My WaterThib Program

The Power Look (Shoulders/Back)
A1) Power Pull, Snatch Grip - 2x6 (no rest, move to A2)
A2) Power Pull, Clean Grip - 2x6 (no rest, move to A3)
A3) Scapular Retraction Barbell Row - 2x6 (120s rest, move to A1)
(hold in the squeezed position for five seconds per rep)
B) Power Clean from Blocks - 3x5 (75s rest)
C) Overhead Shrug - 1x20
D) Snatch Grip Deadlift - 3x5 (75s rest)
E) Snatch Cuban Press - 1x20

Ab Training for Athletes and Babe Hounds (Abdominals)
A1) Incline Praying Mantis - 8-12 reps (no rest, go to A2)
A2) Incline Russian Twist - 8-12 reps (no rest, go to A3)
A3) Gagn?'s Cyclone - 8-12 reps (no rest, move to A4)
A4) Loaded Crunch on Swiss Ball - 8-12 reps (no rest, move to A5)
A5) Partial Dragon Flag - 8-12 reps (60s rest, move to A1)
(Perform anywhere from 5-20 circuits)

Quattro Dynamo, Day 1 (Total Body Strength Training)
A1) Barbell Back Squat - 5x3 (60s rest, move to A2)
A2) Lying Leg Curl - 5x3 (60s rest, move to A1)
B1) Barbell Bench Press - 5x3 (60s rest, move to B2)
B2) Seated Cable Row - 5x3 (60s rest, move to B1)
C1) Weighted Chin - 5x3 (60s rest, move to C2)
C2) Weighted Dip - 5x3 (60s rest, move to C1)

Quattro Dynamo, Day 2 (Total Body Endurance Training)
A1) Barbell Military Press - 2x25 (90s rest, move to A2)
A2) Lateral Pulldown - 2x25 (90s rest, move to A1)
B1) Front Squat - 2x25 (90s rest, move to B2)
B2) Lying Leg Curl - 2x25 (90s rest, move to B1)

Cardiovascular and Flexilbility Training

Quattro Dynamo, Day 3 (Total Body Hypertrophy Training)
A1) Barbell Good Morning - 4x8 (75s rest, move to A2)
A2) Hanging Leg Raise - 4x8 (75s rest, move to A1)
B1) Barbell Bench Press - 4x8 (75s rest)
B2) Power Clean - 4x8 (75s rest, move to B1)
C1) Barbell Curl - 4x8 (75s rest, move to C2)
C2) Lying Triceps Extension - 4x8 (75s rest, move to C1)

Cardiovascular and Flexibility Training


Thoughts on my bastardization of Waterbury’s and Thib’s programs?

(Note: I am trying to emphasize my shoulder girdle (hence the extra shoulder work) and am trying to bring up my abdominals as I’ve never really worked them before. This program is of course done on a bulk as doing this while cutting would probably immediately result in me (or anyone) crashing and burning.)

I would’ve called it “Thibury” instead, but interesting nonetheless.

Great job on bastardizing two programs that are useful on their own.

Cool Tip from back in February. Read it.

I think your plan is quite… ambitious.


Wasn’t WaterThib like Pokemon #87 or something like that? I’m pretty sure I caught that guy back in 6th grade.

[quote]LA wrote:
Cool Tip from back in February. Read it.

I think your plan is quite… ambitious.


I’m quite certain he’s refering to grabbing, let’s say, Ian King’s “Limping Legs”, Thibaudeau’s “HSS-100: Chest Specialization”, and Chad Waterbury’s “Perfect 10” for biceps, triceps, and forearms, and trying to smush them all together into a single plan. This of course would be stupid and very outreaching.

I don’t think this program is too “ambitious” as long as it’s used for no more than 3-4 weeks (3 weeks being the better of the two). Well, I’m starting this 3-4 weeks from now, and after 3-4 weeks of doing it (so, about 2 months from now), I’ll dip up this old post and give the final word on whether it “worked” or didn’t (killed me).

No problem dude… you asked for thoughts, I gave you mine.


No, I tend to agree with LA


[quote]powersavant wrote:

I’m quite certain he’s refering to grabbing, let’s say, Ian King’s “Limping Legs”, Thibaudeau’s “HSS-100: Chest Specialization”, and Chad Waterbury’s “Perfect 10” for biceps, triceps, and forearms, and trying to smush them all together into a single plan. This of course would be stupid and very outreaching.

I don’t think this program is too “ambitious” as long as it’s used for no more than 3-4 weeks (3 weeks being the better of the two). Well, I’m starting this 3-4 weeks from now, and after 3-4 weeks of doing it (so, about 2 months from now), I’ll dip up this old post and give the final word on whether it “worked” or didn’t (killed me).[/quote]

[quote]jtrinsey wrote:
Wasn’t WaterThib like Pokemon #87 or something like that? I’m pretty sure I caught that guy back in 6th grade.[/quote]

Hell yeah he was!!!

I totally owned his ass!

[quote]powersavant wrote:
crazy training…

Personally I think your ‘creative’ program looks insane.

However, I’m not certain I totally agree with Thibaudeau’s advice. The strongest guys I’ve ever known all used a hybrid of training paradigms that they had found to work for them through trial and error.

IMO your’s looks like it’s leaning way towards the error part of trail and error. But shit, I’ve been proven wrong many times and perhaps you’ll make the best gains you’ve ever made doing your weird basterdized mess program.

If successful, maybe you’ll be able to market it and call it the WBM program.

I see what you mean Mr Thibaudau about LA’s thought, i respect them too, very wisely given.

One thing: when you prescribed Chest Specialization and Back Specialization, I admit I suck at tempo, so pretty much I did everything bu the 303 tempo reps and the prescibed 2-3 second squeezes at the top, or the 5-seconds lowering of the special exercises, in a 1-2 seconds eccentric. That means the Heavy exercises the first one had more than 1 second but less than 2 seconds of eccentric duration…

And i didn’t do a 303, i guess it was more than 2 seconds but not quite 3…some reps were like almost 2 seconds up and 2 seconds down, but…is it alright to follow the program in essence and let the tempos get shortened during exercise…lower the bar in 5 seconds becomes 4 seconds in the last couple reps or so, the 303 tempo becomes like a 202 tempo after the first 3 reps or so…am I screwing up?

By the way, check the thread BDSM-Useful Muscle on the “Sex and the Male Animal” ctegory, you’r back specialization program is suggested to get a thicker back for a guy that has a girlfriend who is into BDSM and likes to whip him until he bleeds…yuck…should do something about that, Mr Thibadeau.