal yet so effective!

two 12.5 kg dumbells,
managed 2 sets of 6 reps and final set went to failure which was 8 reps each leg! Absolutely shattered from it!

Then went to pull throughs, my partner couldnt get the technique right, this was my first time doing them too and it was kinda strange n not 100% sure i did them right! il look into it!

Managed 4 sets of 10 on 82, not sure if that was pounds or kg, presume pounds, used a tricep pushdown machine with the low cable.

Then done 3 sets of a circuit 15 reps per exercise, one lower abs, and one higher abs.

Called it a day at that, no energy work, fecking January gymers are wrecking the place n couldnt get a bike but wanted to go home anyways as i am working on my final year dissertation project aswell as placement so am really busy at moment!

Diet was good, had 2 wholemeal toast wit cottage cheese morning
2 clementines
wholemeal wrap with chicken lettuce cucumber celery n cottage cheese n 1 clementine
same wrap again pre workout n 3 tyrsoine n i caffeine pill and 1 glutamine
post workout 2 glutamine, protein shake with 3 scoops
scrambled eggs with 3 egg whites and cottage cheese and 1 wholemeal toast slice.
Cup green tea
8 fish oil caps, tablespoon of cottage cheese, peanut butter n bit of celery n tasted small bit of protein bars!

Thats it for today! Off to bed now to look forward to my 6.30 study session on the train! The fun never stops!

good luck man…

Westside is a great way to train and its also hard…i know your goal is to lose some fat but your gonna have to shock your body in the gym(judging your pics)…good luck with the diet!! i follow you!

Nice work dude also just started a diet using the WS4SB but my regular gym doesnt have so much equipment so i do a variation…

But i will follow your progress… good luck with the diet and training dude… you seem to have a good attitude towards it !

Btw do you do any slow cardio on youre off-days ?

[quote]Rampage74 wrote:
good luck man…

Westside is a great way to train and its also hard…i know your goal is to lose some fat but your gonna have to shock your body in the gym(judging your pics)…good luck with the diet!! i follow you![/quote]

Thanks lads,

Rampage what exactly do u mean by SHOCK my body? In terms of diet and lifting heavy? Im sticking to it fairly good, just completed my first full week and it is the best program ive ever done! Il definetely keep it up i reckon!