My Come Back Log

Training Today

Military Press
8 Reps at 95
5 Reps at 105
5 Reps at 115
5 Reps at 120
3 Reps at 125

Cable Rows
Neutral Grip: 15 Reps at 70lbs
Unilateral Neutral Grip: 10 at 70lbs, 12 at 70lbs
Unilateral Overhand Grip: 10 Reps at 70lbs

Split Squats
3 x 8 (95, 95, 100)

Hammer Curls
3 x 15 (25’s)

45 Degree Back Raise
15 Reps at BW + 25lbs

2 Days of Rest Needed, More Food, Love Box Squats and my overhead pressing is increasing.

Dinner, Work, Rest, Rest, Eat.



Hey Hawk, your comeback caught my attention since I’ve got my own comeback. I thought it was interesting how you’ve found that a lot of guys in your generation are too focused on bodyfat percent and six-packs. I wonder if they will endure at the sport as long as real strength men do.

Check out the strong guys posts in the Over 35 forum, like Heavythrower and Quartertonner. I think that guys that value strength the most will carry the passion throughout life. It never left my blood, even though life got in the way of it for many years. Doc

First off thanks for the post and I’ll check out the over 35 forum and I agree with your statement.

Training Today:

Floor Press
10 at 95
5 at 135
3 at 185
2 at 225
1 at 250 PR
8 at 135
(Every week I’m getting stronger on these, 275 is in sight by the end of the year without a doubt)

10 at BW
8 at BW
8 at BW

Back Squats
5 at 135
6 at 135
6 at 135
3 at 185
(More for speed and form, good depth and felt strong, I’m seeing great results from Box Squats including more leg mass)

45 Degree Back Raises
12 at BW + 35
12 at BW + 45
20 at BW
(Hamstrings felt good and lower back is getting stronger, probably why I’m squatting better)

Barbell Curls (I haven’t done these in almost a year, I don’t really like curls but hopefully it’ll get my right bicep stronger)
12 at 45lbs
15 at 75lbs

Food, Work, Sleep, Saturday will probably be a little bit of cardio and just getting ready for front squats on Sunday, hittin’em heavy and hard, goin’ for a max. Later on.


So I was going to try to max my front squats but I had a foot chase at work and my legs were a little worn out. I still went heavy and my quads were fried after this workout.

Training Today
Foam/Mobility some stretching

Warmed Up with pullups overhand
8 at BW (kinda slow)
6 at BW (good)
8 at BW (felt stronger)
I’m getting a dip belt so I’m going to start only doing 3-5 reps and start building some grip strength as well)

Front Squats
8 at 115
6 at 135
3 at 185
2 at 225
3 at 225
5 at 170
5 at 165

Incline BB Press
6 at 135
5 at 155
3 at 185 (Haven’t really gone this heavy in a while on inclines, felt good)
7 at 145
7 at 145 (Wow this was easy, strange I just set myself up like a spring and the reps were easy)

DB Rows (Great Feeling)
10 at 60
10 at 60
12 at 60 (Rep PR)

Reverse Lunges
10 reps each side with 30’s
8 reps each side with 30’s (right knee tired)
8 reps each side with 40’s (PR) (right knee felt in a better groove)

Quads did most of the work today, gotta get the hamstrings back into the mix. Right bicep is getting stronger but it’ll take more work.

Next Sunday though I will max front squats. I want 260 and I’ll get it. My depth is good but I gotta just get the weight centered and maybe take a little wider stance than I did today. Now that I think about I was a little narrower today so for my max I’ll probably move the feet out a little wider than I had them today.

Later on,


Short workout today but I had fun.

Rack Pulls (Below Knee)
All done without straps except where noted.
10 at 135
8 at 185
8 at 225 (with straps)
2 at 315
2 at 325
2 at 335
2 at 375 (PR)
1 missed at 405 (with straps)

Inhaled an ammonia capsule and then blew away any PR I had
3 at 405 PR with straps
Tried to do some more reps but I was exhausted after those 3 reps. For my first time using straps I like it and the back of my legs and lats were exhausted.

Rack Lockouts
I set the pin lower to help a friend so my weight is considerly lower. Felt good pump in my chest and the higher reps wore my triceps and forearms out.
8 at 135
2 at 185
2 at 225
8 at 135
10 at 135

Neutral Grip Cable Rows
10 at 80
8 at 90
8 at 100 (PR)

I then preceded to eat a whole bunch at an awesome southwest tex/mex place. The rack pulls felt really good and I woke up this morning and I knew my quads weren’t going to do anything today.

Probably day off tomorrow but I might do some cardio and some light arm/traps/hip work. We’ll see. I really love my blast straps from Elite Fitness so I might do some high rep pushups.



Good training man, I read your Journal most days.

Thanks for the support Kalle, I appreciate it.

Training Today:
No real stretching or warm up except some upper body stretching and some band work. Nothing notable though. The foam roller wears my tissue out so I’m taking a break.

Legs were on a vacation day today. My upper body felt good so I wanted to test my bench press.

Bench Press
5 at 95
5 at 135
3 at 195
2 at 225
1 Missed at 250 (Missed halfway up)
1 at 245 (PR)
2 at 225
2 at 225
3 at 205
Stick a fork in me.

Tried some light pullthroughs to just get a little blood flowing my posterior chain
2 sets at 15 reps 60, then 70lbs

Cable External Rotations
15, 12 at more pathethic weight

My 3 Board comes in tomorrow so that will be very beneficial to my triceps. Hamstrings and glutes very sore. My bench keeps going up so I’m happy with that. I’ll be testing my deadlift shortly so we’ll see what happens.

I bought a sled that should be here eventually and that will help my lower body conditioning.

New Goal for Bench Press on November 10th, 2007, 250lbs.

Current weight: Ummm…still have a six pack showing so probably just over 200.

Later on,


Foam Rolled and Stretched last nite.
Light stretching before training.

Box Squats 13 inch
5 at 135
3 at 185
3 at 225
2 at 275
3 at 275
1 at 315
2 at 295
5 at 185 (Worked on speed)
5 at 185 (Ditto)

Unilateral Cable Rows
3 x 12 at 35lbs each handle

Facepulls with rope
3 x 15 at 70lbs

Back Extensions
3 x 15 with 25lb plate


I’ve moved up to 2.5 scoops of Surge per workout.

I always say I’m taking two days off but we’ll see. My elite fitness stuff came into today so I’m happy. Can’t wait to see what my triceps will be able to move in a few weeks.



I have a confession.

After my training today I realized I haven’t even begun to experience what max effort means.

I woke up today and I don’t know why but I had it in my head that I was going to pull 405 on the trap bar today. I don’t know why but once I got it in my head I just kept thinking about it.

My max is 350 on Trap Bar but I haven’t done trap bar work in weeks, maybe 3. I got good sleep last night and for some reason I just had to pull 405 today.

I’m going to post my workout and then I’ll explain what I learned.

Foam Rolled and Stretched and Hip Mobility

Trap Bar Deadlift
5 at 135 Just getting in groove
4 at 225 Felt Good
4 at 275 Good
3 at 315 Fast
1 at 405 PR
1 at 405 PR (prettier than first)
3 at 315
12 at 225 (Stupid)
12 at 225 (Stupid)

Military Press
5 at 95
2 at 145
4 at 115
Laid down at gym (My central nervous system said “Fuck You”)
After some Surge and some deep breaths
4 at 115
5? at 115 (I was soaked at this point)
2 at 135
7 at 95
(Have no idea what rep scheme I was doing here but then again I was happy to be standing)

Hammer Curls
3 x 8 at 35’s

Now I’m home relaxing watching the Yankees Indians game and I realize that this was the first time that I have ever truly exhausted my nervous system. My body is fried. That is a 55 pound personal record and I pulled it twice, with only 3 minutes rest.

My first lift would not win any awards with Mr. Cressey or Mr. Roberston but my second lift was considerly better than my first. A neutral spine was maintained pretty well on the second completion so I am happy. My grip has improved leaps and bounds. I held that second attempt for about 3 seconds after lockout.

Military Press was an effort in futility. I am moving to neutral grip dumbbells to open up my shoulders more and maybe aid in hypertrophy.

Here is what I learned and what I want to pass on. When I went to lift that 405 I knew I was in way over my head. I mean I have never lifted that much weight from the floor and as soon as I put the plates on people started to stare and look as I setup. I put everything I had into those two lifts. I pulled with everything.

I wasn’t thinking about anything but standing up with the weight. I weighed myself today and I weigh just 200 at 6’1. I don’t even feel like I look like I lift weights. My palms have so many rough spots on them and they bleed sometimes. I have scars on my shins and right now my lower back is fried.

I am happy though that I put everything I had into the lift. I didn’t leave anything on the table. I wasn’t thinking about hurting my back or tearing my biceps tendon I just laid everything out there and picked up the bar.

So I would just pass on to whoever reads this,


Sorry I hit submit by accident.

I would just pass on to whoever reads this,

Get in over your head sometimes, sometimes lift what you have no business lifting and see what your body can really do. I’m not saying put 1000lbs on a bar and round your back and stuff like that, I’m saying just take your max and add something to it and pick it up or press it or squat it.

Get intense just one time a week, just forget anybody is around you and get yourself into the bar and forget what’s on it. Forget about your six pack, your bodyfat, the anatomy and function of your hip extensors and just pick up the bar. Just try it for a few weeks. Pick up a bar, bench, squat and eat.

And tell the highschool kid in the wifebeater to stop doing concentration curls and have him work in with you.


30 Minute Workout today

No foam, no mobility, just quick workout before some rest.

10 at BW
9 at BW
6 at BW
5 at BW

-Lats did the work today
-Wrists tired

Blast Strap Pushups
8 at BW
8 ditto
8 " "
6 " "

-I love my blast straps, seriously they were like 40 bucks and they are awesome, core, shoulders, abs, chest, took me like 10 minutes.

3 sets of 10 each leg at 30lb DB’s

-Hello Hamstrings! Haven’t heard from you in a while, guess that trap bar deadlift yesterday did work those.

Total body workout, 30 minutes, couldn’t drink my Surge stomach wasn’t feeling great.

Not posting for a couple days. I’ll be back around Tuesday.


2 Days of Rest was just what the doctor ordered.

Foam Rolling and Hip Mobility and Quad Stretching

Rack Pulls (Below Knees)
12 at 135
8 at 185
6 at 225
3 at 315
3 at 315
6 at 315 (with straps)
Missed 380 without straps
4 at 380 with straps
2 at 405 with straps
1 at 425 with straps (PR)
3 at 315 (wanted to see if this got easier but I was tuckered at this point)
8 fast reps at 225

-Straps really put focus on posterior chain and back. On that 425 I really focused on bracing my abs and it helped alot, it was fast and my upper back finally joined the game.

Blast Straps Pushups
12 at BW(207)
10 at BW
8 at BW

-Great reps and really helping my right shoulder and putting some size on my chest.

Reverse Lunges
10 each leg with 30’s
12 each leg with 30’s
8 each leg with 30’s

-I supersetted these with the pushups and my quads were burning.

Neutral Grip Cable Rows
15 at 70
12 at 80

-12 at 80 might be a PR, not sure. Lats felt good though.


Can’t wait for box squats and some 3 board pressin’. Later.


Training Today

Foam, Stretching

13 inch Box Squats
6 at 135
6 at 185
2 at 225
2 at 245
2 at 265
2 at 285
2 at 315
1 at 325
2 at 275
2 at 250

3 Board Press
5 at 135
2 at 225
2 at 225
5 at 185
6 at 185
5 at 185

Hammer Curls
2 x 15 with 30lb DB’s

Later on,


Going to a movie, I’ll post later tonight.



1 at 225
1 at 315
1 at 370 (easy)
Missed at 405 but broke the ground and got it up a few inches so an improvement at least. I could have easily got 390 today but 405 is in sight by November 10th, 2007.

15 Inch Box Step Ups
12 at Bar
12 at 95
8 at 115
8 at 145

One Arm Corner Presses aka Grappler Press
12 with 2 25’s (50lbs)
8 at 3 25’s (75lbs)
8 at 2 25’s and a 10 (60lbs)

One Arm Cable Rows
12 at 35lbs
8 at 42.5lbs
8 at 50lbs
8 at 50lbs




No Foam Just Mobility

Front Squats:
8 at 135
5 at 155
3 at 205(Best Set, Deep and Pain Free)
2 at 225
5 at 160
5 at 160(Should’ve stopped)
3 at 135
5 at 135(Basically 8 at 135 but took a small break)
2 at 185 (Knee felt good because I settled the weight better and pushed more through my heels)
1 at 185(Basically 3 at 185)
8 at 100

Sometimes I just keep going, stupid. My right knee was bothering me so I got pissed and just kept pushing myself.

Chin Ups
5 at BW
3 at BW + 10
4 at BW + 25
4 at BW + 25
3 at BW + 35
1 at BW + 45
8 at BW (Easy)

Floor Press
10 at 95 + Red Mini Bands
6 at 145 + Red Mini Bands
6 at 145 + Ditto
5 at 155 + Ditto

-Quads hurt like a sonuvabitch and my upper body feels huge. I like the mini bands alot and my knee is alright. Ever since I’ve been a little boy I’ve had grinding in that knee but no pain.

Oh big news though I found my first competition, it’s on March 15th, 2008 and it’s Squat, Bench and DL. My goal is to just compete and total over 1,000.

-Need to activate quads more.
-Focus on pushing through sides of feet.
-Less is more and I need to remember that.
-Need to take rest breaks and slow down, I move to fast without allowing my intensity to catch up.


Good training today,

Foam Roll/Stretching

Rack Pulls
12 at 135 with Red Mini Bands
8 at 185 with mini bands
6 at 225 with mini bands
1 at 315 with mini bands (pretty hard)
3 at 315
3 at 315
1 at 405 (PR without straps used mixed grip)
10 at 315 (Rep PR with straps)
10 at 225 with straps

Split Squats
3 x 10 at 95lbs (Exercise to help Vastus Medialis “teardrop” and knee tracking)

Incline DB Bench
6 at 60’s
5 at 80’s (PR)
5 at 80’s

Red Band Push Downs
2 x 15

Red Band Pullaparts
2 x 15

That’s all folks.



Weighted Dips
5 at BW
5 at BW
5 at BW + 10lbs
5 at BW + 25lbs
5 at BW + 35lbs

DB Rows with Straps
8 at 80lbs
6 at 80lbs
8 at 80lbs

DB Curls
8 at 40lb DB’s
10 at 30lb DB’s

Back Extensions
15 at BW + 35lb Bar
12 at BW + 45lb Bar
15 at BW + 45lb Bar
20 at BW


Metabolic Drive Complete is the best tasting protein shake ever.




Box Squats 13"
8 at 135
6 at 185
5 at 225
3 at 245

Full Squats (Below Parallel with Pause)
315 x 1(PR)
315 x 1

Sumo Pulls Mid Shin
225 x 6
315 x 4
315 x 3
365 x 4

3 Board Press
8 at 135
2 at 225
2 at 225
3 at 225
1 at 245(PR)
7 at 185


The 315 on the squats felt great, 325 is right around the corner.

I’m sick with a cold so taking tomorrow off and just going to eat and get plenty of fluids and vitamins.

I really like the sumo pulls and will now add them in more frequently.

Triceps finally starting to work and I found a better grip for my bench press so things are going good.

Bodyweight 207lbs and staying steady.


I figured I would post my diet today just to kinda show what I eat with the type of training I do, I would like to know what some others eat too in the powerlifting community, anyways my diet for today, this changes daily so this will just give you a basic idea, tomorrow could be 500 to 1,000 calories more because it’s my “restaurant” day.

Glass of Green Tea
3 BCAA Pills

3 Omega 3 Enriched Eggs
3 Slices Turkey Bacon
1 Cup Organic Yogurt with Spoonfuls of Wheat Germ
1 Bowl of Oatmeal

1 Can of Spike

2-2.5 Scoops of Surge with Creatine

1 Pound Lean Ground Beef
1 Organic Hamburger Bun
1 Slice of Pepperjack Swiss
Alot of Ketchup
1/2 a Bag of Salt and Pepper Kettle Cooked Potato Chips (Heaven)

Glass of Orange Juice

3 Scoops of Metabolic Complete with 20-22oz. of Milk
4 Flameout Capsules
3 BCAA Pills
1 Cup of Yogurt with Spoonfuls of Wheat Germ
