My Transformation (23 yr. old)

Hi! I’ve been lifting for a year and a half now. My stats are:

23 years old
6’1 ft.
190 pounds (going for 200)

bench: 250
squat: 290-300
deadlift: 360
overhead press: 165

The picture on the right is from February 2007. It was taken in Thailand at the time.
The picture on the left is from September 2009. I was weighing around 176 pounds at the time. I went on a bulking diet after and the goal is to make 200 pounds before the new year. I’m at 190 right now.

The second picture is me around 185 pounds from couple weeks ago. It was taken in a hurry and I was not working out that day (not pumped up) thus i prolly look abit flabby…

Let me know what you think…

I think you need to read the rules. What about your back and wheels?

Here is a back shot.

Here is a more updated front shot.

I’ll have legs up abit later today - off to school now…

Good work so far.

awesome transformation!!

Grats. keep at it.