Warm up: clean squats 60kgs 3x3
clean pulls: 80kgs 2x5 100kgs 3x5
Sqauts super sets: 80kgs 1x5 90kgs 1x5 100kgs 1x5 110kgs 1x5 120kgs 1x5 130kgs 1x3 one minute breaks in between sets no leaving the platform.
bench press: 70kgs 1x10 wide grip then one minute then 70kgs 1x10 narrow grip then max push ups 15(set one).
0kgs 1x10 wide grip then one minute then 70kgs 1x10 narrow grip then max push ups 27(set two).
going to update more next week how do u think my training is going so far.
120kgs 1x5 127.5 1x5 135 1x5 142.5 1x5 152.5 1x5 160 1x5 167.5 1x5 175 1x5.
one minute rest in between sets.
no advise then or people just watching.
Can you outline your weekly routine. Max goals for cycle etc…
my max goals for my cycle are 200 squat in suit and rapps bench 145 150 and deadlift 240 245. my squat day is mondays and fridays deadlift wednessday and fridays and bench mondays. update my squats after tonight.
December 23, 2007, 10:13pm
[quote]powerliftingjake wrote:
no advise then or people just watching.[/quote]
Dude, you’ve posted 2 workouts. No general overview and no plan. Chillax!
Your volume looks really low.
I also forgot to put in last fridays training sesion.
bench 82.5kgs 1x5 wide grip one min rest 82.5kgs 1x5 narow grip one min rest max push ups 35.
82.5kgs 1x5 wide grip one min rest 82.5kgs 1x5 narow grip one min rest max push ups 23.
Squats:80kgs 1x5 90kgs 1x5 100kgs 1x5 110kgs 1x5 120kgs 1x5 130kgs 1x5 140 1x3.
that’s all i did that night post my dead lift after Wednesday some time.
Hanly what do u suggest to get more volume.
December 25, 2007, 1:36pm
[quote]powerliftingjake wrote:
Squats:80kgs 1x5 90kgs 1x5 100kgs 1x5 110kgs 1x5 120kgs 1x5 130kgs 1x5 140 1x3.
that’s all i did that night post my dead lift after Wednesday some time.
Hanly what do u suggest to get more volume.[/quote]
Does you workout literally consist entirely of one exercise? Or is that all you write down?
No thats just all i have been puting down i don t remember the oter tings i do. l start puting them in its just a lot of weighted dips and reverse hypers and things like that and chin ups.
hey guys did my deadlifts had a bad day.
120kgs 1x5 127.5kgs 1x5 135kgs 1x5 142.5kgs 1x5 150kgs 1x5 157.5kgs 1x5 165kgs 1x5.
so not a great day got higher last week oh well.