My Fitness Director - Please Vote for Her

This is the fitness director at my gym. She took 8th a last year’s Arnold in her division. She’s pretty freaking buff, and I am a little afraid of her :). I am lucky enough to have her and her dietician in my corner right now, and as you might imagine, they are making a difference for me.

I think she looks pretty good for a 42 year old Mom - and she looks like that pic every day. Also, she’s German and can put away some beer. Anyway, I like her, so when she gave me her link for this contest she is in, I decided to put it up here. She is in the semi-finals, apparently for her group and has a chance to win a trip to NYC with her sweety. So, take a look, and if you don’t think she is too flabby for a 42 yr old mom, give her a vote! It only takes a second.

(No, this is not some troll job - look at my profile - I have been here on T NATION for a LONG f’ing time - actually since 1999.)