My Upper/Lower Split, Ok or Not?

i just made an ub/lb split

with 2 ub exercises in my 2 lb days

do you think i should take a day rest before and after the deadlift ?

and what do you guys think of it in general ?


Tuesday - Heavy vertical

Military press…4 x 6
Chin ups …4 x 6
Chest dips …3 x 8
dumbell row …3 x 8
Tricep exntensions… 2 x 12
cable curl…2 x 12

Wednesday or thursday - hip dominant

Deadlift…4 x 6
Front squat…3 x 8
Leg curl…3 x 8
Seated calve raises… 2 x 12
Cable crunch… 2 x 12
Barbell shrugs…3 x 8

Saturday - Heavy horizontal

Bench press…4 x 6
Rows…4 x 6
Incline bb Bench…3 x 8
Face pulls…3 x 8
cgbp …2 x 12
bb Curls…2 x 12

Sunday - Quad dominant

Squat …4 x 6
Stiff legged deadlift…3 x 8
Lunges…3 x 8
Standing calve raises… 2 x 12
Hanging pikes… 2 x 12
Cable side raises…3 x 8

It doesn’t look too bad. Do it for a few weeks and make adjustments yourself as you go…

oh and its Vertical. :wink:

not too bad :slight_smile:

what would you do different?

i did the tuesday workout and it felt good

id say it looks decent if you feel you have given yourself enough time for recovery…

id consider replacing some of your isolation movements with more compound ones like snatches for instance…

make sure you eat and sleep a lot

Your “heavy” days look kind of odd to me. You have sets of 6, 8, and 12. I guess to me a heavy workout is going to be heavy and require lower reps and more sets.

it’s kinda relative

i trained mostly in the 10-12 rep range so for me 6 reps is quite heavy :slight_smile:

[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:
id say it looks decent if you feel you have given yourself enough time for recovery…

id consider replacing some of your isolation movements with more compound ones like snatches for instance…

make sure you eat and sleep a lot[/quote]

where would you put the snatches?

and witch bodypart would lack recovery ?

i would put the snatches on either your heavy vertical or hip dominant day…ya know…just hang snatches…

i was thinking that your shoulders may be slightly overworked with the routine you posted.

umm…id also reccomend lifting onl 3 days a week with two days off in between for the sake of recovery…

just my 2 cents

[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:

i was thinking that your shoulders may be slightly overworked with the routine you posted.


the front, middle or rear deltoid ?

but should I take a day rest before and after the deadlift ?

It looks pretty good, but there are a few areas I would personally change.

  1. First off, you have a day labeled vertical, that for some reason has horizontal rowing in it. And your hip dominant day has front squats which are arguably one of the better quad dominant exercises.

  2. Theres a lot of redundancy. No need to do pullups and Rows in the same workout.

  3. No unilateral movements

Here’s what Id do.

  1. Keep the general structure the same.
  2. Dont label a day vertical or horizontal, instead have one day be “vertical push / horizontal pull” and the other be “Horizontal push / vertical pull”.
  3. Keep the isolation movements like curls and tricep extensions, but train them for strength in the 4-8 rep range.

So it might look something like this:

Upper A
1a) Pullup 5x5
1b) Bench 5x5

2a) Face pull 3x10
2b) Flys 3x10

3a) Curls 4x6
3b) tri ext 4x6

Lower A

  1. Deadlift 5x5 (hip dominant)

  2. Split squat 3x10 (quad dominant uni)

3a) Calves 4x6 or 3x15
3b) shrugs 4x6 or 3x8

Something like that could work pretty well. I see no need to have a quad dominant and hip dominant day, but instead to have a mix of each.

But I will say, that using the exercises you are using, you are likely better off using some form of total body training. Im writing up a 4 day TBT plan right now, that will be 3 days TBT, and 1 day assistance/speed work.

[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:

id consider replacing some of your isolation movements with more compound ones like snatches for instance…


This shit gets so irritating after a while

i do a horizontal press on my vertical day beacause i want to hit each bodypart 2x a week because of the low volume

same for the front squat on hip dominant day