My Results From 2010 Michigan State Meet

Today was a great meet day, I felt strong, the atmosphere was great, and there were alot of strong individuals there that really kicked some ass. Here is my results, I competed in Teen-2 and in the 220 class. I competed semi raw wearing only single ply breifs and knee wraps

SQUAT: (no vids)

425-barely made depth, had alot of issues with this today, but regardless, it was a 60 pound PR and it was good for me

440-again getting to depth was an issue, I sat in the hole for a looooong time, and It drained me, got half way up and missed it. It was the most I had ever attempted in just breifs

275-fairly easy, 20 pound PR
286.5 (meet was in kilos)- I had solid technique on this one, and lots of leg drive, but just couldnt lock it out. Ill have the vids posted later


By this time my back was shot, and I has having lots of lower body pain, so I changed my opener to 330, which was cake


440-It was a little easier than I thought it would be, but still under my meet best and way under my gym best.

All in all today was great. I had alot of fun and beat all my PR’s except for dead. I took first, and posted an 1140 total. I am very proud of how I did today, but now its back to the gym to get even stronger for my next meet.

Congrats man! You’ve been busting ass and I’m sure it showed in your lifts. Keep up the good work. Take a camera next time!

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:
Congrats man! You’ve been busting ass and I’m sure it showed in your lifts. Keep up the good work. Take a camera next time![/quote]
Thanks man, I have bench vids, I just didnt take squat vids (I wish I wouldve) becuase I didnt even want to fuss with it. I didnt deadlift heavy so I didnt even bother recording them

Congrats on the new PRs!
Do you know what the reason was, behind you having trouble hitting depth?
How much did you beat your total by?

I couldnt hit depth maybe becuase I wasnt opening my hips up enough, or I dunno I guess.

I beat my last total by 90 pounds.