I have prepared myself for this TRANSFORMATION by spending literally more that 30 hours in the space of 3-4 days reading Joe DeFranco’s website! I have now read every single word he has typed in that website and hopefully feel some way equipped to go! Education is key to me!
I will be a qualified physio in May and Sports is all that matter s to me! Ive learned so much from this website and Joe would be my number one S and C coach that i have read about and programs i feel makes so much sense and is easy (ish, wel soon see to follow!) to carry out without going wrong!
In saying that Eric Cressey has also inspired and thought me so much since coming across him! I have now moved onto his website and try to read at least one article every day! His anatomy explanations before articles really help me revise and understand even better! When i have his website covered then i will move onto someone else! I will never stop learning and want to be the best at what i do!
I am also applying for my UKSCA Accredited Strengthening and Condtioning Certfiicate (UK equiv to NSCA) in March 1 i will be taking that exam to compliment my physio career! I also hope to be practising my cleans and snatches up to this time too as i need to perform these on the exam day!
I am starting a 5 week placement on monday in a trauma orthopaedic ward and it is an hour each way on the train. I know i will be tired and have loads on at the moment however i need to do this and hence the reason i am posting on the best website of its kind with the best readers of its kind watching on!
So lets get started, id like to call my last 3 days ‘pre or easing into’ as ive never followed a strict diet before or exercise program for that matter! ive now an idea of wats needed and how to go about doing wats needed!
my stats are:
Height: 193cm
Weight: 103 Kgs
Bodyfat: i reckon greater than 20% now, will be getting checked tomorrow, It was at 17% in november and was at 19% at December so im afraid to look now! Im aiming to get it below 15% to begin with and aim for 12%.
Il have the pics up tomorrow when i get back to the uk and ul see ive alot of work to do.
My bench press best is 3 sets of 6 on 80kgs with failing on the last rep on each. As ive siad ive never done this properly before and will try and get my 1rm Sunday morning.
My squatting is useless aswell. im tall and so Shite, i know its no excuse but id be struggling squatting 100kgs for 3 reps with good form. i know i need to improve my flexebility drastically also!
My deadlift is similiar to Squatting and i hope to improve this figure drastically aswell!
My supps are Mass Fx Protein which i dont use half as regularly as i should.
I have some HOT-ROX Extreme left also and ive ordered more.
Ive also just got some body fortress L-Glutamine 100 tablets 500mg per tablet. If i need 20g of glutamine per workout as ive been reading in the clinics then i dont know how im gonna afford this but anyways!
Im getting some L-tyrosine tomorrow in the UK and plan to combine this with some caffine tablets pre workout as per recomendation of JoeDe
Ive also just purchased some BCAA’s and are gonna give these a try as ive never used them before.
Finally ive some cheap fish oil omega 3 capsules containing 500mg fish oil and 90mg EPA with 60mg DHA, i know there cheap ass but they cost a pound for 60 capsules! So im presuming im gonna go through a pack a week at least!
Im not rich by a long shot but hopefully these supps will help me on my journey.
Il post my ATTEMPTs at eating right below later and hopefully ul get an idea where im at!
I WAS totally useless at all this stuff until NOW! Im determinded to get educated and transformed and believe me if i can do it then so can anyone else!
Hope people dont mind this thread in here as opposed to Bodybuilding section but Sports Performance comes first for me. im hoping the physique will go hand in hand with it!