Well, I just went to GNC and picked me up some “Creadrive”.
Mmm I can already feel myself getting more Creapowerful!
Anyway, I see that, in addition to the huge tub being about half full of powder, that each scoop is about 5.25grams creatine and like 34 carb grams, 33 being from sugars.
Is this to jack up insulin to absorb creatine or is it to make it taste better and make it easier to fill up those big GNC tubs?
Its too jack up insulin which helps the creatine be taken into the muscle. Unforunately, you probably paid way more than needed.
The most proven, inexpensive way to supplement with creatine is:
Creatine Monohydrate (micronized version for improved mixability) mixed with no acidic fruit juice, such as grape juice.
That is the most proven sports supplement in history.
No reason for silly isomer bonding and chemical blah blah binded creatine.
I would suggest in the future just getting pure micronized creatine monohydrate (its like $14 for 500g) and mixing it with juice or whatever depending on your calorie guidelines.
I forgot to add that 500g like I mentioned will last you forever, variant upon your dosage, but along time nonetheless.
I spend like $40 a YEAR on creatine buying from Biotest. I recomend you and the world do the same.