My Ex was Stealing from My Account

Hi everyone

I just found out that my ex has been stealing money from my bank account over the last few months (about $1000). The only reason he admitted it was because I told him I had been to the police and that one of the most recent transactions he had made at a supermarket had a video camera. At the time of telling him this I had absolutely NO idea that it could have been him. I was actually telling him about it because I thought it might have been my current boyfriend and I was asking him (my ex) if he thought I should break up with my current boyfriend! He totally acted innocent and I thought I could trust him 100% with anything.

Any way I have asked him to give me the money back asap (like today) but I feel a bit bad because I know he doesn’t have the money to give back to me. I know that he did the wrong thing and I am very shocked and disappointed but he has been so good to me over the last 10 years that I’m not sure what to do. He has forgiven me for cheating on him in the past and been there for me when I have been really sad or lonely even after we broke up. Its just been in the last 6 months since he met his new girlfriend that he has totally changed and seems not to care about me at all.

What would you all do in this situation?

Why does your ex boyfriend AND your current bf have access to your bank account, anyway?

[quote]imhungry wrote:
Why does your ex boyfriend AND your current bf have access to your bank account, anyway?[/quote]


Also, you suspected your present bf before your ex? That’s not a good sign.

I’d forget about the money and consider it penance for being stupid, then open another account that only you can access.


[quote]imhungry wrote:
Why does your ex boyfriend AND your current bf have access to your bank account, anyway?[/quote]

I’d like to date the OP, you got skype, girl? We can start there.

No, pick me. I’m a champ at keeping things on the DL

[quote]tootles27 wrote:

[quote]imhungry wrote:
Why does your ex boyfriend AND your current bf have access to your bank account, anyway?[/quote]



[quote]biglifter wrote:
No, pick me. I’m a champ at keeping things on the DL[/quote]

At least you made me laugh :slight_smile:

[quote]euco09 wrote:
he has been so good to me over the last 10 years that I’m not sure what to do. HE HAS FORGIVEN ME FOR CHEATING ON HIM IN THE PAST and…[/quote]

He keeps the money, you move on and learn from your loss and don’t let others have access to your money.

[quote]JonEightPackGuy wrote:

[quote]euco09 wrote:
he has been so good to me over the last 10 years that I’m not sure what to do. HE HAS FORGIVEN ME FOR CHEATING ON HIM IN THE PAST and…[/quote]

He keeps the money, you move on and learn from your loss and don’t let others have access to your money.[/quote]


Boy bitch gives her her money back asap or she goes to the po-lice, she stops fucking around when she is in a relationship and she gets a new bank account tomorrow which is not the monetary equivalent to the local fast food drive through.

How crippling is this for you financially? $1k considering a 10 year relationship isn’t a lot of money. However, if you’re broke as hell you may want to make him pay it back.

Put him on a payment plan.

Well I had to ask my dad to borrow some money to pay my rent this week. I even told my ex that during the week and he said he would lend me money if I needed it. That was before I knew it was him and I thought it was nice of him to ask!

Pics in t-vixen.

I hate that stories like this have made me cynical about people. I work for a bank and have seen way tooo many instances of people who “love” each other get bank accounts screw the other one over. The worst was a 17 year old girl stealing about 5k from her grand mother…and making her grand mother call the bank up and saying it was fraud. When in reality we had already told the little bitch she wasnt getting any money back because we had video of both her and her boyfriend putting empty envelopes into bank machines.

Joint accts = bad idea

His ass should be in jail. < thats a period.

The other thing that sucks is that he is one of those guys that everyone loves and thinks is such a good guy!

[quote]euco09 wrote:
The other thing that sucks is that he is one of those guys that everyone loves and thinks is such a good guy! [/quote]

When it comes to money issues…people do fucked up things. Ive seen people who will drill themselves into bankruptcy because they are too emabarrased to ask for help.

[quote]euco09 wrote:
Hi everyone

I just found out that my ex has been stealing money from my bank account over the last few months (about $1000). The only reason he admitted it was because I told him I had been to the police and that one of the most recent transactions he had made at a supermarket had a video camera. At the time of telling him this I had absolutely NO idea that it could have been him. I was actually telling him about it because I thought it might have been my current boyfriend and I was asking him (my ex) if he thought I should break up with my current boyfriend! He totally acted innocent and I thought I could trust him 100% with anything.

Any way I have asked him to give me the money back asap (like today) but I feel a bit bad because I know he doesn’t have the money to give back to me. I know that he did the wrong thing and I am very shocked and disappointed but he has been so good to me over the last 10 years that I’m not sure what to do. He has forgiven me for cheating on him in the past and been there for me when I have been really sad or lonely even after we broke up. Its just been in the last 6 months since he met his new girlfriend that he has totally changed and seems not to care about me at all.

What would you all do in this situation?[/quote]

Don’t put up with this shit. Your ex is untrustworthy (fancy him giving you advice when HE was the one that stole from you in the first place).

Get the money back and cut all ties. You don’t need negative people like this in your life.

Joint Accounts should only be reserved for married couples and only for mutual liabilities such as the family home. You should always keep separate bank accounts.

Woman, you’re way to trusting of the men in your life. How can you feel sorry from someone that has been stealing from you?

No trying to be mean here, but you sound easily manipulated by these guys - just my perspective on the situation. You need to look out for yourself, and if someone has been taking what belongs to your then you should get it back.

So what if he can’t afford to pay you back immediately? If he could, he wouldn’t be stealing from you in the first place. ID is right, put him on a payment plan and then cut all ties.