My Routine/Template

Here is a routine/template that I use:

Day 1
Back Squats - 10x3
A1 Dips - 4x6
A2 Bent-over Barbell Rows - 4x6
B1 Skull Crushers - 4x6
B2 Barbell Curls - 4x6
Barbell Shrugs - 4x6
Abs/Neck/Forearms (2 of the 3)

Day 2
Barbell Bench Press - 10x3
A1 Dumbbell Flies - 4x6
A2 Seated Dumbbell Military Press - 4x6
B1 Seated Calf Raises - 4x6
B2 Upright Barbell Rows - 4x6
Triceps Pressdowns - 4x6
Abs/Neck/Forearms (2 of the 3, different combo than day 1)

Day 3
Barbell RDL - 10x3
A1 Decline Dumbbell Bench Press - 4x6
A2 Hammer Curls - 4x6
B1 Front Raises - 4x6
B2 Side Raises - 4x6
Lat Pulldowns 4x6
Abs/Neck/Forearms (2 of the 3, different combo than day 2)

Every 6 weeks I change up the workouts slightly (according to where I need more development or where I am stalling). So far I like this workout a lot. What do you guys think of it? Is it to much, to little? Lemme know what ya think

How is it working? It’s all about results.

Nobody can tell you if it is too much or too little without more information.

Well so far i have been improving either week-to-week, or every other week. I guess I have seen a SLIGHT change in size.

I do my supersets like this from week-to-week:
first week is what i can do…second week i use higher weights for whichever one i can do more with.
A1 50 50 55 55 60 60
A2 35 40 40 45 45 50
So basically every week after the first week is staggered. Works good so far.

It’s not bad, but you aren’t pulling as much as you are pushing. Adding in a one arm DB row, or seated row, instead of Front raises would balance it out more.

good call…ill do that