Part III got closed due to its maximum replies. Lets keep this great thread alive!
Pro- How has your progress been over 5 weeks now?
Well I lost a lot of weight in the first 10 days. But i am slowly increasing in weight again, and i am allmost back as where I started. BF is still the same, weird, because i look different, my shoulders, chest look more toned and i lost 1,5 inch on my waist. so i expected to have loste something.
I eat 3000 cal. my maintainance, i will start lowering next week…
I am getting stronger, but the main goal is fatloss, so i start cutting back next week!
^^ I think I am with you on that one. I lost the initial expected weight when I hit keto, and then stayed for 12 days like that. Now I am gaining 1lb a week, but my primary goal is fat loss also. I cut my calories back to about 2500 now on training days, and maybe 2200 on non training days.
Here is yesterdays diet, tell me what you think:
0730 - 6 Whole Eggs w/ 1/3 cup of cheese
1000 - 40g casein/whey protein with 35 almonds
1230 - 6 oz Turkey w/ 12 cheese cubes
1300 - Gym (heavy legs day)
1400 - 40g whey
1600 - Gym (didnt have enough time to get it all in the first time due to class)
1700 - 20g whey
1800 - 8oz chicken breast mixed in salad w/ bacon and 3 tbsp ranch lite.
2100 - 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter
This breaks down to : 47% (127g) fat, 8% (35g) carbs, 45% (265g)protein, 2447 total cals.
What do you guys think? This is pretty much my diet every day except I alter the portion size to meet my cals for the day, with some meat substitutions when I get tired of eating one thing or another.
Pro- I wanted to comment on thread III about your wife feeling nauseous on Mondays…it’s funny, as I was reading that, I wasn’t feeling so hot, either. I had to choke down breakfast, and even my morning coffee made me gag a bit. I didn’t have that happen on my other Mondays, which is odd because I stuck to a pretty clean refeed this time around - the other times I let cinnamon rolls and some candy sneak in there. The sick feeling went away after a couple of hours, though, and I feel great this morning.
I’m eating about 18 x bodyweight, though on some days I don’t get all of those kcals in and try not to stuff myself at night. I do save about 8g of carbs for mixed berries with whipped cream on top and a protein shake at night. Yum!
[quote]smithers584 wrote:
^^ I think I am with you on that one. I lost the initial expected weight when I hit keto, and then stayed for 12 days like that. Now I am gaining 1lb a week, but my primary goal is fat loss also. I cut my calories back to about 2500 now on training days, and maybe 2200 on non training days.
Here is yesterdays diet, tell me what you think:
0730 - 6 Whole Eggs w/ 1/3 cup of cheese
1000 - 40g casein/whey protein with 35 almonds
1230 - 6 oz Turkey w/ 12 cheese cubes
1300 - Gym (heavy legs day)
1400 - 40g whey
1600 - Gym (didnt have enough time to get it all in the first time due to class)
1700 - 20g whey
1800 - 8oz chicken breast mixed in salad w/ bacon and 3 tbsp ranch lite.
2100 - 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter
This breaks down to : 47% (127g) fat, 8% (35g) carbs, 45% (265g)protein, 2447 total cals.
What do you guys think? This is pretty much my diet every day except I alter the portion size to meet my cals for the day, with some meat substitutions when I get tired of eating one thing or another.[/quote]
What is your bodyweight? I dont get that much protein now, about 220 gr, for a 110 kg bw. Affraid it will convert in glycogen when i get the protein up…
And I eat more veggies, dinner + mushrooms at breakfast and a salad at lunch at least…
The rest looks pretty good and looks a bit like mine, but i eat 65% fat. Next week i will cut back on the cheese and salt add more whey and evoo…
We got this feeling it has something to do with te ps.husk fiber supps
we dont take them in the weekends. And add them in the mondaymorning pancakes…
Today I weighed in at 195.4 lbs.
I know I should get more veggies in, but really dislike them. One salad a day right now, but I will bump it up with some more veggies with lunch also.
Thinking about cutting it back to 2500 cals on heavy days, 2250 on LA days, and 2000 on off days. I cant see sticking to just one set cal. limit everyday, I am so much more hungry on heavy days, and much less hungry on off days. Hopefully I will see some gains.
This has been the longest 3.5 weeks of my life. Right now I am about to finish week four and I dont feel like I am making any more progress then I would with normal “dieting” and a little cardio. Hopefully in the following weeks, something convincing happens.
However, the all day energy and the better sleep is nice.
[quote]protein-pro wrote:
We got this feeling it has something to do with te ps.husk fiber supps
we dont take them in the weekends. And add them in the mondaymorning pancakes…[/quote]
Interesting that you said that…I don’t take fiber supps on the weekends, but I do put Benefiber into my Monday morning coffee.
Hi all,
Thought I’d join in on the thread…
First off new user to the forum and new to the anabolic diet only started on the 14th of January and only started using it to gain mass on the 3rd of feb…
So far loving the eating on the diet, energy levels are a lot better now, all seems to be good; except that I have seemed to put on a bit of fat too.
Only early I guess so still working on it
Ok, so I am finishing my 4th week of this diet, and it has definately been the worst so far.
For some reason, I am just tired all day everyday. Not really drained, but noticeably more tired than usual. Maybe I am overtraining and need a deload week? I think I will finish this week out (only 1 more heavy session) and start a deload week next week.
Anyone else experience anything like this around the 4th week? If so, are you deloading and how? I have followed my diet 100%, without cheating or missing a meal, and only eating “cheat meals” on my refeed days without splurging.
i am tired this week, week 6, but the weights still go up, so i guess i just need the spring and some sun…
[quote]smithers584 wrote:
^^ I think I am with you on that one. I lost the initial expected weight when I hit keto, and then stayed for 12 days like that. Now I am gaining 1lb a week, but my primary goal is fat loss also. I cut my calories back to about 2500 now on training days, and maybe 2200 on non training days.
Here is yesterdays diet, tell me what you think:
0730 - 6 Whole Eggs w/ 1/3 cup of cheese
1000 - 40g casein/whey protein with 35 almonds
1230 - 6 oz Turkey w/ 12 cheese cubes
1300 - Gym (heavy legs day)
1400 - 40g whey
1600 - Gym (didnt have enough time to get it all in the first time due to class)
1700 - 20g whey
1800 - 8oz chicken breast mixed in salad w/ bacon and 3 tbsp ranch lite.
2100 - 2 tbsp of natural peanut butter
This breaks down to : 47% (127g) fat, 8% (35g) carbs, 45% (265g)protein, 2447 total cals.
What do you guys think? This is pretty much my diet every day except I alter the portion size to meet my cals for the day, with some meat substitutions when I get tired of eating one thing or another.[/quote]
You sure are eating pretty lean, your fat is pretty low and that may be the issue. Have you tried to play with upping the fat and see if it makes a difference. You could start simple and add in EVOO to your shakes, use it on your salad, switch one chicken meal for steak or burger. Just an idea! What you have laid out is more of a Palumbo diet with a little bacon and cheese.
Braunbeck - The book suggests 55-60% fat max, and 40% as a minimum. He states that if you shoot for the 30g of carbs goal and get a minimum of 40% fat, then you should make the switch over.
You are right though, that day just ended up a little leaner than normal because the wife made grilled chicken salad for me for dinner and I had already had turkey for lunch, two lean meats. I typically get between 50-56% fat in my diet, looking back at my logs.
It seems the majority of my days are sitting around 50% fat, 42% pro, 8% carbs, with carbs being under or really close to 30g. I just realized that I did not set my spreadsheet up to calculate the daily percentage of carbs without fiber, so that can skew the numbers. Right now, I just have it calculating my daily percentage of carbs including fiber.
However, I have cut my calories back and am hoping to see some results in the next few weeks. Also, I am going to rethink my carb up, possibly 24hrs, starting Friday evening and ending Saturday evening. I think I am going to give myself one cheat meal Friday, and then clean foods on Saturday.
If your carb totals include fiber you should be on the order of 60g. You really need to make sure to get 25g of fiber a day atleast. I too use excel to track everything I eat, and I have it set up with a column for fiber and net carbs individual, I would suggest doing the same. This will also put your carbs under 8% of your daily total. While Dr. D recommends 5-8% anyways so I don’t see that as a concern. I have cuts my carbs back this week for the first time. This is my 4th week as well on the AD. I am trying to get around 2500kcals a day.
I workout 1-2x per day. Early morning lifting and night cardio/exercise of some sort (bball, swimming, HIIT, ab workout, jumprope, stairmaster) I try to mix it up. I have been keeping my ratios around 48%f, 44%p, 4%c, and the rest is fiber.
As for your carb ups. DH suggests not starting a carb up late Friday night. I think he said it is because you will be eating a lot of fat in the day and then if you start your CHO load and then go to sleep your body will store all that excess fat as bodyfat.
In other words, you want to leave enough time left in the day to expend the energy from your fat sources. So if you want to do it like you say I would suggest starting your carb up after lunch on Friday and still continuing though Sat. night. If your reasoning is to incorporate both fri and sat night into your carb load your going to have to stick to the ~30-36 hr carb load timeframe.
I plan to use this method when I want to go out on friday night, which Im assuming might be your reasoning. However if you want to do a 24 hr carb load, from the reading I have done it seems like from Saturday morning through Sunday morning is a good way to go. This is what I did last weekend and it seemed to work well. I am not having any energy problems as of yet and my WOs are going well.
I did sprints after my TBW today (4 days since carb up) and didn’t seem to have any performance problems.
Hope this is helpful and if any of this is incorrect, please anyone chime in.
PS- my current goal with the AD is to maintain muscle and loss a few % of BF and then continue to slowing add LBM.
^^ Sounds good, I will continue starting my carb up right after my workout on Fridays then (early afternoon), that is what I have been doing in the past. Yeah, I like letting loose on Friday nights more so than any other, so I want to not worry about carbs Friday night or Saturday morning when I get my huge carb breakfast! My excel spreadsheet tracks fat, carbs, pro, cals, fiber, sugar. In the cell that calculates my total daily % of carbs, I am using total carbs instead of net carbs. Does that matter? If your body doesnt really digest fiber, is it safe to say that you dont count calories from fiber? How does that work? Is it still 4cals/gram since its a carb?
Honestly, about the fiber, I am only getting about ~15g a day, but I have had absolutley no issues with this, thats why I have not supplemented. Maybe I will start, just for the added insurance of nutrient absorption.
I know you guys are really being strict about following his suggestions exactly, but keep in mind he says that they are not written in stone. I know you want the best results possible, so keep up the good work, but for me whether I get 30g today or 35g carbs today is kind of majoring in the minor stuff.
Airboren, making any progress? Me and you started pretty much at the same time, so Id like to bounce my progress of yours and see what kind of results we both are experiencing. I am also shooting for 2500cals/day and 2000cals/day on off days. What are your stats? For comparison reasons, I am (as of today) 194.0 lbs, 71" tall, 34" waist (which is where I am really trying to trim up, the rest of me is pretty lean).
So far I have:
- started at 199 lbs, dropped to 194. lbs once I hit keto
- stayed at 194.5 lbs for first 12 days
- up to 195.8 lbs the week following my first carb up (though I was up to 199 lbs immediately after carb up)
- up to 196.8 lbs the week following my second carb up
- now down to 194.0 ending week 4.
I am lifting heavier than ever, which in turn with my new found tiredness and lack of motivation, leads me to believe I need a deload week, so I am going to start that next week. If the new calories restriction still isnt dropping any weight in the next few weeks, I am going to add in some morning cardio.
I’m currently on Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program and had a question regarding the carb-up. My bench day is on Saturday (CHO day) and i was planning on doing some sprints in the morning before my CHO load.
My question is: What should i have before the sprints? Should I actually start my CHO load immediately prior to sprints, or should i have maybe a scoop of whey tbs of EVOO?
Been on the AD since January 1st and lovin it! Gained a few pounds of LBM but plan on trying to lean out before summer and continue bulking around mid June.
Hi guys 1st time ad’er. 11 days in on induction phase.bit wary about carb up. Only going to do one meal hopefully! Found fat adaption realy easy as ate no carbs hardly but higher p than f’s. Carbs make me feel weak but listening to your results want to strip bf and am def sticking to this. Feel leaner already with more fats. Had one slip on induction phase 4 days in bout 12carbs too much do you think this will affect me? Going to carb on sun with that being my only off day. Is this best plan? thanks
I’m 5’11" as well. I weighed 182.5# today. 32" waist(same on the trimming this section up). I bought some calipers but they are cheap and the method for using them is very inaccurate but it says I’m around 10%. I can see the veins in my upper arms and calves…since being on the AD even in my thighs sometimes but the fat I do carry all goes straight to the love handles/midsection so thats what I hope to lose during my cutting phase. I started the AD as prescribed with the maintenance calories and only doing heavy low-rep lifting. I experienced significant gains in pretty much all my lifts, which I loved. I increased my bench by 30#s instantly, and hit 4 plates on squats again for the 1st time since I weighed 205# and couldn’t fit into most of my jeans.
My weight changes are as follows.
I was on a keto diet for 5 days before ashylarryku showed me the light(AD)!! so I was glycogen depleted.
But Day 1 - 178# …in the morning it would be down to 174.5 if I was dehydrated as well.
Induction Phase- I bounced around alot in the induction phase, ranging 175-180#. The last day of the induction phase, the friday that we both carbed up for the 1st time I weighed 174.5# in the morning.
The next time I weighed myself was Sunday morning following my carb up. I weighed an astonishing 190lb.
This was gone by Tuesday which I weighed about 180lb for the rest of the week.
My weight gain from the 2nd carb up was more like 8lbs…from 180 to 188#.
Now I weigh 182ish on an average for the deplete portion of this week.
So there has been an increase larger than I would like in weight but I do feel leaner and extremely stronger, my previous restricted diets/fads really had me in a weak state.
Now that I am in a cutting phase I do cardio, like I said earlier, just switching it up. I did a few heavy WOs on my carbup days and the Mon. following my carb up and then did alot of anaerobic exercise to deplete my glycogen stores to put me into more of a fat-burning state sooner in the week. I thought that by the end of the week that I would be very tired but energy levels have been higher than previous weeks. I should also note that I’m supplementing with Animal Cuts now that I am cutting. 1st time I have used them…but they seem to help. I also plan to limit my carb ups to 24hrs from sat. morning to sun. morning.
I agree that we can definitely help each other because of our similarity in body structure. So do have any reason for training or just for overall health? I do it for overall health really. I just want to be capable of doing anything so that it why I do so much diverse activity. Long-term I would like to complete a marathon and a sprint triathlon someday. But right now I am just looking forward to Saturdays carbup :).
tams88- Dont worry about your “slip”, its not going to hurt anything (I am assuming you ment 12g over a limit of 30g). You just need to stick to the plan and decide for yourself how many days you should carb up, everyone is different.
Brian - Sounds like we are on the same page, other then the fact that my squat sucks! Dont know why, I train it hard, but I suck at it (max around 325).
I store all my fat around my love handles as well, which I am sure is the last place I will see fat depletion. I am noticing my face is much leaner, my arms and legs are leaning up more, my back is really lean, but my measurement around my love handles has not changed much, yet. The theory is that fat comes of your body in the opposite order it goes on. So, for me, the first place I tend to put on fat when bulking is my love handles. With that being said, I am going to have to stick it out for the long run before I see any results there.
Other than that, it sounds like we are both putting on a little weight after carb ups (when depleted the following week). I would venture to say that this is LBM, because I am feeling and looking a little leaner and getting stronger, so thats good. However, if I am putting on LBM, I wonder if I am losing fat. That is my primary goal. We will see how this next week goes, with the calories at 2500 and 2000.
Yes 12g over 30g. Good i wont worry then. Ill put up my average days eating as still not sure if eating too much protein in relation to fats by habbit.
- 2x boiled eggs, 70g beef, tbs heavy cream with flax ground.
- Greek yoghurt with flax, seeds ground.
- beef/tuna with avacado and rocket. Maybe little cheese.
- walnuts
- lamb/ground beef, broccoli
- lamb/ground beef, broccoli
Split the last two meals. also i read a while back Pauli said not good to eat dairy as plays havock with blood sugars. was having full fat milk til i read that do you think this would upset my induction phase? Thanks, am glued to this site when not training or eating lol