Saturday I did my first meet, it was the APF/AAPF Michigan State Meet. I competed in the AAPF 242 junior class. I competed raw, only a belt and wrist wraps. Before the lifting started i was so lost since i train in my garage and dont have a coach so i had no idea what to do, when to warm up or anything like that. I lucked out big time when my dads friend from work was there and happens to be big into powerlifting. He helped me out alot and really helped with my nerves and warming up. So lets get to the lifting
*NOTE all weights were in kilos so the pounds are all weird
First attempt: 386lbs/175kg, good
real smooth and fast, hit good depth, 3 whites
Second attempt: 419lbs/190kg, good
felt good, i guess i was close on depth because im pretty sure i got one red
Third attempt: 441lbs/200kg, no good
Burried it to make sure i hit depth, it came up nice and fast but i racked it before the command, that sucked but oh well live and learn
2/3 on squats
First attempt: 287lbs/130kg, good
Nice and fast, flew off my chest
Second attempt: 303lbs/137.5kg, good
Same as the first, flew off my chest
Third attempt: 320lbs/145kg, no good
It felt good goin down but once i got the press command it went fast but couldnt get through my sticking point so no lift.
bench 2/3
meet 4/6
First attempt: 408lbs/185kg, good
I was worried about being spent by the time so i went real light on the opener, i wasnt nearly as tired as i thought i was so this came up like a warm up
Second attempt: 468lbs/212.5, good
This one flew up like the second one
Third attempt: 501lbs/227.5kg, good
I was nervous about being able to get this one, last got it in the summer before i hurt my back and it was grinder, had to hitch all that stuff. That coupled with the fact the last time i dead lifted 455 was a complete grinder but I went for it anyway, and it came up fast. It was a definitely a strain but I was good for heavier
dead 3/3
meet 7/9
All in all a great day, kind of pissed about missing the last squat on racking too early but for a first meet i was expecting to make one of those mistakes. I definitely caught the bug and cant wait for my next meet. Seeing all the monsters lifting at the meet and seeing the giants at the arnold last weekend has really lit a fire under my ass so my training should get serious. Hopefully have videos soon if i can figure out how to get them from the camcorder to the computer.