Once you are adapted, you can monkey with the macros (within reason). Now Ive seen two types of people respond a bit differently. Some, once fully adapted, do best on keeping fat high even with a caloric deficit. For example: say a lifter is 200lbs. He takes in about 2700 cals to maintain (find this out for you as an individual).
Its his first time cutting and he’s nervous about losing muscle and besides, he’s in no hurry, so he starts conservatively at a reduction of say…300 cals per day. He consumes 1g/lb of protein. This gives 800 cals of protein. Leaving about 1500 cals for fat, or 165g.
This is about 1/3 pro and 2/3 fat. Again SOME do best on fat staying “high” while cutting. Not only due to physiological idiosyncracies but also for improved satiety and craving control.
Others do better by keeping protein up some and going about 50/50 (or even 60/40). Thus giving our 200lb lifter about 300g pro and 120g fat.
Once you are adapted, try both and see how you fare. And from there, mix the two in a random fashion for potential added benefit.
Make “heads” the FAT DAY with a 33/66 ratio and “tails” the PROTEIN DAY with a 50/50 ratio. Then flip each day.
But again, I want everyone to have a good 2 month period where we “shift the internal masses”. Let your body adapt fully, find your caloric set point, and see how long you should CHO load and with what foods during this time.
This is your foundation. Then you can “throw some paint on the walls” to see where you progress best either in bulking or cutting.
[quote]pumped340 wrote:
DJS wrote:
Pumped… this was your first carbup right? You weighed in right before? Just trying to get all the facts. you came from another diet… what was the difference in calories from that one to this one?
This was right before the 2nd carb up, first one was last Sunday.
GSD (basically very low calorie AD) finished ~5 weeks ago, went up to about 260p/100-150c/75g so about 2300 calories until about 2-3 weeks ago and have been on the AD since
Thinking about dropping from 2700 calories, 235p/30c/180f that I’m at now to 2500 calories, 260p/30c/150f this week but I’d like to hear Tribulus’ and DH’s opinion. [/quote]