My Come Back Log

I haven’t posted on T-Nation in months.
My parents got divorced, quit my job, girl problems and my mind went to shit. After a few months of getting my head right I got back into the gym and got serious. If you want to see my old numbers go see the first post of Road to Strongman.

My goal is too post everyday with my training no matter what it is. Some other goals:

By: November 10th, 2007
Add 6-8lbs of Bodyweight (About a 1 pound a week)
Bench 240
Hit 400 on my Deadlift
Squat 325
12 Chinups in a row (Currently at 9)

Current #'s

6’1 205lbs
Unknown Bodyfat
23 years old

Bench: 235lbs x 1
Squat: 300lbs x 1
Deadlift: 375lbs x 1
Chin-Up: BW + 50lbs x 2
Front Squat: 225 x 3
Military Press: 145 x 4
Floor Press: 240 x 4
Rack Pulls: 365lbs x 3

Training: 9/11/07

Foam Rolling/Mobility Work

Front Squats:
8 Reps at 95lbs (Warm-Up)
5 Reps at 165lbs
4 Reps at 195lbs
3 Reps at 195lbs

Incline Bench
5 Reps at 95lbs (Getting used to benching in rack)
6 Reps at 145lbs
6 Reps at 150lbs
6 Reps at 155lbs

Flat Bench Lockouts
12 Reps at 135lbs
12 Reps at 135lbs
8 Reps at 145lbs

3 Sets of 8 each side 25lb DB’s

Chin Ups
4 Sets of 7

Training Time: 70 minutes

Any tips or ideas, knowledge, advice is always welcome. Thanks for reading and if you see I start slacking off in the gym then I don’t mind if you say something.

Later on…Hawk

Nice work glad your back at it


Life can suck sometimes and you have to put training on the back burner to deal with it. Glad to see your back at it man, I was wondering where you went.

Today was my first day back to work. Wow. Long day but I ate alot and tomorrow is going to be a heavy gym day. Everyone have a good nite I’m going to eat before bed.

Later on,

Workout Today:

Back Squats
8 Reps at 105lbs Warm Up
5 Reps at 185lbs
3 Reps at 225lbs
3 Reps at 230lbs
3 Reps at 245lbs

Military Press
7 Reps at 95lbs
6 Reps at 95lbs
6 Reps at 100lbs

Rack Pulls
8 Reps at 185lbs
8 Reps at 205lbs
3 Reps at 315lbs
Almost pulled 370lbs…close but weak grip time to buy some straps
12 Reps at 135lbs

Overhand Pullups
4 Sets of 6 at BW

Neutral Grip Cable Rows
12 Reps at 80lbs
10 Reps at 80lbs
8 Reps at 80lbs

70 Minute Workout

Eating, Nap, Eating, Work…

Any buddy know any tips for gripwork? I know there are grip articles but I would like to know what has worked for you guys.

Later on, Hawk

chalk! farmers walks… BB holds… your using a mixed grip right?

It depends on what equipment you got.

I’m using overhand grip because of a tricky right bicep.

And I just bought some chalk so next week we’ll see what the results are.

Thanks for the advice.


[quote]Hawksmoor wrote:
I’m using overhand grip because of a tricky right bicep.

And I just bought some chalk so next week we’ll see what the results are.

Thanks for the advice.


Gotcha, thats pretty damn good for overhand. Are you left handed? I use my left hand as the under grip. I am doing the same thing with overhand as you are because of my left bicep at the moment.
Might as well order some straps they are only 10 bucks is where I got mine.

Good work btw

Training Today:

Foam/Mobility Work

Decline Bench
12 Reps at 135 (Warm-Up)
8 Reps at 185lbs
5 Reps at 205lbs
7 Reps at 175lbs
Shoulder feels good, chest is feeling good
(Didn’t want to really go to low wanted to get higher reps today)

Trap Bar Deadlift
12 Reps at 135lbs
10 Reps at 225lbs
7 Reps at 275lbs
3 Reps at 315lbs
Hamstrings and Glutes work for me at lower reps, more quads with highers reps my traps definitely felt it today

3 Sets of 10 reps at BW
This is one of my weakest movements, my triceps are definitely a weakness so that’s why I’ve add dips now and floor presses, I will probably try some tate presses and more band work

Split Squats
8 Reps at 95lbs
8 Reps at 105lbs
8 Reps at 105lbs
These have really improved my balance so I need to maybe add one more set, maybe my posterior chain does more work on these than I thought

DB Curls
10 Reps at 40lbs
8 Reps at 40lbs
Little arm acccesory work, arms are still pretty tired, I am definitely a torso person over a limbs person so my arms need to be brought up.


Later on, Hawk

Very sore with the higher reps.

Stretched alot.

Tomorrow heavy and hard.

Later on,


Couple cool things I’ve noticed.

Less carbs for me more energy…strange.
Less carbs bodyfat down.
More vegetables and more fiber has been great.

Training Today:

Glutes very sore so foam rolled them alot.
Suprisingly upper back didn’t really need alot of foam rolling. Hips felt good as well.

Foam Rolled/Mobility/Stretching

Rack Pulls (Still waiting on my straps)
12 Rep at 135lbs (Warm Up)
6 Reps at 225lbs
3 Reps at 315lbs
1 Rep at 335lbs(Easy)
1 Rep at 375lbs PR (Locked it out and held it for a couple seconds, right hand gave first)

Floor Press
10 Reps at 135lbs (Warm Up)
5 Reps at 185lbs
4 Reps at 205lbs
3 Reps at 210lbs
2 Reps at 230lbs

Reverse Lunges

8 Reps at 25lbs DB’s (Suprisingly Easy)
10 Reps at 30lbs DB’s
10 Reps at 30lbs

Mixed Grip Pullups
2 Sets of 8 (Changed hands)

One Arm Dumbbell Presses
10 Reps with a 55lb DB
10 Reps with a 55lb DB
super set with
One Arm Dumbbell Rows
10 Reps with a 55lb DB
10 Reps with a 55lb DB

Training Time: 60 minutes

Things I need to work on,

More upper back work for locking my shoulders back
Adding Farmer’s Walks soon for grip

Tomorrow I’m going to be testing my bench, shoulders feel good. Triceps are getting stronger but more than anything I need to just get a good nights sleep and my warm up sets will tell the tale whether or not I’ll be hitting a new PR tomorrow. I’m losing some weight but it was just some fat, strength is still staying level but I’ll be adding more calories now that I’m losing weight.


A little foam rolling and some mobility work with light stretching.


Bench Press
6 Reps at 135lbs
3 Reps at 185lbs
1 Rep at 240lbs (PR Goal)
Missed 245lbs (Failed at Bottom)
1 Rep at 225lbs
2 Reps at 205lbs
2 Reps at 225lbs
1 Rep at 220lbs

Front Squat
8 Reps at 95lbs
3 Reps at 145lbs
3 Reps at 195lbs
1 Rep at 245lbs (PR)
1 Rep at 250lbs (PR)
8 Reps at 145lbs

10 Reps at BW
8 Reps at BW
5 Reps at BW + 25lbs
3 Reps at Bw + 25lbs, 3 Reps at BW

45 Degree Back Extensions
15 Reps at BW
10 Reps at BW + 25lbs
12 Reps at BW + 25lbs

New Bench Goal for November 10th, 2007:


Today wasn’t really supposed to be a training day but I wanted to workout with my friend and I felt good so I said why the hell not? I had fun and I had access to a box so I did my first ever box squats. Workout was short and sweet and I liked box squats alot. Now that I have a box I think my 325 squat goal will be met very soon.



13 Inch Box Squats
4 Reps at 135lbs
2 Reps at 185lbs
3 Reps at 195lbs
3 Reps at 225lbs
3 Reps at 250lbs
2 Reps at 275lbs
5 Reps at 185lbs

Incline DB Press
12 Reps with 55lbs DB’s
9 Reps with 65lbs DB’s
7 Reps with 70lbs DB’s

Farmer’s Walks
It was the width of my gym, it was over 50 steps total, but no idea of the length.
No Drops and no wobbling, good steady pace.
225lbs total
275lbs total
275lbs total
(Forearms grew at least an inch with the pump carrying this)

Training Time: 60 minutes

Probably going to take tomorrow off but we will see. When I get bored I go to the gym. I need to probably just eat and rest. Arms are dead and my quads haven’t been this sore in a while. Nitey nite.


Day off. Eating and sleeping, work tonight.

Later on,



Foam Rolling/Stretching/Mobility

Rack Pulls
10 Reps at 135lbs (Warm-Up)
5 Reps at 225lbs
5 Reps at 225lbs
3 Reps at 275lbs
3 Reps at 325lbs
1 Rep at 375lbs (No Problems, Held it well)
12 Reps at 135lbs
12 Reps at 185lbs (Felt Like I needed some more volume and some technique. Glutes and hamstrings equal exhausted.)

Military Press
10 Reps at 65lbs
9 Reps at 95lbs
6 Reps at 105lbs

Rack Lockouts
12 Reps at 135lbs
7 Reps at 185lbs
6 Reps at 185lbs (Much Better than last time)

3 Sets of 8 Reps each side with 30lbs DB’s

9 Reps at BW
9 Reps at BW
5 Reps at BW
6 Reps at BW
5 Reps at BW

Band Pull Aparts
1 x 25 with Red Band

Band Pressdowns
1 x 25 with Red Band

Mucho Exhausted but the Spike Shooter woke me up and I felt like it was good workout. Need a break from pullups. Rows for a while.

Later on,


After I eat dinner I’m gonna write more about what I learned today. Here are just the numbers, I’ll go more in depth in a little bit.

Decline Bench Press
10 Reps at 95lbs
6 Reps at 185lbs
6 Reps at 175lbs
8 Reps at 165lbs
7 Reps at 160lbs

Back Squats
6 Reps at 95lbs
5 Reps at 185lbs
5 Reps at 185lbs
3 Reps at 185lbs
3 Reps at 225lbs
3 Reps at 225lbs
(This gets weird so just hang with me)
8 Reps at 135lbs
Then Went to do cable rows

Cable Rows
3 Sets of 15 reps at 70lbs

Came Back to squat for some stupid reason, I got pissed because I didn’t feel in the groove earlier

So went back and broke my personal record
worked up to…

305 x 1…Deep tight and felt good…weird

Dumbbell Rows
12 reps at 50
12 reps at 50
10 reps at 50

Food then I’ll be back to examine what I learned today.


Okay so nobody is going to read this but I figure I would at least type some stuff I’ve been thinking. These are just random thoughts…

-I trained my friend who was in a motorcyle accident. He lost alot of weight and after rehab he never went under 10 reps on any exercise. I basically used westside for skinny bastards as a template. He started to do mostly heavy triples.

I got him to eat a bunch of peanut butter and pasta. He put on 9 pounds in two weeks. People shouldn’t be afraid of carbs or lifting heavy. Most are.

-Some asshole interrupted a female friend of mine while she was doing rack pulls. I preceded to then watch what he needed the rack for. Power curls with 95lbs, blue spandex shorts, a belt, and he was on his tippy toes. Hardcore man, hardcore.

-I heard a guy in the gym the other day, this is pretty good. This guy comes into the gym and starts decline benching on the smith machine, he’s only declining like 205 lbs and this teenage kid is watching him. The kid begins to ask him how he got so strong. This kid is learning from the wrong people.

The kid didn’t even way 140lbs and he was like 17. He then preceded to do upright rows, dumbbell curls and then posed in the mirror. I hold no animosity towards the kid but maybe he should choose his role models a little better and start eating. I need to have a chat with him and get him on T-Nation.

Let me say that I am by no means strong compared to others. I’m not really anywhere where I should be, I weighed myself today and I’m under 200 again and my total is only 920. My total last year at this time was under 600 and I was 175lbs.

What I’m saying is that I learned and practiced and read and I saw that what is considered manly today is rigoddamndiculous. Men are judged by their six packs and bodyfat. What happened to strength? I can’t find people to train with because everybody is afraid if they go under 8 reps that they will get fat.

You know how boring it is to train with somebody that only does high reps? Where is the challenge? Heavy singles doubles and triples test every ounce of your being because it’s not about the weight your lifting it’s about accomplishing, surviving, and proving to yourself that what happens in the gym carries over in life.

I was reading this month’s men’s fitness and it has like a list of the top fittest men on tv and I was looking at them and I was just dissapointed. Strength is just not valued any more. I understand having goals in sports, having speed, wanting a lower bodyfat but when did that become different from strength?

I’m not a world class sprinter but I have speed in certain movements. I don’t have the lowest bodyfat but I don’t value my self worth based on my fat percentage.

I just hate when magazines ask skinny bastards what their fitness secrets are. Then the tv star will say oh I run ten miles a day and do 100 pushups. And that is actually what one of them says in the mag.

I understand that 10 miles is a good cardio workout and 100 pushups is a test of muscular endurance but the thing is that putting skinny bastards in these magazines makes people think that if they don’t look like that then they are out of shape. News flash having a six pack doesn’t make you fit.

I’m not trying to bitch about it I’m just trying to examine some frustrations and I think I’m going to make more of an effort to help kids I see in the gym who walk around in wife beaters looking for new ways to cut striations into their “inner chest”.

Anyway I would love to hear any opinions,

Later on,


I didn’t post anything yesterday. I slept and ate.

I’ll post my training for today later in the evening before work.

Later on,



Foam Rolled/Some Mobility and Stretching

Floor Press
10 Reps at 95lbs (Warm Up)
6 Reps at 145lbs
4 Reps at 195lbs
2 Reps at 215lbs
2 Reps at 215lbs
3 Reps at 215lbs(Started focusing on breathing and I got stronger during this set)
2 Reps at 225lbs
1 Rep at 245lbs(PR)
8 Reps at 145lbs cuz I felt like it

Front Squats
8 Reps at 115lbs
3 Reps at 195lbs
2 Reps at 205lbs
My quads reminded me about that max effort squat a couple days ago and I remembered that today should be more volume and speed so I went higher reps after this
5 Reps at 145lbs
6 Reps at 145lbs
5 Reps at 155lbs

Chin Ups
2 sets of 8 reps at BW
3 reps at BW + 25lbs
4 Reps at BW + 25lbs
3 Reps at BW + 25lbs
5 Reps at BW + 10lbs

20 Reps at 60lbs
20 Reps at 60lbs
15 Reps at 70lbs

Pullthroughs(First time realing doing these)
10 Reps at 60lbs
12 Reps at 60lbs
12 Reps at 60lbs
(I’ll go heavier with these as I get more comfortable)

Good day, now I gotta eat and go to work. Later on,


I posted yesterday or so I thought. These are my numbers from the past two days.


Rack Pulls
12 at 135
8 at 185
3 at 235
3 at 275
2 at 315
Almost locked out 380
1 at 365
3 at 315
8 at 225

Incline DB Presses
9 at 60’s
7 at 70’s
5 at 75’s

Overhand Pullups
8 at BW
7 at BW
6 at BW
4 at BW

Incline Tates
15 at 20’s
15 at 20’s
12 at 25’s
Flat Tates
12 at 20’s

Reverse Lunges
8(each leg) at 30’s
8(ditto) at 30’s
10 (ditto) at 30’s

Box Squats (15 Inch Box)
6 at 195
2 at 225
2 at 235
2 at 245
2 at 275
2 at 295
2 at 300
2 at 315

Blast Strap Pushups
10 at BW
8 at BW
8 at BW

Blast Strap Rows
6, 6, 5, 4 at BW

DB Curls
40lbs at 8 reps each arm
30lbs at 10 reps each arm

Cable External Rotations
10, 8, 8, at a pathetic weight
Need more external work

