First off, Stats: 17, 5’7, ~167lbs.
I plan on bulking to around 180-185 by early march, which is when I’m going to do spring track to cut down.
Anyway, heres the program I made…
Weeks 1-4:
Hang Cleans 10x3
Weighted chins 10x3
weighted dips 5x5
Cable oblique twists 3x8 each side
Back squats 10x3
Bent over dumbell rows 5x5
skull crushers 4x6
weighted crunches 2x8
Deadlifts 10x3
Incline press 5x5
Farmers walk 3x40 yds 110 lbs/hand
barbell curls 4x2
Cuban Press 4x6
Weeks 5-8
Snatch grip Deadlifts 5x5
Dips 10x3
pull ups 3x8
Cable twists 5x5
Cuban press 3x8
Squats 3x8
Flat bench 10x3
One arm DB snatch 5x3 each side
Cable bicep curls 5x5
Push press 10x3
Upright rows 5x5
Depth jumps 3x12
Close grip bench press 5x5
Hanging leg raises 3x8