heres my current program,started yesterday
mon. upper: a1-bench 5x5 20X 2min a2-weighted wide over-hand grip chin5x5 20X 2min
b1-skull crusher5x2 31X close grip bench combo51X 1min b2-preacher curls 5x5 41X 1min
tue. off
wed. lower:power cleans 5x5 2min leg curls5x52 min 11X calves 4x4 22X ab circuit
fri. repeat mon
weekend off
mon. lower: squats [parallel]l 5x5 31X 1legged curls 5x5 11X calves 4x422X ab circuit
tue: off
wed: etc…
all leg work is done after 250 jumpers and progressively more intense whole court sprints.
i obviously play basketball.
just like to know what everyone thinks. eat about3200-3500 cals daily on 60/20/20 carb/pro/fat
thanks, flash