My WS4SB Physique Clinic

[quote]blunt wrote:
Nice work dude also just started a diet using the WS4SB but my regular gym doesnt have so much equipment so i do a variation…

But i will follow your progress… good luck with the diet and training dude… you seem to have a good attitude towards it !

Btw do you do any slow cardio on youre off-days ?[/quote]

Thanks man,

feel free to post some of your progress pics on this forum i u wish, might keep me motivated!

In terms of low cardio, im fairly active person anyways, its mainly been my diet that was the problem.

Im in my final year training to become a physiotherapist. My days now consist of been on an orthopaedic ward for the next 5 weeks, a 20 minute fast pace walk to and from train station every morning, walking around a ward and hospital all day! (i reckon my ward is a quarter mile nearly from the main physio department where my locker is,takes over 4 mins walk to get there at a fast pace! Then my day is 8 to 4 basically walking around the wards, helping people, be it taking some of their strain etc, walking them up and down wards etc, so my days are all low cardio!

I dont mind walking at all, but in terms of low cardio jogging, i hate it! I get so bored and as u can see by my build, i dont think im made to run a marathon! Il be back training with the Uni team next week so thatl be an extra days cardio also il be trying to go joggin when DOMS allow!

Sorry about yest, i left my house at 5.55 am and came home that night at 12.30 am, had to go straight to work from my placement, my placements arent paid as u can tell so still gotta work to survive! Its a killer!

Anyways diet was pretty good yest, basically consisted of the similiar few days previous without the snack before i went to bed, honestly couldnt make it i was so tired!!

The show must go on tho!

Today was:

Two wholemeal toast with cottage cheese and cup green tea.

4 clementines and bananna between 8 and 1 spread evenly enough,

Lunch was 2 protein bars, 2 oranges, thats all i cud grab this morning before i left, was late getting up i was so tired!

Pre workout was Protein bar, 3 tyrosine, 1 caffine pill, 1 glutamine and 3 BCAA’s.

Post workout protein shake with 3 scoops of protein and 4 BCAA’s.

Dinner was half pack of noodles, breast of chicken and a plate full frozen veg of green beans, carrots with broccoli n peppers added with a spice over it.

In terms of workout! WOW!!! Class, it was really good tonight! Upper body Reps night! It was nice to be able to lower weights and give my nervous system a break yet still be nearly going to failure on all reps! It was done within the hour and was really enjoyable!

one thing i wud say is i love the way ppl are looking at me n my training partner now in the gym! Its obvious they have never seen some of these exercises before there so clueless! Really good nights work!

DB Floor press,

2 17.5kg DBs (Just at failure on my 4th set n was coming close on sets 2 n 3) Prob will go up to 20kgs next week.
4 sets of 15 reps. Got all of them, nice pump at the final set.


A1 Lat pull down, hammer strength machine,
A2 DB seated CLEANS

A1 was 30kgs set 1 and 4 and 35kgs either side sets 2 and 3
A2 was done with two 10kg DBs. Got all 8 reps of both exercises on each set except last one n i got 7 with a pathethic attempt of a final rep on set four!

DB lateral raise, *Note i took Eric Cressey’s advice from his shoulder savers article and done there slight forward rather than directly lateral,
Used 7.5KG DBS, sounds pathethic but these are tough, especially on ur core, Got 8 reps of each but near failure on last rep of sets 2-4

Superset 3 sets of 10 reps.

Shrugs using 2 22kg DBs
*Man only second time i ever trained my traps, my partner was more comfortable with this weight than i was and im way stronger weights on every exercise except this, FOUND THAT INTERESTING!

Tricep push down on the fourth plate, cant remember the weight, it was the push down thats hight than others so its quite tougher,

Got all 10 reps on all 3 sets.

2 10Kg plate pinches! Again ppl were looking stupid but looks can be decieving, ur going fine then all of a sudden its like agony, done 2 sets of roughly over a minute each, the second set was a killer!

Finished off with Tabata method Anaerobic and aerobic energy systems training on the Grippler! Man this machine is a killer normally, try TABATAS on it! OH MY GOD BOY!

You bascially pull down on the rope and it goes around in circles revolutions if that makes sense, cant find a link, but its tough, like a tug of war rope! Anyways got 1.23 in distance during my 4 mins, not sure what that is but il use it as an objective measure, my partner got 1.07.

Its a great way to end the workout!


Im feeling my body changing already, my gut has toned quite alot in a week and my whole body seems to be toning up again!

Im really enjoying it so far, these half five starts are tough and not allowing me to post as regular as possible but hopefully will have sometime time over weekend! Working sat night but resting tomorrow night and sat afternoon! Hope the Doms are gone n il try do something Saturday i reckon cardio wise!

Il post pics maybe sunday, i hope my perception and feeling of a more toned body comes out in the pics. wE shall see!

Thanks for all the support, ud be suprised how a few comments can increase ur determination even more! Will be having a cheat meal sunday night but only one and nothing OTT.

shocki mean your gonna have to push the hells out of youi mean max effort is really max

Ya man thanks, i know! Im doing it right this time! I went to max effort on both days. As i said im probably not as strong as i should be for my size but i intend to rectify this problem now in the coming months! Ive already done a personal best in trying 85kg on the bench and am trying 90kg sunday morning!

Ok yest, i was really tired, my DOMs from my legs were still there (still there today but died down slightly now!)

Diet was:

2 toast n cottage cheese whole meal bread
Protein shake with 2 scoops on train
3 clementines n 1 banana between 8 and 1
left overs from previous ngihts dinner of chicken broc peppers onion frozen veg
Protein bar
Protein bar after work on way home
Dinner was: *Home made pizza!
2 small wholemeal tortilla wrapes one over another with tea spoon of bbq sauce spread between, cottage cheese on top of wrap with chicken onion peppers and another tea spoon of bbq sauce sprinkled on top with a side salad of lettuce and cucumber!
Dessert then was a protein bar cut up with a half frozen half a protein shake over it!
Had about 3 cups of green tea, 2 hrx, 2 tyrosine and caffine tablet throughout day
Had a tablespoon of peanut butter before bed!

Went to cinema to see WE OWN THE NIGHT with girlfriend! Didnt get anything at cinema and really enjoyed film!

Forgot to mention i had ALL OVER BODY DOMS! Incl DOMS from my rep night!

Today have woke up at 10 which is really early for me usually on weekend but actually a good lie in compared to my new weekdays.

Had a cup of green tea,
protein shake wit 2 scoops n water
Protein bar so far!
Just made another batch of protein bars with choc protein powder instead! Quite nice!

im training a client now! (well its free but as part of my case study for my NSCA exam!) and gonna have home made veg soup that i made thurs night

and then for dinner is a veg stir fry wit chicken.

work tonight so will be a protein bar bought with me and also live on water n diet soda tonight n work! Got max effort upper body tomorrow and im gonna be shocking body again!
Took some pics this morning on waking, there to follow! Slight progress i think!

Front pic

Side Pic

And my back pic,

I think there is slight changes, whether it is water or something going, not quite sure.

Also these are me totally relaxed, im not tense or anything like that to make it look like extra tone!

[quote]Rampage74 wrote:
shocki mean your gonna have to push the hells out of youi mean max effort is really max



Im on a high at the moment after that session and am loving this program!

I got some advice before about this program from a T-Nationer and he told me to write everything down and see what works for me, it all makes sense now to me! Like last week i started ‘working up’ way too light, this week i started working up heavier and smashed my personal record, i was predicting my 1rm bench to be about 90 kgs but today ive done 2 sets of 90kg for 3 reps each! My last set then consisted of 95kg with getting the 3 reps with less than perfect form so i am not inclined to count those as work sets, obviously it may cause some neural adaptation hopefully so all is not lost! I think ive increased everything day between weights and reps and really pushed myself to shock my body! Also the energy systems work at the end was really great and i found a way of doing a modified glut ham raise! il tell about that later!

So here it is for today!
Bench Press
70kg by 5 reps
70kg by 5 (the first set felt slighty heavier than it should have been so i decided to do an extra set just to get my motor control and technique right before progressing)
75kg by 3
80kg by 3
85kg by 3
90kg by 3
90kg by 3
*95kg by 3 (*Needed assistance on the transition from eccentric to concentric on the last two reps.)

Incline DB press
2 sets of 15 reps on two 15kg DBs (Increased from last week on second set up to 15 reps, was at failure)

3 supersets of Bilateral DB rows and DB Power Cleans with 2 10kg weights.
Got 10,8 10,8 10,8 respectively. This is increased on my cleans reps from last week, these are really tough!

Shrugs using 20kg DBs, as i said im really struggling with these but opted for good technique today, got 3 sets of 12. Need to progress quickly with this, feel like its my weak link.

BB Curls with Z bar, 30kg, Got 3 sets of 10 whcih was an increase in reps as stuggled last week on the last 2 sets for some reason.

Then done a tabata method 4 mins on the Rower today on level 10 , found it tough, plan to test myself every second week with the 1000 row test.

Then done like the machine where its like a pedal boat except with ur hands if that makes sense tababta also, 4 mins. So was feeling quite tired after this!


I do these energy systems afterwards and its mainly anaerobic power dominated with a little aerobic so in theory i should not be losing too much muscle gains should 1? This is the way i see it, if its anaerobic then its not gonna be converting glucose to glycogen and using oxidative systems as it lasts 20 seconds each set. Any views? This is the way im thinking anyways from what ive learned, although i am quite inexperienced in this field.

Anyways just finished and whatever way i looked i thought i saw a glut ham raise in the gym, i couldnt believe my eyes seen as all the hype from them from JoeD, anyways it turned out to be one of those like declined abs benches if u get my drift, but i done some experimenting n neary killed myself on the first machine as i forogt one i go on the part where the feet usually go that all the weight wud be on that side so it nearly crashed into the mirror! But to make a long story short the one beside it had like a thing to increase of decrease the decline so it was able to take my weight better so il be able to do reverse hyperextensions now on legs day!

Legs day is tomorrow as im working thurs night so it messes up things abit!

Also took my weight and im down to 97kgs in the gym scale which is the one i usually go by, this was on an empty stomach alright but its looking promising!

Will post in tomorrow night after max effort lower body! and maybe tonight with my days diet!

Again nice progress dude…

When doing your Max Effort don´t you just wanna push that last weight arround your max for more than one set or is this just me :stuck_out_tongue: ?

hehe but i gotta thank you… you motivated me to tune my diet in a little bit more…

hey man, i’d recommend only taking pics of yourself like once a month rather than every week. the results are more dramatic, and it’ll be more motivating for you.

OK Duck Dodger, will give it a miss next week and maybe wait again for another week or so!

Blunt, thanks, my diet is definetely the reason im losing pounds and gaining muscle i reckon. Ive become very aware of getting my protein and lessening my carbs.

I do tend to feel abit light headed once in a while and i put this down to lower carbs.

My cheat meal last night was Nachos with grated cheese and salsa dip. Was quite tasty and kept me some bit sane.

Done a 50 min high intensity walk before hand so hopefully thatl absorb some of the calories!


I know its not great to be doing two days max effort in a row regarding nervous system but had to reschedule tonight due to work on thurs fecks everything up!

Tonight was ok, was really tired in placement today and felt drained but got thru the gym tonight ok! Managed to improve!

Felt the squats really tougher tonight and realised the bench i was using was actually abit lower than the one i used last week half way thru my sets.

This needs to be addressed and il keep an eye on this in the coming weeks, it was lower so it meant going lower. Still managed to get my 90kg squat but boy was that tough!

Im thinking now it could be interesting every second week to switch but then progressing might be slower? Or faster? who knows only Joe D himself probably!

Anyways: Bench Squats,
70kg by 5 reps
70 kg by 3 reps
75kg by 3
80 by 3
85 by 3
90 by 3

Bulgarian Squats using 12.5kg dumbells
3 sets of 8 reps per leg. THis was an increase in reps this week but was tough!

Then done 3 sets of 10 reps of the reverse hyperextension (basically nordic curls for the hamstrings and extensors spinaes) using a 7kg kettlebell

Finally finished wit a 3 rep abs circuit of 15 reps sprinter sit ups, 15 on stability ball and 30 doing obliques in supine and rotating side to side.

Overall felt really tired tonight, dunno cos of work or my CNS or what?

Diet was good today,
2 wholemeal n cottage cheese
4clementines n banana between 8 and 1
protein bar
tuna salad with lettuce cucumber onion celery
protein bar
pre sups of tyrosine x3 caffine pill
post supps 4 bcaas 2 glutamine n protein shake with 3 sccops low carb version
dinner was pepper chicken carrots green beans brocolli stir fry n olive oil.

Still have bit of frozen protein shake n some peanut butter before i go to bed!

Tomorrow is rest day which means basically working on my final year project!

Its going good so far, im happy with things now im 2/3 s way into week 2.

Also thinking of adding a spin class maybe once a week in the gym for a bit of intense cardio.

Also start of week 3 will consist next sunday of upper body max with gaelic trainign right after, which will be some sprints and sport specific drills!

Sounds like you’re doing well. Just remember to stay consistent and results will follow. WS4SB is a template that, with some imagination and skill on your part, you can sustain for several years or indefinitely without plateuing.

I started working out hard and CONSISTENTLY a little over a year ago, and I thought “Man, I can’t wait until I’ve been at it for 6 or 8 months. I’m gonna take before and after pics and everybody will be shocked, etc…”

Well, it’s over a year later and I feel like I’ve barely started. The more progress you make, the further you’ll feel like you need to go, but that’s actually a good feeling. You’ll see what I mean.

[quote]rmccart1 wrote:
Sounds like you’re doing well. Just remember to stay consistent and results will follow. WS4SB is a template that, with some imagination and skill on your part, you can sustain for several years or indefinitely without plateuing.

I started working out hard and CONSISTENTLY a little over a year ago, and I thought “Man, I can’t wait until I’ve been at it for 6 or 8 months. I’m gonna take before and after pics and everybody will be shocked, etc…”

Well, it’s over a year later and I feel like I’ve barely started. The more progress you make, the further you’ll feel like you need to go, but that’s actually a good feeling. You’ll see what I mean.[/quote]

THanks man,

Its interesting you say CONSISTENT and imagination, i was thinking about this today,

Im thinking on my fifth week to switch the exercises abit (to exercises from the template of course) but i really want to improve my bench and squat numbers as i feel there not what they should be at. So im thinking of leaving those as my max effort exercises and alternate the rest.

Would you recommend this? Also do you ever do a deload week? Because im only doing 3 days i feel i should be ok for a while but want to do this correct.

All im thinking about now is benching over a 100kg and squatting over a 100kg with the box squat. Im addicted to this program i reckon! Wish i could do the fourth day.My gym is good for free weights and benches etc but only basic when it comes to machines and absolutely no bands, chains, etc. Im thinking of adding in some car pushing on the 4th week when ive a bit of a base for muscle strength. My training partner seems up for it and itd be a great energy systems workout!

This pic is my dinner for tonight, the healthy ‘pizza’ i had last weekend!

Today was the first day that i had cravings again for chocolate! It started at 11 o clock break when the assistant brought in 3 different packets of chocolate bars n buscuits. I stayed wit my 2 clementines and banana

Then at lunch, somebody had a yorkie and i really wanted some!

Then i was left alone in the office with the ‘buscuit tin’ after lunch! I was seriously comtemplating taking some! Thing is if i have one, then i will have to have another and so forth and keep going, thats the way it is with me so its safer to keep it safe and have none at all! It was tough but thank god i didnt get caught with my hand in the cookie jar!

Felt really tired and not in the humour for placement today!

Was pissing rain when i got off the train and had a 20 min high intensity walk to the hospital. Finished like 4.20 and train was at 4.40 so had to do another high intensity walk to the train station on the way home, got there with 2 mins to spare! Good cardio i suppose and i dont mind walking at all, would rather walk faster and get there.

Diet was:
Half a bowl of fruit n fibre with low fat milk
Protein shake with 1 scoop of the high carb version and 2 scoops of the low carbs.
2 clementines n a banana mid morning
salmon and salad with 2 clemenines n a protein bar at lunch
protein shake 2 scoops n 1 1/2 table spoons peanut butter 6pm
8pm pizza and salad

Felt i needed the pizza tonight to salvage something, the stir frys are gonna lose its appeal fairly soon im thinking although i hope i can stick to it!

Also am having chicken instead of fish for lunch tomorrow with some salad so that should be safer and more enjoyable!

Repitition upper body tomorrow night! Looking forward to it!

Today was Repitition upper body day, think it was alot tougher today than last weeks one! I upped the sets today and i really felt it!

Protein bar for breakfast, didnt have time, work up late!
1/2 Protein shake when got off train one hour n half later
2 clementines n banana 11am
chicken n lettuce n celery , protein bar n 2 clementines 1pm
1/2 protein shake n clementines at 4.40 when i got back on train
Pre workout: 3 tyrosine, 1 caffeine tab, 4 BCAA’s n 2 glutamine
Post workout protein shake with 4 BCAA’s n 2 glutamine
Dinner was scrambled egg whites with cottage cheese, 1/2 tin of baked beans n 2 tortilla wholemeal wraps with a cup of green tea.
Tonight i will have some fish oil capsules n tablespoon of peanut butter.

Also had 2 20 mins moderate intense walks to and from train station to hospital.

Workout: Reps upper body:
DB floor press;
4 sets of 15 reps on 20kg DBs. I used 17.5 last week but i found this one was optimum this week, whether im stronger or i was too light last week im not sure, i think ive got some bit stronger.

Supersets of: 4 sets,
Lat pull down and DB power cleans, had 35kgs again on lats and went for 10 reps this time n got 10 reps on first 3 sets DB power cleans. My last set i got 8, my body just couldnt lift anymore!

DB lateral raise used 7.5kg DB and barely got 3 sets of 8 reps, i was really feeling the delts from the previous exercise.
Final set i wanted to push myself some more n used a 5kg DBs for 8 reps

Supersets by 3 supersets
Triceps push down with straight bar, 4th plate (30) Reps 20, 20, 15
DB Shrugs using 20KGs for 8 reps.

Grip training:
2 10kg plates pinching, around a minute each. 2 sets.

Energy system training on stationary bike:
Tabata method on level 20 (max level) 4 mins etc.
HOLY SHIT! MY VMOs were hit bad! We could barely walk down the stairs after that 4 mins! That was tough shit, i won the distances again going 2.2 while second was 1.6 and 3rd training partner tonight was 1.4

Had 2 others with me tonight, same 2 guys as always. one comes when hes not working. It makes the workout bit longer but slightly longer rest periods. still push myself as hard as ever with no rest between exercises!

Well with 2 weeks down, things are progressing well! If Max effort lower body goes well next tuesday night, we are thinking of adding in some car pushing on the friday night for half an hour or there or there abouts! Also sunday after max effort upper body will be uni training of mainly short sprints and ball skills so more anaerobic power. Shouldnt be too bad as max effort is mainly strength and shouldnt affect muscle growth too much hopefully!

Thats it for tonight! Working tomorow night so gonna be like a zombie friday morning!