oh the horrors of a weak bench! Ok, for those of you who don’t know me my story is here!
now I am writing this because i feel i have a very weak bench and I would like some advice for this as well as the rest of my workout. I have been lifting for 2 years and this summer I made the move from machine bench (and a lot of machine excercises) to bar excercises. I am 6’3.5 and 218 pounds. Yet i can only bench 135 pounds for 4 sets of 8-10. I feel i should do a lot more than this. Anyway here is my schedule right now. Is it anywhere close to being a good one? suggestions would be awesome!
Mon. - Back and Chest. All sets are 8-10 reps
Chest: bench- 4 sets
incline- 4 sets
flat fly’s - 3 sets
dips- 3-4 sets
heavy rows (standing leaning over ones) 4 sets
pull ups- 3-4 sets
pulldowns- 3 sets
rows-3 sets
after this as secondary muscle groups for the day we do one excercise of biceps and one of triceps each with 4 sets.
Tues: heavy cardio and abs
Wed: Shoulders- all sets are 6-10
arnold presses- 4 sets
machine presses- 4 sets
standing lat raise- 4 sets
front dumbell raises- 4 sets
seated bent over dumbell laterals- 4
to finish off one excercise of legs for a sec. muscle group (usually presses)
Thurs: heavy cardio (for me this is a 3-4 mile jog in 25 mins plus running 20 flights of stairs) and abs
Fri: bi’s and tri’s all are 6-10 reps per set
standing bar curls- 4 sets
standing dumbell curls - 4 sets (starting as hammer and twisting at the top)
concentration curls - 3-4 sets
reverse bar curls- 3 sets
cable pushdowns- 4 sets
reverse pushdowns- 3 sets
closegrip bench- 4 sets
one arm tricep extensions- 4 sets
at the end we do 3 sets of bench, and 3 sets of heavy rows as a secondary excercise.
Sat: Legs- all are 6-10 reps per set
Leg extensions- 4 sets
Leg presses - 4 sets
Lunges- 3 sets
leg curls- 4 sets
alternate- one excercise of shoulders- usually presses for 4- sets
sun. off and mo. repeat
as for food I eat very healthy and large meals. My main sources of protein are milk, eggs, and meat (usually tuna, chicken, turkey, or beef) and 2 protein shakes a day one in the morn. and one post workout. I total around 200 grams of protein a day.
I dunno any help would be wonderful guys. I’ll admit I don’t know much about lifting either than what ive picked up from the bigger guys in the gym and friends in physio and the like. Any help (especially improving my bench) would be awesome. Thanks guys!