Mazel Tov! (smashes a glass on the floor -lol)
Mazel Tov! (smashes a glass on the floor -lol)
I noticed some stretch marks on my triceps about a year ago. It’s very noticeable on my left arm and only slightly noticeable on my right arm (and I am right handed). They are the only ones I have, and that’s fine with me!
Awww…our lil boy is growing up! Congrats Live, we’re proud of you buddy!
Not a stretch mark, but I just noticed that I now have horizontal veins on my biceps. Sick!
[quote]ktennies wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
i was flexing my guns in the mirror today after my arms workout and i was like oh shit, is that a stretchmark on my tricep? im not sure if it but it looks like one. im kinda psyched because im a typical “ectomorph” so its a sign that i actually grew somewhere.
i think it was from the “bent over, behind neck, cable pushdowns” theres probaly a smaller word but i dont know it lol.
my forearms are also wicked sore from rackpulling. i got as high as 435 for …eh idk remember, on the smith. even though ive only gone to the gym 3 times since my week off i can already tell im gonna make some good gains this time around.
Who is the girl in your avatar?[/quote]
idk just some model from Karmaloop. you can buy that shirt for your girlfriend…or umm.