Hey guys, I have a question I am hoping perhaps somebody can give me a good answer to. I am a very experienced 21 year old male lifter with, IMHO, a very extensive knowledge on nutrition, supplementation, etc., but I have a problem I have never been able to fix. I have a fat ass, yep that’s about it. No matter how lean I get, how pefect my diet and supplementation are, my ass just stays fat. I have tried all possible diets, and tried yohimbe in hopes of its alpha receptor inhibitor effects, both to no avail. I have starved myself at 1500cals/day to the point of losing probably 15lbs of muscle (very stupid in retrospect), and still the fat didn’t budge. Why the hell is my ass fat anyways? None of my relatives have unproportionally fat asses, but I have since I can remember. Is it possible in my early teens I had high estrogen levels which caused me to store fat there that just won’t fucking take a vacation? Would high estrogen levels now be keeping it there? (I highly doubt I have high estrogen levels now though) From what I know, it is probably the stubborn alpha receptors keeping the damn fat in place, is this correct? I am 21, 5’9", 185lbs, approx 9%bf, 31" waist, 45" chest, and a fucking 41" ass, what the fuck gives? Does anybody know of anything that can help me other than surgery which I can’t afford? I am willing to use any type of drug for this, despite the fact I have never used an illegal drug before. I would highly appreciate opinions and advice because it’s just not fucking fair, it really bothers me, and it’s the only thing that’s holding me back from looking really good… and it always has. Cheers, FatAss.
If it makes you fell better, a lot of women including yous trully like men with “fat asses.” It is nice when something besides a belt can hold up a pair of jeans.
Oh man a smaller butt is like the holy grail, ain’t it? I’ve lost 11 inches off mine and it still looks out of proportion…
Let me know if you ever find the answer, Buttman!
I believe it is genetic. I have a huge ass. My ass is muscular as hell though. I look like a damn klidsdale from the side. Some women really dig it. I have had a number of women say “I have a very nice bubble butt” etc. I would not sweat it if you are have a muscular butt and it just happens to be big hell you are set. K
Hey- you made me curious so I measured mine. 41" !. Mine ain’t fat, and I bet yours isn’t either. I am fast as shit on a ball field and you probably are too. I am built like a fireplug (thinner around the middle) and people are always shocked when I dust em. Well, used to. I am in my 40’s now. It’s not that I’m slower - it’s just that the other guys all have big guts or heart problems!! LOL Check out Bo Jackson - he had a big ass too. It’s something to be proud of, not to worry about.
fatass - i am in the same boat, but i actually kinda like my fatass. let me explain. the very first place i put on fat is my ass. when i got down to 4%bf last year i had no ass to speak of. i couldn’t even fill out a pair of jeans. on the flip side my calves and thighs are pretty large compared to the rest of my body, so i work them just enough to keep them tight. working my upper body balances out my physique and hovering right around 5-6% bf gives the illusion that i actually have glutes, but of course it is just mushy fat. unless you were to grab onto my ass you would never know. it sounds like you might actually have ass-mass AND a predisopsition for ass fat storage thus giving you the “fatass”. if you went down in bf% far enough you would prolly get rid of it. the question is can your body handle a bf% this low for and extended period of time? dunno. kevo
I’ve got a bit of a ghetto-booty as well, but it’s pretty much solid muscle. It’s been that way ever since I was a kid…the fact that my pelvis seems kind of tilted a bit adds to the protruding effect. Lots of chicks dig it, though…especially when they give it a grab. I just measured it (that was wierd)…39", I’m 6’ 195, 32" waist. Here’s your only solution: accept your ass for what it is and be happy, or find pants that make you feel comfortable about how you look. When it comes to jeans, try Guess…they used to make a cut called ‘pascal’, but now I think the loosest cut is ‘107’ or something. Even better AND cheaper are structure jeans…they have 2 or 3 cuts that are quite loose without looking baggy and have an ass-flattening effect. As for dress pants or other pants, sometimes you have to really shop around, but my suit pants fit great, because they’re tailored.