Today was:
Two wholemeal toast with cottage cheese and cup green tea.
4 clementines and bananna between 8 and 1 spread evenly enough,
Lunch was 2 protein bars, 2 oranges, thats all i cud grab this morning before i left, was late getting up i was so tired!
Pre workout was Protein bar, 3 tyrosine, 1 caffine pill, 1 glutamine and 3 BCAA’s.
Post workout protein shake with 3 scoops of protein and 4 BCAA’s.
Dinner was half pack of noodles, breast of chicken and a plate full frozen veg of green beans, carrots with broccoli n peppers added with a spice over it.
In terms of workout! WOW!!! Class, it was really good tonight! Upper body Reps night! It was nice to be able to lower weights and give my nervous system a break yet still be nearly going to failure on all reps! It was done within the hour and was really enjoyable!
one thing i wud say is i love the way ppl are looking at me n my training partner now in the gym! Its obvious they have never seen some of these exercises before there so clueless! Really good nights work!
DB Floor press,
2 17.5kg DBs (Just at failure on my 4th set n was coming close on sets 2 n 3) Prob will go up to 20kgs next week.
4 sets of 15 reps. Got all of them, nice pump at the final set.
A1 Lat pull down, hammer strength machine,
A2 DB seated CLEANS
A1 was 30kgs set 1 and 4 and 35kgs either side sets 2 and 3
A2 was done with two 10kg DBs. Got all 8 reps of both exercises on each set except last one n i got 7 with a pathethic attempt of a final rep on set four!
DB lateral raise, *Note i took Eric Cressey’s advice from his shoulder savers article and done there slight forward rather than directly lateral,
Used 7.5KG DBS, sounds pathethic but these are tough, especially on ur core, Got 8 reps of each but near failure on last rep of sets 2-4
Superset 3 sets of 10 reps.
Shrugs using 2 22kg DBs
*Man only second time i ever trained my traps, my partner was more comfortable with this weight than i was and im way stronger weights on every exercise except this, FOUND THAT INTERESTING!
Tricep push down on the fourth plate, cant remember the weight, it was the push down thats hight than others so its quite tougher,
Got all 10 reps on all 3 sets.
2 10Kg plate pinches! Again ppl were looking stupid but looks can be decieving, ur going fine then all of a sudden its like agony, done 2 sets of roughly over a minute each, the second set was a killer!
Finished off with Tabata method Anaerobic and aerobic energy systems training on the Grippler! Man this machine is a killer normally, try TABATAS on it! OH MY GOD BOY!
You bascially pull down on the rope and it goes around in circles revolutions if that makes sense, cant find a link, but its tough, like a tug of war rope! Anyways got 1.23 in distance during my 4 mins, not sure what that is but il use it as an objective measure, my partner got 1.07.
Its a great way to end the workout!