ok i’m starting a log now because its probably the easiest way of tracking what i do since i lurk on this site all day.
I’m 5’10", 190-195lbs right now, floating between 12-15%bf( yes it was professionally measured), i’m a US Marine, so i hit the pavement at least 2x a week(running)
basically my goals are to get as big and scary as i can.
i like to focus on compound lifts, so i do a lot of deads, rack pulls,squats, power cleans, etc. i can’t really go heavy on the bench because i dont have a spotter most of the time.
Here’s yesterdays(monday) workout:
in this order
135x2x15,155x2x10, 185x2x6
Close grip BP 135x3x10, 175x2x8
Rack Deads 225x2x10, 315x2x8, 405x3x4
Face-pulls 5x5(cant remember weight)
BW Dips 4xfailure
I thought I couldn’t bench alone because I didn’t have a spotter and that Dumbbell Bench Press would be enough. I was wrong and now my bench sucks. But I have learned how to Bench without a spotter.
Flat-Benching in a power rack won’t save you. In order to touch your chest, you’ll need to set the pins so low that they won’t save you.
Instead you can do Low-Incline Bench In a power rack and go heavy. Set the pins so they’ll be around armpit level or whatever works. Then when you get trapped with the bar on your chest, you can just roll it forward and it will roll down your chest and on to the safety pins-thus saving you.
just did legs, went like this:
squat lunge:
deep squats:
str8 leg DL
Leg Press:
360x2x15(high foot placement)
360x2x10(low foot placement,stay on balls of feet)
well yesterday sucked, i was working alone all day and i dont pre-pack my meals so…i had 6 eggs and 7am and didnt get anything else until 6pm, when i had a 16oz sirloin and 2 beef patties, 2cups oatmeal, 16oz whole milk, 50g whey from my nasty ass tub of ON.
this morning so far i’ve had 6 eggs, 50g whey, NOS energy drink, 16oz milk. probably gonna stuff my face with carbs at lunch time.
i’m a firm believer that 3 squares is enough to meet your goals… although i do snack all damn day, mostly jerky and chex mix.
i use fitday.com to log my diet,
so far 1313 cals.,39g fat,166g carb.,86g pro.
so it looks like i’m in track to hit my 3500-4000 for today. upper body feels well rested so i might go do upper body today, without DL because i did those monday
wednesday evening: upper body
-close grip Bench
135x10, 155x10, 185x8x2 36 reps total
-push press
115x4x2,13x4x3 20 reps total
-power cleans
155x2,4,5,5 16 rep total, (light i know, but i need to get my form right before i start going heavy…i squeeze the hell outta my traps on the way up so i can really feel it later/
-T-Bar Rows
200x5x5 25 rep total
-weighted dip
BW+35 3x8. BWx2xfailure
-reverse grips pressdowns(just for kicks)
this mornings workout… i’m cuttin down on volume this next week because i’m broke and cant buy extra food…
-rack deads
315x8 (cwitching grips halfway through
-incline DB press
-smith machine(i know)tricep press(i dont know the real name…hands wide, but elbows tucked to sides)
posted is a back shot, others will come later…these are my before pictures, and i’m not asking for a rating, and i know i’m lagging in pretty much everything. I’m putting them up so when i put new ones up in a couple months, i can see how i’ve done.
back from holiday travel in IOWA… did a couple of TBT workouts while i was there. Back to my gym on Parris Island… yesterday was:
-Zercher Squats 6-8-12-15(first time–lots of DOMS today.
-push press- 4x5x5x4x4
-close grip bench-8x10x10x12x8
-wide-grip pullups/supersetted with face-pulls-- 6x6x8x8x6x4
-Dumbell Bench(slight incline)6x6x6x5
-weighted lunges 2-40 lb dumbells, i do these with rear foot on a bench to put most stress on forward leg, 8x8x8
trying to devise up a good 3-4 day split… could use some help