(yes, for bb’ing forum)
Serious question:
Would it be better if I cleaned up my writing style in bb’ing forum posts?
There doesn’t seem to be an issue in Supplements forum posts. Likely it is because of the subject matter. Direct answers are generally suitable, and usually it is not necessary to have various qualifiers or to include parenthetical thoughts.
Same pretty much for Steroid forum posts.
However, in bb’ing there are qualifying factors all the time, and while many things can be satisfactorily said with simple statements that are left at that, very many times leaving statements at that will omit things that can be of key importance.
In fact, I expect that many times the most useful parts of my posts probably are the qualifiers and parenthetical thoughts. The content of the simple statements in most cases probably has been read before many times before in many places. So simply getting rid of these aspects of the posts is not I think the best solution. It would be possible however to present them in a better-written way.
When writing professionally, I work hard to keep sentences short, to minimize word count, and to minimize my chronic use of parenthetical statements. Doing a really good job of this is very time consuming and, frankly, it ain’t gonna happen on forum posts. On these, I tend to write almost exactly as I speak, which is much easier when turning out a lot of writing.
But if my posts really are problematic for many to read, I could spend an extra several minutes per post tightening them up. Though if multiplying by very many posts per day, which sometimes is the case, that adds up to quite a bit, so it’s not trivial.
Do many see a real need for that? Serious question. Thanks.