Hey! Here’s my training log. I need to keep track of my training because i’m not focusing on progression. That’s the right place.
I’m going to do an experiment with Full Body Training done every day or 6 days per week. I’m not going to do maxes or bulgarian light. It’s just an experiment to see if this training system is good for natties because muscle protein synthesis lasts around 28-36 hours. So i thought let me give this a try. The program is going to be kind of flexible, focusing on compound movements and low to moderate reps.
Stats: Weight: 150-154 lbs (skinny i know but i’ve started bulking), Height: 180 cm, Age: 18. I’ve been training for like a month on a body part split and got my bench from 45 lbs to 135 lbs for 5 reps, didn’t really focus on squats and deadlifts, overhead press is 110 lbs for 3 reps.
I’m starting tomorrow.
This is what i’ve did yesterday:
- Flat Bench Press: 1/1/1/1/1 (5 Singles) (135 LBS)
- Squat: 3/3/3/3/3 (5 Triples) (95 LBS) (I’m working on it lol)
- Chin Up: 3/3/3 (Bodyweight)
- Strict Overhead Press: 3/3/3 (85 LBS)
- Row (Barbell): 3/3/3 (95 LBS)
- Flat Bench Press: 1/1/1/1/1 (5 Singles) (145 LBS) + 3/3/3 (Dropback Sets)
- Squat: 3/3/3/3/3 (5 Triples) (100 LBS)
- Chin Up: 3/3/3 (5 LBS Attached)
- Strict Overhead Press: 3/3/3/3/3 (90 LBS)
- Row (Barbell: 3/3/3 (100 LBS)
Going to deadlit tomorrow and do some ab work. Just to point out that i’m starting with lower intensity to adapt to the ultra high frequency.
- Flat Bench Press: Ramped up to 170 LBS for a Single + 3/3/3 (Dropback Sets With 135 LBS)
- Chin Up: 3/3/3/3/3 (Bodyweight)
- Squat: 3/3/3 (95 LBS)
- Strict Overhead Press: 3/3/3 (75 LBS) (Wanted to reduce the intensity a little bit today)
- Row: 5 (45 KG)
- Did Some Explosive Deadlifts
Bench Press is going up pretty fast, i’m hitting 220 lbs at the end of october at 150 - 155 lbs bodyweight. It might progress even faster. Let’s wait and see.
- Flat Bench Press: Ramped up quickly to 170 LBS for a Single + 3/3/3/3/3 (135 LBS)
- Chin Up: 3/3/3/3/3/3 (Bodyweight)
- Squat: 3/3/3/3 (100 LBS)
- Strict Overhead Press: 3/3/3 (80 LBS)
- Face Pull: 10 Reps
Bench press felt heavy today, maybe because of lack of sleep and not eating enough. I felt like crap today.
- Flat Bench Press: Hit 185 LBS for a Snigle! 3/3/3/3/3 (135 LBS)
- Chin Up: 3/3/3 (Bodyweight)
- Reverse Row: 3/3/3 (95 LBS)
- Deadlift: 3/3/3 (95 KG)
- Strict Overhead Press: 3/3/3 (40 KG) (Felt very easy)
Everything felt very light today, i felt great. I’m very happy with this workout.
Took the weekend off. I will update my program, instead of doing triples every day, i’m going to include 10 rep sets. It’s going to look something like this:
Day 1 - Triples
Day 2 - 10 Rep Sets
Day 3 - Triples
Day 4 - 10 Rep Sets
Day 5 - Triples
Day 6 - 10 Rep Sets
Day 7 - Off
I’ve got sick and skipped the whole week.
Here’s my full program:
- Back Squat: 3/3/3/3/3
- Deficit Deadlift: 3/3/3
- Flat Bench Press: 3/3/3/3
- Reverse Row: 3/3/3
- Strict Overhead Press: 3/3/3/3
- Chin Up: 3/3/3
Sets are not constant, i will add more sets if i feel good. This is just a guideline.
I’m still sick but decided to lift some weights today.
- Flat Bench Press: 3/3/3/3/3 (135 LB) (Easy, fast and smooth reps baby)
- Reverse Row: 3/3/3/3 (110 LB) (Felt very easy but decided to not increase because of sickness) (Ego wanted that 135 but i’ve said f you ego lmao)
- Back Squat: 3/3/3/3/3 (110 LB) (Easy baby)
- Strict Overhead Press: 3/3/3 (40 KG)
- Chin Up: 3/3/3/3/3 (Bodyweight)
- Hanging Leg Raise: 25 Reps
- Barbell Curl: 10 Reps (For the lulz brah)
I’m taking sunday off because the gym is not working. Looks like i’m going to PR on all lifts. I’ve also skipped deadlifts because i’m feeling very bad today.